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<br />.. '" .~ <br /> <br />200706971 <br /> <br />AMENDMENT TO DURABLE, GENERAL AND <br />HEALTH CARE POWER OF ATTORNEY <br /> <br />I , HORACE EDWARD JENSEN, al so known as H. E. JENSEN, al so <br />known as MICKEY JENSEN, of 29 Via Trivoli, Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska 68803, do hereby cancel and revoke the <br />appointment of my spouse, MARJORIE ETHEL JENSEN, also known as <br />MARJORIE E. JENSEN, as my Attorney in Fact and Agent as provided <br />in my Durable, General and Health Care Power of Attorney executed <br />October 27, 2003. <br /> <br />1 . I hereby name and appoint our daughter, CAROL ANNE <br />SCHOOLEY, Social Security Number 511-44-2704, of 2603 August <br />Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801, telephone number (308) 382- <br />0971, as my Attorney in Fact and Agent with all the same powers <br />and authority conferred upon my original Attorney in Fact. <br /> <br />2. In the event that the said CAROL ANNE SCHOOLEY, is <br />unable to serve as Attorney in Fact for any reason whatsoever, <br />either prior to or after her assuming the office as such, then and <br />in such event, I appoint our son, THAD M. JENSEN, Social Security <br />Number 511-54-8205, of 67630 E. Borough Drive, Montrose, Colorado <br />81401, telephone number (970) 249-0465, as Successor Attorney and <br />Fact and Agent in place of the said CAROL ANNE SCHOOLEY, giving <br />and granting unto such Successor all of the same powers and <br />authority conferred upon my primary Attorney in Fact, all as set <br />forth in my above described Durable, General and Health Care Power <br />of Attorney. <br /> <br />3. Except as amended herein, I hereby ratify and confirm <br />all of the terms and provisions of my Durable, General and Health <br />Care Power of Attorney dated October 27, 2003, which instrument is <br />in full force and effect this date and which will continue in <br />effect until cancelled or revoked by me. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have signed this Amendment to Durable, <br />General and Health Care~fower of Attorney at Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, this P day of June, 2007. <br /> <br />