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<br />pi'. t'. <br /> <br />200706313 <br /> <br />EXB:mlT "A" <br /> <br />A tract of land cOmptiliing a :patt ot the Solitb:"vest Qnartet of the Northwest Quatter (SWl/4NW1/4) <br />of Section Twe~ty Four (24), Townashil1 :E_e'fen (11) North, lUnge Nfue (9) West of the 6th PM., Han <br />CO'QnIy, Nebraska IDOl:Cl particularly described as follows: Wtth reference to the Southwest corner ot <br />said SWl/4NWl/4; thence running on an .ssWDed beating of N 000 00' 00" E ob the West Jibe of slIjd <br />SWl/4NW1/4 (or a distance of 260.00 teet to tbe actual POIN'r OF BEGlNNING; thence S 890 56' 58" <br />E parallel With the line or said NWl/4 for II distance of 528.00 feel? thenc.e N 000 00' 00" E Cor <br />165.00 feetj thence ~ 890 56' 58" W to'!:: 528.00 teet to a point on ~he West line of said SWl/4NWl/4; <br />tbence S 00. 00" 00" E on the West line of said SWl/4NWJ./4 fot a distance of 165.00 feet to the POINT <br />OF BEGlNNING <br />