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<br />2007/JUN/20/WED 05:29 PM GI ABSTRACT, ESCROW <br /> <br />FAX No. 308 382 7782 <br /> <br />P. 003 <br /> <br />200705452 <br /> <br />3) That the Government may, at its option, cure any monetary default by paying the amount of the Mortgagor's <br />delinquent payments to the Mongagee, or pay the obligation in full and the Mortgagee will assign the lien to the <br />Govenunent; <br /> <br />4) That to the extent the Security Instrument secures future advances which have priority over the Government's <br />security instrument:, no advances for purposes other than taxes, insurance or payments on other prior liens will be made <br />under any future advance feature of the Mortgagee's Security Instnunent without the written consent of the Govern- <br />ment; <br /> <br />5) That should the Mortgagee pursue foreclosure by advertisement (non-judicial foreclosure) of tho Security <br />Instrument, the Mortgagee will give the Government not less than ~ days prior written notice by Certified Mail <br />at the address(es) set out above of the date, time, alld place of tho foreclosure sale; <br /> <br />6) That the ClosjngAgentlAttomey will record this Agreement and legal description with the Security Instrument in <br />the appropriate Real Estate Mortgage Records; <br /> <br />(Tbe following items do not apply to Single FamUy Housing) <br /> <br />7) That should the Govemment commence liquidation proceedings and thereafter acquire the real estate covered by the <br />Security Instrument:, the Mortgagee will not declare the Security Instrument to be in non~monetary defaUlt; <br /> <br />8) That this Agreement includes consent to the GO\lerwnent for making (or tl'ansferring) future 108ns and taking (or <br />retaining) a related mortgage notwithstanding any provision of the Mortgage which prohibits a loan 01' mortgage (or <br />transfer) without Mortgagee's consent; and <br /> <br />9) That should che Government obtain title to the property either by foreclosure or 'Voluntal)' conveyance, Mortgagee <br />will grant consent so the Government may transfer the property subject to the prior lien notwithstanding any prohibition <br />in the Mortgagee's SeCl.u'jty Instrument to the contrary. <br /> <br />Page 2 of3 <br /> <br />'\ <br />