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<br />200705840 <br /> <br />(C) II Lender II is WELLS PARGa 1U\N.K, N.A. <br /> <br />Lender is a NATIONAL ASSOCIATION <br />organized and existing under lhe laws of 'l'llE UNJ:TE:TJ STATES <br />Lender's address is P.O. sox 11701, NEWARX, NJ 071014'701 <br /> <br />Lendt!r is the beneficiary unCler this Security Instrument. <br />(D) "Trustee" is WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL NATL BNK <br />C/O SPBC. SERV., PO BOX 31557, BILLINGS, MT 59107 <br />(E) "Note" means the promissory note signtld by Borrower and dattld.:nn,y 09, 2007 <br />The Note states that :Borrower owes :Lender 01l1E H1'JHDRED THIRTY THOUSAND FIVE HO'NDRED <br />~ OO/J.OO Dollars <br />(U .S. $ un 130, 500.00 ) plus interest. Borrower has promised to pay this lieN in regular Periodic <br />Payments and to pay the debt in t'u.ll not later than AUGUST 01, 2037 <br />(F) "Property!' means the property that is described below \m4<rr tl1e heading "Transfer of Rights in tht! <br />Property. .t <br />(G) "Loan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest. any prepayment charges and late charges <br />due undl,':r !he Note, and all sumS dUe U1'iller this &">curity lnsmunent, plus interest. <br />(8) "Riders" means all Riders to this Security wstnunent that are executed by BOITow~r. The following <br />Riders are to be executed by Borrower (check box as applicable]: <br /> <br />o AdjuStable Rate Rider D Condominium Rider D Second Home Rider <br />o flaIloon Rider 0 Planned Unit ,Development Rider 0 1.4 Family Rider <br />D V A Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider 0 Other(s) [specify] <br /> <br />(I) "Applicable taw" means all controlling applicable federal. state and local statutes, regulations, <br />ordinances and administrative rules and orders (that have the effect of law) as wen as all applicable I'inaI. <br />non-appealable judicial opinions. <br />(J) "Community As9ociation Dues, .~ef$. and Assessments" means all dues. fees. assessments and other <br />charges dlat are imposed on Borrower or the Propetty by a condominium association. homeowners <br />association or similar organization. <br />(K) "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by <br />check, draft, or similar paper iostnunent. which is initiawd thtough an electronic tenninal, telephonic <br />instrument. computer, or magnetic tape so as to order. instruct, or authorii'A a financial institution to debit <br />or credit an account. Such tenn includes. but is not limited to. point-of-sale transfers. automated teller <br />machine transactions, transfers initiated by telephone. wire transfers. il.nd automated clearinghouse <br />transfers. <br />(L) !'Escrow Items" means those items that are describt!d ill Section 3. <br />(M) IlMisceIlancous Proceed~" means lIllY compensat~on, settlement. award of damages. (lr proceeds paid <br />by any third. patty (other than insurance proceeds paid und.(.'f !:he coverages described in Section 5) for: (i) <br />damage to, or destruction of. the Property: (ii) condemnation or othl.:1T taking of all or any part of the <br />Propeny; (Hi) conveyance in lieu of condemnation; or (iv) misrepresentations of, or o-.nissions as to, the <br />value and/or condition of the Property. <br />(N) "Mortgage Insurance" means insurance proteCting Lender against the nonpayment of. or default on, <br />the Loan. <br /> <br />.. -BINE) laoo~1 <br />lil <br /> <br />P~Ba 2 af 1Ei <br /> <br />."..0--)~ <br /> <br />~ \ Form 30213 1/01 <br />