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7/18/2007 7:54:38 AM
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7/18/2007 7:54:27 AM
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<br />200706035 <br /> <br />That if the property, or any part thereof, be condemned under any power of eminent domain, or acquired for public use, thc <br />damages, proceeds, and the consideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the full amount of indebtedness upon this <br />Trust Deed and the Deed of Trust Note secured hereby remaining unpaid are hereby assigned by Trustor to the holder of <br />said Deed of Trust Note and Trust Deed and shall be paid forthwith to said holder to be applied by it firstly to the payment <br />of any expenses said holder may incur in the condemnation proceeding, and secondly on the indebtedness secured hereby in <br />such manner as it elects, or the amount so received or any part thcrcofmay be released by the said Beneficiary. <br /> <br />Beneficiary may within three months after the sale of the property under this Trust Deed, sue Trustor in an action for <br />recovery of any balance due, including interest from the date of sale, the costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, <br />and of the sale, upon this obligation which was not retired and paid by the proceeds of the sale ofthe same- <br /> <br />Any partial release or subordination agreement shall only be executed by the Trustee on the written direction of Beneficiary, <br />evidenced by his joinder in such instrument. <br /> <br />Upon written notice from the Beneficiary that tlle debt secured hereby has been paid in full, evidenced by joinder of the <br />Beneficiary in the full release document, Trustee shall reconvey, without warranty, the estate in the property then held by <br />the Trustee. <br /> <br />Whenever the word he, his or hin1 is used herein, such word shall also mean and include the words she, they, it, hers, theirs <br />or them, and the singular shall likewise mean and include the plural, and the words heirs shall also mean personal <br />representatives and successors in interest by whatevcr right, as the context indicates. <br /> <br />Whereof, the Trustor has signed this agreement effective the date of the acknowledgment hereafter. <br /> <br />We hereby acknowledge receipt ofa copy of this instrument. <br /> <br />In Witness Whereof, Tom Baxter as President and Greg Baxter as Secretary of Big B, Inc. have executed this <br />instrument this 16th day ofJiIly, 2007. <br /> <br />In Witness Whereof, Greg Baxter as President and Tom Baxter as Secretary of Little B's Corp have executed this <br />instrument this 16th day of July, 2007. <br /> <br />In Witness Whereof, Tom Baxter as President and Greg Baxter as Secretary of T & E Cattle Company have <br />executed this instrument this 16th day of July, 2007. <br /> <br />It Witness Whereof, Thomas S. Baxter and Elizabeth L. Baxter have executed this instrument this 16th day of July, <br />2007. <br /> <br />6 <br />
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