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<br />-----" <br />.....- . <br /> <br />200705777 <br /> <br />Thi~ Security InstnuDent seC::Ufe$ to Lender: (a) the repayment of the debt eVidenced by the Note, with Intel'est, and <br />aU rell\lwals. Ilxtensions and modifications of'the Note; (b) the paymeut of all other sums, with interest, advanced <br />under paragraph 7 to p.-otect the security of this Sucurity Instrument.; and (c) the pe.-formance of Bo....owe..'s <br />covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument alld thll Note. For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants <br />and conveys to the Trustee. in trust, with power of sale, the following described properly located <br />in HALL County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />fjrJ4r:lH1.rf:rl4-f#L/r!F#f+flp~PNcHrN>M #~I~lf I /:1 "'Tr#/it4 o/lrH4r/J }'M>#P/r#4r/#~/ <br /> <br />Lot Eight (8), Block One (1), Meves First Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />Parcel ID Nwnber; PARCB. NO.; 400062062 <br />which has the address of <br />GRAND ISLAND <br /> <br />627 MEWES AVENUE <br />ICllyl, Nebraska 68601 <br /> <br />[SI...,etJ <br />[ZIp Code} ("Property Address"); <br /> <br />TOGETHER WlTH all the improvements now or hereafter emcted on the property, and aU easements, <br />appurtenances and fixtures noW or hereafter a part of the propertY. All replacements and additions shall also be <br />covered by this Security Instnlment. All of the foregoing ts referrecf to In this Security Instrwnent as the "Property." <br />BOlTOwer understahds and agrees that MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted by Borrower In this <br />Security Instnunent; but, if necessary to comply with law or custom, MERS, (as nominee fo.- Lender and Lender's <br />successors and assigns), has the right: tQ exercise any or all of those interests, including, but not limited to. the right <br />t.o foreclose and sell the Prope..ty; and to take ;lilY action required of Lende.. induding, but not limIted to. releasing or <br />canceling this Security Instnunent, . <br />BORROWER COVENANTS that BOITOWllr Is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed IInd has the right to <br />grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encwnbrances of record. Borrower <br />WalTlUIts and will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any <br />encumbrances of record. <br />THIS SgCURlTY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for Ilalional use and non-unJform covenants <br />With limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a unlfonn security instrument covering real property. <br />Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. <br />1. Pl>ym.....t of Prinoipal, Interest and Late Charge. Borrower shall pay when due the principal of. and <br />Interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and late charges due under the Note. <br />2. Monthly Pa:)'JIlent of Tl'xes. Insurllnce and Other Charges. Borrower shall include in each monthly <br />payment, together with the principal and Illterest as set forth in the Note and any late charges. a sum for (a) taxes and <br />special assessments leVied Q.- to be levied against the Property, (b) leasehold palments 0.- ground rents on (he <br />Property. and (c) premiums for illSW"ance required under paragraph 4. In any year III which the Lender must pay a <br />mortgage insurance premiUJn to the Secretary Qf and -VI'ban Development ("SecretaIy"), or in any year in <br />which such premium would have been required if Lellder still held the Security Instrument, each monthly payment <br />shall also include either; (i) n sum fOT the annual mortgage Insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary, <br />or (ll) a monthly charge illStead of a mortgage 1nsurance premium If this Security Instrument is held by the Secretary. <br />in a reasonable llnIount to be determineu by the secreta:re' Except for the monthly charge by the Secretary, these <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~~~~ ~~~.~, "&cr~ ".=" ..d ili.~, ~d ID ~~ .~~. ~l.d "&.mw F=d,." .-1 <br />