<br />J} .~
<br />
<br />200705653
<br />
<br />A tract of land comprising parts of Lots Two (1)"Three (3) and F.(lolujrB(i"4)'hISland,
<br />. I d th eto' part oifthe Lot Eleven.. rc
<br />together with the accretIOn an er , Qu (NE 'l: SW
<br />Subdivision' and all of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest arter t"
<br />%) all ofth~ above being situated in part of the North Half of the Sou;;~W
<br />Q,; (N ~ SW %). pari of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter ~
<br />1 arter ,: if the "West Half 0 fthe Northeast Quarter (W % NE %), all in
<br />%); ~ndTwPar oty S (.17'1 1iownshirp eleven (1 I) North. Range Nine (9) West of
<br />SectIOn en even ,t, .. 'b d Ii. II s'
<br />the {/h P.M,J1'!lfal/ County, l{f!!!!.a~fs.a,rnore partIcularly descn__~_..~ 0 ow .
<br />Beginning at a point on the east line of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W
<br />% NE %), said point being Three Hundred Twenty One and Twenty Five
<br />Hundredths (321.25) feet south of the northeast corner of said West Half of the
<br />Northeast Quarter (W % NE %); thence southerly along said east line of the West
<br />Half of the Northeast Quarter (W % NE ~), a distance of Two Thousand Five
<br />Hundred Forty and Seventy Two Hundredths (2,540.72) feet, to the southeast
<br />corner of said West Halfofthe Northeast Quarter (W % NE %); thence westerly
<br />along the south line of said West Halfofthe Northeast Quarter (W % NE%), a
<br />distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Twelve and Eighty Two Hundredths
<br />(1,312.82) feet, to the center of said Sect~on Twenty Seven (27); thence southerly
<br />along the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE. % SW
<br />~), a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Two and Forty Two
<br />Hundredths (1,322.42) feet, to the southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of.
<br />the Southwest Quarter (NE % SW %); thence westerly along the south line of the
<br />North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N % SW %), a distance of One Thousand
<br />Nine Hundred Forty Four and Eighty Three Hundredths (1,944.83) feet, to a
<br />point Six Hundred Sixty (660.0) feet east of the southwest corner of said North
<br />Haifofthe Southwest Quarter (N Y, SW %); thence deflecting right 8lr40' 40"
<br />and running northerly, a distance of Six Hundred Sixty Onf! (661.0) feet; thence
<br />deflecting left 88"49' 30" and running westerly, a distance of Two Hundred
<br />Twenty Seven and Four Tenths (227.4) feet; thence running northerly alonga line
<br />Four Hundred Thirty Three (433. 0) feet east of and par allel to the west line of
<br />said Section Twenty Seven (27), a distance of Six Hundred Fifty Three and Fifteen
<br />Hundredths (653.15)feet, to a point on the north line of said Southwest Quarter
<br />(SW %); thence easterly along said north line of the Southwest Quarter (SW %), a ,
<br />distance of Eight Hundred Seventy Three and Fifty Two Hundredt~s (873.5?! feet,
<br />tei "lFiesoutheasfdifner of Lot Thirty Four (34), Matthews Subdivision; ihence
<br />northerly along the east line of said Lot Thirty Four (34), a distance of Six
<br />Hundred Twenty Six and Three Hundredths (626.03) feet; thence deflecting right
<br />76'06' 20" and running northeasterly, a distance of Eight and Five Tenths (8.5)
<br />feet; thence deflecting right 0Jf'21' and runningnortheaster/y, a distance of One
<br />Hundred FortY Two and Nine Tenths (142.9) feet; thence deflecting left 4431 '
<br />and running northeasterly a distance, of Three Hundred Seventy Eight and Eighty
<br />Three Hundredths (378.83)feet; thence deflecting right 31'34' and running
<br />northeasterly,.a distance of Two Hundred Eighteen and Eighty Five Hundredths
<br />(218.85) feet, to a point on a westerly line of Lot Eleven (11), Birch Subdivision;
<br />thence southerly along said westerly line of Lot Eleven (11), a distance of Twenty
<br />Four and Twenty Six Hundredths (24.26) jeet, to a.point One Hundred Sixty Five
<br />(165.0) feet north of a southwesterly corner of said Lot 'Eleven (I I); thence
<br />running northeasterly parallel to the southeasterly line of said Lot Eleven (11), a
<br />distance of Eight Hundred Thirty Eight and Sixty Three Hundredths (838:63) feet,
<br />to the east1ine of said Lot Eleven (II), also being the westerly line of said
<br />Northeast Quarter (NE %),. thence northerly along said westerly line of the
<br />Northeast Quarter (NE %), a distance of Thirty and Thirty Four Hundredths
<br />(30.34) jeet, to a point on the centerline of the North Channel of the Platte River,
<br />said point being One Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Five and Sixteen
<br />Hundredths (1,365.16) feet south of the northwest corner of said /Vortheast
<br />Quarter (NE %); thence deflecting right 53"30' 40" and running northeasterly
<br />along said centerline, a distance of Two Hundred Forty Six (246.0) feet; thence
<br />deflecting left 11'26' 40" and running northeasterly along said centerline a
<br />distance of Eight Hundred Ninety Nine and Seventy NineHundredths (899.79)
<br />fiet; thence deflecting right 3ff16' 20" and running northeasterly along said
<br />centerline, a distance of Seventy Two and Eighty Five Hundred/hs (72.85) jeet;
<br />thence deflecting right 1 !l'35' 50" and running northeasterly along said
<br />centerline, a distance of One Hundred Sixty Six and Twenty Four Hundredths
<br />(166.24) feet; thence deflecting left 2110' 20" and running northeasterly along
<br />said centerline, a distance of Two Hundred Fifty One and Eighty Four
<br />Hundredths (251.84) jeet; thence deflecting left 4103' 40" and running
<br />northeasterly along said centerline a distance of One Hundred Sixteen and
<br />Thirteen Hundredths (1/6.13) feet, to the POINT OF BEGINN1NG.
<br />
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W %
<br />SE %) of Section 27, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the {/h PM, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, said tract being more particularly described as follows.
<br />Beginning with reference to the Northwest corner of said W Y, SE %; thence
<br />running S 0(f57' 18" E on the West line of said W % SE % for a distance of
<br />788.94 feet to the actual POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing S 0(/57'
<br />18" E on the West line of said W % SE %for 279. 98jeet; thence N 56"'50' 07" E
<br />for 568.42feet; thence N 81'45' OJ" Efor 772. 78jeet; thence NOr03' 33" Wfor
<br />471.71 feet; thence N 81'46' 37" Wfor 489.11 feet; thence S 0(/47' 08" Efor
<br />129.00feet; thenceS6r47']7" Wfor 858. 61 feet to the POlNTOF
<br />