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<br />This form is available electronically.
<br />
<br />CCC-297
<br />(08-18-04)
<br />
<br />,__~ommodity Credit Corporation
<br />
<br />
<br />See Page 2 for Privacy Act and Public Burden Statements.
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<br /> Form Approved - OMS No, 0560-0204
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<br />(b) ASHLEY N GEWECKE , of (c) 8584 W US HIGHWAY 30 , County of
<br />
<br />(d) HALL , State of (e) NEBRASKA . (herein caIled Debtors), have
<br />
<br />applied tothe Commodity Credit Corporation (herein called the Secured Party), for a loan and have agreed to give the
<br />Secured Party a security interest in the following-described fixture(s) (f):
<br />
<br />18,814 Bushel 36' Dia.MFS Drying Bin, Centrifical Fan: Necco Model 04CH5203/20 HP/3-phase/48
<br />amp/230 volt/SN 122806JH03 wi Baldor Motor: 20 HP/230 volt/SN F060810020, 8" Unloading Auger
<br />wi 741 gear reduction, 7.5 HP 3-phase Baldor Motor & PulleylSN F0612222220, Ladders, and all
<br />other related accessories.
<br />
<br />which fixture(s) is (are) affixed to the following-described real estate: (Add legal description) (g)
<br />SEl/4 1-10-11, HALL COUNTY
<br />
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the making or insuring of such loan by the Secured Party, the undersigned
<br />parties hereby (I) consent that the Debtors may grant to the Secured Party a security interest in said fixture(s) unl:ler the
<br />Uniform Commercial Code, (2) consent to the instaIlation of said equipment and agree said equipment shaIl be and remain
<br />severed from the real property described above, and (3) agree that upon default of Debtors the Secured Party may (a) take
<br />possession of and remove said fixture(s) without notice to the undersigned parties and without liability to them for any
<br />diminution of value of the real estate caused by the absence of the fixture(s) or by any necessity for replacing the fixture(s),
<br />and (b) enforce its security interest against said fixture(s) as personalty,
<br />
<br />The U.S. Department of AgriCqltlJl'tj (USOA) ptOhibiU; discrimination In a/I Its program snd activities on the bflsPJ of race, color, natl<ma/Origin, tJgtl, d/$Qbilify, and wh8fl!l applicable,
<br /> sex, marital status, f8tnlllal status, parental
<br />status, religion, sexual orientatiOn, genetiC infOnnat;o(l, political beliefS, ffJprls8/, or because aH or part of an individual's income Is Clerive<l frOm any pl.lbHc assistance program.
<br /> (Not all prohlbl18d bases apply to all programs.)
<br />Persons with disabilities who nfquire alternative mEianS tof aommul1lcatlon of program Information ( 8nJIJI6, large print, audiotape, etc.) shoulcl contact USDA '$ TARGET Cel1tef at
<br /> (202) 720-2800 (voice and TOO). To nle a
<br />oomplaint of Oi.orlmlnatlon, ..,;t. to USDA, Oiractor. olflca of Civil Righi.. 1400 Independenco Avenue, Sw., Wa.hlngton, DC 202W.94 fO, or 0'" (800) 795-J272 ('10100) or (202) 72"-'3382
<br /> (TOD)_ USDA I. 8n equal opportunily
<br />provider and employer.
<br />