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<br />m <br /> <br />REALTOR@ <br /> <br />THIS IS A LEGALLY biNDING AGREEMENT. IF NOT UNDERSTOOD, SEEK LEGAL ADVICE <br />The REAL TOR@ negotiating this agreement is a member of the Nebraska REAL TORS<Il Association <br />and as such is governed by its Code of Ethics and Rules and Regulations. <br />COMMERCIAL <br /> <br />PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br /> <br />G:r <br /> <br />EOuAL HOUSING <br />OPPOMTUNITV <br /> <br />200705092. <br /> <br />I_~~ . ,;' A ,-j <br />(firm and addr(!s.. ;0 L. ~// /' <br />The undersigned. as Buyer. a~e~ urchascrlie fOI~!Jl " ro c y on the following terms: <br />Address: '" ~ '5 Tbt.L:; I <br />Legal &riPtlO!l: _ ,'I ~. <br /> <br />in~l~ding ;Irjti~ t.n;Leq~IPme~t peLu - ntl~.J. ac~d t~ Pro~~~ <br />pe'1rl property m<:;lu~as follows. 1.-1 &If J 1-1 ~ r", r<:-c:: <br />'?(;In-J.}IDJVj. 'FA -' . <br />Buyer shall be furnished a current title insurance com1i <br />insurance issued Illr this sale shall be paid as follows: . '2. Buyer agrees that should a valid title defect exist, Seller has a <br />rellsonuble time to correct said defecl not to exceed 3 days from the date of the title commitment. If the title defects are not cured within such time <br />period. Buyer may declare this agreement null and void. and the earnest money shall bereflmded. Seller agrees convey to [!llyer by warranty deed <br />or "J3f1.Wj.)/~ _ Iree and clear of all liens and encumbrances except ,;.. and subject to all casements <br />and restrictions or covenants now of record. Special assessments fllr items such us paving, curbing, sidewalk or utilities previously constructed. <br />now under construction, or ordered to be constructed by public authority, levied, assessed or not yet assessed as or the date of this agreement shall be <br />[ 'XI paid by Seller [_1 assumed by Buyer. The documentary stamp tax shall be paid by Seller. <br />~onal Property. [~llf checked, the purchase price includes all furniture and furnishings and any other personal property owned by Seller <br />Hnd used in the operation orthe property per attached signed inventory, receipt orwhieh is hereby acknowledged. The inventory is hcreby made <br />an integral part of this agreement upon its execution by both parties. Said personal property is to be llansferred by Bill ?f Sale' n tavor of B~er <br />at d~sing~ _ . . . . ttccep~~1--r' <br />Price. Buyer agrees to pay $ / Of.> bm. to, on the followmg terms: an earnest money depOSit 01 $ / cc;() at tillS tlllle as shown <br />by the receipt herein. If paid by checl!, it will be cashed. The earnest money will be transferred to the listing broker on acceptance, if the selling <br />broker is other than the listing broker. All monies shall be deposited in a trust account, to be held until the time of closing or until translerred to an <br />escrow agent by a(!reement of Buyer and Seller; balance to be paid as shown in the following Paragraph(s) # ,'!J <br /># I All Cash: Balance shall be paid in cash, or by certified or cashier's check at time of delivery of deed, no financing being required, <br />#2 ConditioD:111Jpon Loan: Balance of $ / &i./j ol!JO shall be paid in cash, or certilied or cashier's check at time of delivery uf deed, <br />eontingentupon Buyer's ability to obtain a loan, to be secured by first mortgage or deed of trust, on above described Property in the amount of <br />$-'-0"4; et?9 on the following term~~1 interest not exceeding ~ % per annum; amortized over not less than <br />/~ years; points not to exceed . Loan origination or service fees shall be paid by Buyer. Buyer agrees to make <br />application lor the loan within 5/?:-I),;JJ days of acceptance of this offer, sign ull papers, pay all costs, except as provided herein, and to establish <br />escrow reserves tilr taxes and insurance if required by Lender. If processing of the application has not been completed by the lending <br />agency by the closing date stated elsewhere in this Agreement, such time limit shall be automatically extended until the lending ag ncy I as, <br />in the normal cm:ne of its business, advised either approval or rejection. Seller may cancel this agreement any time aller <br />unless Buyer shall have previously provided to Seller a copy of Buyer's written, non-contingent loan approval from a regulate lend r. <br />#3 Other Provisions <br /> <br />~7~.e- <br /> <br />20 0 "'/ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />#4 Addendum: The attached addenda shall be made a part of the Purchase Agreement. (List Addenda) <br />(Seller ----..!~(nuyer _/_) <br />J{eall~state Taxes/Prorations: Seller shall pay all taxes to and including .260(:7 . Taxes fbr the calendar year ~(Y.> 1 , together <br />with interest, rents, prepaid services, and other expenses of the property, ifany, shall be prorated to the date of possession/closing. 