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<br />200707117 <br /> <br />Lemlcl' at it~ ('l,\jou may l'e(]lllrc mUlled1ate llllyment In full or 'III sllm~ ~e.cnred by thi~ SCCUl'Ity IIl6trument without <br /> de.mand "ml may !""oke the power of sale llnr! !In)' other r"medies permuted by AptJllcnble Law. Lender shall <br />be entitled to .:oiled an expelises iuellrred In pllt8Ulllg n.c i'cJ.lI.etllcs jlrovide.) In this ~cction 22, luclndlllg, hut. Ilot <br />limited to, reasonahle attorneys' fees llnd costs of title evidence. <br />If the jlower of sale Is invoked, Trustee shalll'ecord II nutice lOf defmllt in each "onllty in which lIny part uf the <br />Property is located aud shall mall copies of sllcb notice In the manner prescdhcd by Appllcllhle Law to llol'rower und to <br />the other pel'sons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the ti'm: rC'lIDrc.:J. by Applicable l,aw, Trustce shall gh'e public <br />notice IIf ~l"e to the persons and in tho manne, p,escdl",d by Applicable Lmv. Trustee, without demaml On llo,rowc" <br />shall sell the Property lit pubUc auction to tbe highcst hidder at the time and place and under the lums designated in <br />tIle notice of sale in one or more parcels an'lln llny order TruMee determines. Trllstee may p"stpone salc of all or any <br />pm:ce) of the l'roperty by public announcemcnt at thc time and place of any prevlonsly scheduled salc. Lender or its <br />designee may purchllse the Property at any salc. <br />Upon receipt lIr payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver tll the purchaser Trustee's deed couveylng the <br />Property. The recitals In the Trustee's deed shall be prIma facie evidence of the tJ.'uth of thc statements made therciu. <br />Trustee shall apply the proceeds of f.he sllle In the following order: (0) tu alt custs and expenses of exercising the powcr <br />of sale, amI the sale, including l1.e J>lIymcnt of Ihe Trustee's fees adually Incnrrcd alld l'Casonable attorneys' fee.q as <br />l>crmlUed by Appllcahle Law; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (e) any "~CCNS to the person or <br />l",rsons legally entitled to it. <br />23. Reconveyance. Upon paymenl of "II slims secured by this Secudty lnstnlll1enl, Lender shall request Trustee to <br />reconvey the Property ami shall surrender this Security Instrument ami all notes evidencing deht secured by this .secnrity <br />Instrument to Trustee, Trustee shall reconvey the Property without wmnmty to the person or persous legally cntitlcd to it. Such <br />pLT,on or pe.rNu'" ,hall pay any recordation costs, Lender may charge such person or persons a fee fur ,<:<:onveyinl) the <br />Property, hut only if the fee is paid to a third plUty (such as the Trustee) for scrvices rendered and the charging ('f \h" fe,,", is <br />pcnnitlcd nnd"r Applicable Law. <br />24. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may frum time to time remove Tmstee and a['poi nt a sncccssor tnls!ee to <br />any Trustee appointed h...reunder by an instrnment rccorned in the connty in which this Sec.nrity Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property, the successor tmstcc shall succced to all the title, power and duties cOllferr",,] lI}JlJJl <br />Trustee herein and by Applicable Law, <br />25. Request for Nutices. Bonowcr requests that copies of the notice of default and sale be sent to Borrower's addrcss <br />which is the Property Address, <br /> <br />NEDRASKA-Sing\e Pam;!, M..n'reddJ.. M.c UNIFOHM INSTRUMENT <br /> <br />ITtM 1'2098l11 (030",-.MrRS <br /> <br />(Page I J of 12 paN'.') <br /> <br />Form 3028 1/01 <br />GllcA TLAND . <br />To o,.,J" c.n: 1-S0Jl-'30.92lJ3 0 F.,: 616-711-1131 <br /> <br />\l~ <br />\V ~ <br />