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<br />, - <br /> <br />200706036 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE 1/.1 <br />NE 1/.1) of Section Nine (9), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the <br />6th P. M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a <br />point on the East line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1;4), said point being Five Hundred <br />Fifteen and Eighty-six Hundredths (515.86) feet North of the Southeast comer of said <br />Northeast Quarter (NE 1/.1); thence Northerly along the East line of said Northeast Quarter <br />(NE 1/.1), a distance of Seven Hundred Twenty-six. and Twenty-four Hundredths (726.24) <br />feet; thence deflecting left 88032'30" and running Westerly a distance of Six Hundred <br />(600.0) feet; thence Southerly parallel to the East line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1;4), <br />a distance of Seven Hundred Twenty-six and Twenty-four Hundredths (726.24) feet; <br />thence deflecting left 88032'30" and running Easterly a distance of Six Hundred (600.0) <br />feet to the place of beginning. <br />