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<br />. . <br /> <br />200705730 <br /> <br />EXHmITA <br /> <br />Part of the East One Half of the Southeast Quarter (El/2SEl /4) of Section Twenty (20), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West (lfthe 6th P.M" Hall County. Nebraska, more particularly <br />desLTibcd as follows: Commencing at a point on the Southcrly line of Del Monte Avenue, which <br />puint is Three Hundred Fifty Two (352) feet soutbwesterly from Lot One (l),Block Five (5), Del Air <br />Additiun to the Cif)' of Gr(lnd Island, Nebraska; thence n1nning Southeasterly along and upon a line <br />parallel Witl1lhe Southwesterly Lot line of said Lot One (1) and Three Hundred Fifty Two (352) <br />Feet distant therefrom, for a distance of One Hundrf'cJ T\N(~n[y Six (126) Feet; thence running <br />Southwest.erly on a lint' parallel with the Somherly line of Del Monte A vel1ue for a distance of <br />Seventy (70) feet; thence running Northwesterly on a line parallel 'vvith the Southwesterly Lot line of <br />said Lot One (1), Block Five (5), Bel AlfAdcJition and Four Hundred Twenty Two (422) Feet <br />distant therefrom, for a distance ofOnc Hundred Twenty Six (126) Feet to the Southerly line of Del <br />Monte Avenue; thence running Northl'asterly on and upon the Southerly liue o[De1 Monte Avenue <br />for il distance of Seventy (70) Feet to Lhe point of beginning, <br />