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<br />__4__0070 5 173 <br /> <br />="""'~--"'"'''-'ESC:iiPD'C''''''''O;'=~'''-'=-''~'''"'''''''''''-''' <br />_ ,J.EGA.L D ON: <br />- ., <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Commencing at a point on the Southerly line of Division Street which is 132 feet Westerly from the North East comer of Lot One (I) in Block One Hundred Twenty-Four <br />(124), in Koenig and Wiebe's Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, thence Southerly on a linepaI1lnel with, and 66 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of said <br />Lot One (I), in block One Hundred Twenty-Four (124) in Koenig & Wiebe's Addition to Grand Island, Han County, Nebraska for a distance of 132 feet to the Southeasterly <br />comer of Lot Three (3) in block One Hundred Twenty-Four (124) in said Koenig & Wiebe's Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; thence Westerly on a line <br />pamlle1 with the Southerly line of Division Street for a distance of 66 feet; thence Northerly on a line parallel with and 132 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of said Lot <br />One (I), Block One Hundred Twenty-Four (124) in Koenig & Wiebe's Addition to Grand Island, Han County, Nebraska for a distance of 132 feet of the said Southerly line <br />of Division Stm:t, and thence along said Southerly line of Division Stree, for a distance of 66 feet to the place of beginning. Said above described premises being all of <br />Fractional Lot Three (3), Block One Hundred Twenty-Four (124) in Koenig & Wiebe's Addition to Grand lsalnd, Hall County, Neblllska and part of Lot Sixteen (16) of the <br />County Subdvision of Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of the Soutbwest Quarter (SW1I4) of Section Sixteen (16), in Township Eleven (11) North of Range Nine (9) West of the <br />6th P.M. and forming a rectangular tract ofland have 66 feet front on Division Street by 132 feet in depth. <br />