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200705479 <br />CORPORATE RESOLUTION <br />CORPORATI; RELOCATION SERVICES <br />I, ?ean itl. Marotta, Vice Fres: dent and Assistant Secretary of CORPORATE <br />RELOCATION SERVICES, a Virginia corporation specializing in the sale, management <br />and disposition of residential real property inciclent to the relocation of employees by <br />client corporations (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation "), do hereby cep -tifti- that <br />the following resolutions were duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation, <br />by Unanimous Written Consent 111 accordance with the provisions of the Certificate of <br />Incorporation, By -Laws, and other rules arld regulations of the Corporation. <br />RESOLVED; that each of the persons set forth on Exhibit.A attached hereto, be, <br />and hereby is, designated a Closing Agent for the Corporation; and <br />FURTHER RESOLVED, that each Closing Agent be, and hereby is, authorized <br />and enlpoxvered, on behalf of the Corporation, to execute and deliver deeds, closing <br />statements and other documents necessary (including, but not limited to, Affidavits of <br />Title and Franchise Tar Indemnity Agreements) to settle and close the purchase, sale, or <br />lease of residential real estate owned by the Corporation, and to take such other and <br />further action as may be necessary to accomplish such settlement of closing; and <br />FURTHER RESOLVED, that each Closing Agent be, and hereby is, authorized <br />and empowered, on behalf of the Corporation, to execute Agreements of Sale of <br />residential real estate oxvned by the Corporation, and to execute lien documents including <br />mortgages and Deeds of Trust. <br />I hereby certify that the forgoing resolutions remain in full force and effect and <br />have not been re%'oked. <br />Witness hand and the seal of the Corporation this 3 Achy of <br />2005. PQ <br />Jean IM. Marotta <br />Tice President and Assistant Secretary <br />� 15Erai.) <br />