<br />200707117
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<br />cLarge shall he reduG<"\ by the "mount lIec","ary to reduce tbe charge: tf) the p':rrnitlcd limit; and (h) any sm,," already colketed
<br />from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will he tduuded tn Borrower. Lender lTIay choose to make tbis refund by
<br />rcclucing thc prIncipal owed under the Notc or by making a direct payment to Burruwer. If a lcfilllrl rcdnccs prineipal, the
<br />reduction will be lleated a" a parlial prepayment without any prep(lym~.[1t charge (whether or lIot (l prepayment charge is
<br />provided for under the Note). Borrower's lICceptancc of IIny such refund made by direct payment to Borrower will constitute a
<br />waiver of allY right of action Borrower might havc :rrising out of such ov",,'charge.
<br />15. Notkes. Allllutic",. given by Borrower or Lender in conncction with this Sccurity Instrumcnt mUSl be in wriling.
<br />Any no lice to Borrower in connecli.on with lhis Security Tn<trumcnt shall he deemed to have bccn given to Borrower when
<br />mailed by first class mail ur when aCUlalIy delivered to Borrower's notice address if sent by other melillS. Notice to anyone
<br />Borrower .hall cunstitute nolice to all Borrowers un1css Applicllble Law exprc..sly requires otberwise. Ille notice address shall
<br />be the Property Address unless Borrower has designated a substitute noli"." addr<:." by notice to Lcudcr. Borrower shall
<br />promptly notify Lender of Bonuwet' s change of address. if Lender specifies a procedure fur reporting Borrower's change of
<br />address, then Horrowf',r shull only report a change of address through that specified procedure. There may be only one
<br />desip18ted notice addres~ uuder this Security Inslrument at anyone time. Auy notice tn Lend"r shan he given hy oelivcring il
<br />or by mlliling it by first clllSS mail lO Lender's addrc.s .!>Ited h",eia unless Lender has designated another address by notice to
<br />Borrower. Any aotice in connection with this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to have heen given to Lenoer nntil
<br />lICtually received by Lender. If any notice rcquired by this Sccurity InstJ1lment is also required undel' Applicable Law, the
<br />Applicable Law reqnirement will satisfy lhe corrcsponding requirement under this Security Instrument.
<br />16, Governing- Law; Sewrabillty; Rules of Construction. This Secul'ity Instrument shall be governed by redcrallaw
<br />llIld t.ho: law of the jnrisdiction in which the Property is located. All rights and obligations cOnlained ill this Secllrity Instrument
<br />are subject to any rcquircments and Iimitatil"," uf Applicahlt: Law. Al'l'licabh: Law might cxplicitly or 1111plidtly allow lhe
<br />parlies to Rgree by contract or it might b", silent, but such silence shall not be construed as aprohibitiun agaiu.t agrcement hy
<br />Clllltract. III the event that any provision or clause of lhis Security Iustrlllllent or lhe Note conilkts with Applicable Law, such
<br />confl ict shall not affect other provisions of this Seeuri ty InS1111ll1ent or the Note which call hc given effect without the
<br />conflicting provision.
<br />As used in this Seeurity Instrument: (a) words of the masculine gender shall Ulean and include correspondi.llg nent""
<br />words or words of the feminine gcnder; (b) words in the singular shaIl mCall and indude the pltlm\ Rud vie" v"'"l'.~; and (c) the
<br />word "may" give" sole discretion without any obligation to lake any action.
<br />17. Bor['ower's Copy. Burruwer .Inul be givml UHe <:o1'y of the Nut" ,md uf lIu. Sc.curity Instrumcnt.
<br />18. Transfer of the PI"OIlerty or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As uscd in this Seclioll 18, "Intern eSt in the
<br />Property" meanS any legal or beneficial inte""t in the Property, induding, but not limited to, those beneficial inlcrests
<br />transfened in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installmellt sales contract or escrow agre<'tIleut, the intenl of wbkh is the
<br />t.mnsfer uf title by norrower at a future date to a purchaser.
<br />If all or any part of dle Property or any lnterest in the Property is sold or transferred (or if Borrowcr is not a natural P"'T.OIl
<br />md a beneficial int.erest ill Borrower is sold or transferred) witllOut Lcnder's prior WIitten consent, Lender may require
<br />inmlediale payment. in full of all SIIIllS sccured by this Security lnslrument. Howevcr, this optiolI ,hall not bc cx'-Tcised by
<br />Lender if such exercis" is prohibited by Applicable Law.
<br />If Lender excrcises this optiou, Lemler .hall give Borrower nutic" uf acceleration. 1bc notice shali provide a period of not
<br />less than 30 days fn,m 1lH: llak thc nolice is given ill accon\allce with Sediun i5 withiIl which Borrower must pay all SUIllS
<br />secured by this Secnrily fnstrument. If Borrower fails to pay the.~e SUlllS prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may
<br />invoke lillY l'emedics pCITnitt<:d by this S,,<:urity IUMtnllllent witl1llllt fllrll1<..'r Hulice or dcmand on Borrower.
<br />19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleratlon. If Borrower moots eertain conditions, Borrower shall have the
<br />right to have enforccmcnt. of this Sccurily Instnltllent discontinued at any lime prior to the em'liest of: (a) five days before sale
<br />of the PropCl1y pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security iustrument; (b) such other period as Applicable Law
<br />might specify for the tcwUnaliuTI uf Bonuwer'. righl to reinstate; or (c) entry of a judgment enforcing this Secmity Instrument.
<br />Thos", enllditions are that BOITOWer: (a) pays Lender aU sums which then wOllld be dlIe uud"r thi. Sccurity Instrument and the
<br />Note as if no acceleration had occurre.d; (b) Cllres allY defalllt of any other covenants or agreelllent~; (e) pays all expenses
<br />incurrcd in enforciug this Secority Instrnment, includiog, bnt not limited to, .reasonable attorncys' fees, property inspeclion and
<br />valuation fees, and othcr fees incurred for the purpose of protecting Lender's inte.resl in the Prop.my and rights under this
<br />Security J llstrnlHent; and (d) tllkes slIch action as Lender may rCllsonably rcquire to assure dInt tender's interest in the Property
<br />and right. uuder tins Secnrity lnstrmnent, and Borrower's ohligation to pay the sums se<:ure<l by this Security InstmnlCnt, shall
<br />contilllJe nnchanged. Lender lllay require that Borrower pay such rcin~tatelllent SUm. and cxpcnses in one or more of the
<br />following forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (e) cerlified check, bank check, trea-qnrer's dleck or
<br />cashier's check, pruvided auy .uch check is drawu upon an iustitution whose deposits are insured by a fcderlll agency,
<br />
<br />NEBll.A,sRA.-Single rllmi1y--FnIlIIle MIle/Fl'<ddJe Mae UNIFORM INSTRUMENT
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<br />11 ~ I 2698Le {030B}-.'MERS
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<br />(Page 9 of /2 pagll$)
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<br />I"on" 3028 1/01
<br />cnEA TLANO ..
<br />To Order c.~ 1.aoo-S3o-93fl3 u Fo~616.i91-1131
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<br />~7
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