<br />200705702
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<br />4. Fire, Flood and Other Hazard Insurance. Borrower shall insure all improvements on the Property, whether now
<br />in existence or subsequently erected, against any hazards, casualties, and contingencies, including fire, for which Lender
<br />requires insurmlce. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. Borrower shall
<br />also insure all improvements on the Property, whether now in existence or subsequently erected, against loss by floods to the
<br />extent required by the Secretary. All insurmlee shall be carried with companies approved by Lender. The insurance policies and
<br />any renewals shall be held by Lender and shall include loss payable clauses in favor of, and in a fonn acceptable to, Lender.
<br />In ilie event of loss, Borrower shall give Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender may make proof of loss if not made
<br />promptly by Borrower. Each insurance company concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss
<br />directly to Lender, instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointly. All or any part of the insurance proceeds may be applied by
<br />Lender, at its option, either (a) to the reduction of the indebtedness under ilie Note and this Security Instrument, first to any
<br />delinquent amounts applied in the order in paragraph 3, and then to prepayment of principal, or (b) to the restoration or repair
<br />of the damaged Property. Any application of the proceeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the
<br />monthly payments which are referred to in paragraph 2, or change the amount of such payments. Any excess insurance
<br />proceeds over an amount required to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note and iliis Security Instrument shall be paid
<br />to the entity legally entitled thereto.
<br />In the event of foreclosure of iliis Security Instrument or other trmlsfer of title to the Property that extinguishe.~ the
<br />indebtedness, all right, title mld interest of Borrower in and to insurmlCe policies in force shall pass to the purchaser.
<br />5. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Application;
<br />Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after
<br />the execution of this Security Instrument (or within sixty days of a later sale or transfer of the Property) and shall continue to
<br />occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender
<br />determines that requirement will cause undue hardship for Borrower, or unless extenuating cireumstance.~ exist which are
<br />beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall notify Lender of any extenuating circumstances. Borrower shall not commit waste
<br />or destroy, dmnage or substmltially change the Property or allow the Property to deteriorate, reasonable wear and tear excepted.
<br />Lender may inspect the Property if the Property is vacmlt or abandoned or the loan is in default. Lender may take reasonable
<br />action to protect and preserve such vacant or abandoned Property. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the
<br />loan application proce.~s, gave materially false or inaccurate infornlation or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender
<br />with any material infonnation) in connection wiili the loan evidenced by the Note, induding, but not limited to, representations
<br />concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security lnstmment is on a leasehold,
<br />Borrower shall comply with the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and fee title
<br />shall not be merged unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />6. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or otller taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in place of condemnation, are hereby assigned and
<br />shall be paid to Lender to tlle extent of the full amount of the indebtedne.~s that remains unpaid under the Note and this Security
<br />Instrument. Lender shall apply such proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instnnllent,
<br />first to any delinquent mnounts applied in the order provided in paragraph 3, mId ilien to prepayment of principal. Any
<br />application of the proceeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments, which are
<br />referred to in paragraph 2, or change the mnount of such payments. Any excess proceeds over ml amount required to pay all
<br />outstanding indebtedness under tlle Note and this Security Instrument shall be paid to ilie entity legally entitled thereto.
<br />7. Charges to Borrower and Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property. Borrower shall pay all govemmental or
<br />municipal eharge.~, fine.~ and impositions that are not included in paragraph 2. Borrower shall pay these obligations on time
<br />directly to the entity which is owed the payment. If failure to pay would adversely affect Lender's interest in the Property, upon
<br />Lender's request Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing these payments.
<br />If Borrower fails to make these payments or thc payments required by paragraph 2, or fails to perform mlY other
<br />covenants mld agreements contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding iliat may significantly affect
<br />Lender's rights in the Property (such as a proceeding in bmlkruptcy, for condemnation or to enforce laws or rcgulations), then
<br />Lender may do mld pay whatever is neccssary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in ilic Property, including
<br />payment of taxes, hazard insurance and other items mentioned in paragraph 2.
<br />Any amount~ disbursed by Lender under this paragraph shall become an additional debt of Borrower and be secmed by
<br />this Security Instrument. l1lese amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate, and at the option of
<br />Lender shall be immediately due and payable.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instmment unless Borrower: (a) agrees
<br />in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a mmmer acceptable to Lender; (b) eonte.~t~ in good faith the
<br />lien by, or defends against enforcement of ilie lien in, legal proceedings which in tlle Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
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<br />ITEM T2696L3 (0308)---MERS
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<br />( Page J <d' 7 pages)
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<br />To Order Call; 1-800-530-93930 Fax: 616-79H131
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