'Ifaxes shall be <br />prorated on the basis of the county assessor's valuation at the date of closing and the most recently eertitied mill levy. <br />Compliance with Law: Seller shall comply with any federal, state or local law applicable to the sale or transler of the property, including but not <br />limited to installing smoke detectors or providing inspections. <br />Maintenance/Repairs/Replacements. Cost to Seller: Seller agrees to maintain the property in its condition on the date hereof until initial delivery <br />of possession which maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, the building, the heating, air conditioning, water heater, sewer, plumbing, <br />electrical system, any appliances and the lawn. <br />Insects: 1~llf checked, Buyer requests a termite and wood destroying insect inspection of the property and all buildings thereon at Buyer's <br />expense. Should evidence of termites or wood destroying insects be found, the property shall he treated at Seller's expense. Buyer agrees to <br />accept the treated property. If visible evidence of previously treated infestation, which is now inactive, is found, treatment shall not be <br />rcquired. Should damage from such insects be tound, the damage shall be corrected at Seller's expense. However, if the cost required <br />for repairs exceeds I % of the purchase price, either Seller or Buyer may rescind this agreement. <br />Liability Limit: Except for the costs required by the preceding three paragraphs, Seller's totalliahility for any costs for maintenance, <br />repairs or replacements required by terms of this agreement or by Buyer's lender, shall not exceed $ . Should maintenance, repairs <br />or replacement exceed the stated amount Seller may elect to pay the cost in excess of such amount. If Seller does not, Buyer may clectto <br />take the Property without the repairs or maintenance and such amount (the full limit) shall be a credit to the purchase price. Otherwise, <br />either party may rescind this agreement. <br />Inspections: Unless otherwise provided specifically in this agreement, Buyer, or any designee, at Buyer's expense (or as otl wise agreed), <br />shall have the right to any inspections desired of the ~tate and personal property to be sold hereunder on or before <br />which is the inspection deadline. Buyer shall have calendar days after the inspection deadline to give notice t the Seller of any <br />unsatisfactory COMmons of the property (the "rescissi n deadline". If the Buyer fails to notify the Seller of an unsatisfactory condition Buyer agrees <br />to accept the prope y. in its condition on the inspection deadline. If such a notice is received by the Seller as set forth above, this agreement shall <br />terminate on , the settlement deadline, unless Seller and Buyer have agreed to a settlement in writing or Buyer <br />has waived such ndition in writing. <br />Access to Property: Seller shall provide reasonable access to Buyer, his inspectors or agents to timely fulfill this agreement and to <br />representatives of Buyer's Lender to accommodate financing. <br />Condition of Property: Seller represents (I) that to the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no defects in the property that are not readily <br />ascertainable an which significantly affect the desirability or value of the property, or which the Seller has not disclosed to Buyer in writing <br />dnted and (2) that Seller has no notice of violations of any local state or federal laws, rules and regulutjnns <br />relating to th property. [_1 If checked, a disclosure is auached. . ~_ <br />IUsk of Loss: Risk of loss or damage to Property, prior to closing datc, shall be the responsihility of Seller. If, prior to closing, the Property is X 60- <br />materially damaged by tire, explosion or any other cause, Buyer shall have the right: i) to require the premises to be restored to the condition7?Jl, <br />at execution hereof; ii) to adjust the price to the value subje.cUO-.the dama '. . . / -Yli.A.J / <br />Possession and Closing: Closmg ~fthe sale shall be on ,or wlthm da~s after I.oan ap~rovfll, ~-. <br />whichever shall last occur. PossessIOn of Property shall Ii --- , but not betore c1osmg. ThIS agreement <br />shall in no manner be construed to convey Property or to give any right of possession. Buyer shall have the right to make a final inspeetion of <br />Property prior to closing to ascertain that all conditions of this agreement have been met. Time is of the essence in this agreemcnt. <br />Escrow Closing: Buyer and Seller agree that the closing of the sale may be handled by an escrow agent. If so, the listing broker is authorized <br />to transfer to the escrow agent the earnest money, other trust funds received by the listing broker and all documents and other items received by the <br />listing broker in connection with the sale. Aller the transfer, the listing broker shall have no further responsibility or liability to Buyer or <br />Seller to llccount for funds or preparation of documents in connection with the closing of the sale. Escrow agent will not be required to <br />disburse funds or deliver or record nny documents until it has received certified funds or other good, sufficient and collected funds, and all conditions. <br />terms and provisions of this agreement have been satisfied, perlormed and met. <br />Closing charges shall he paid as fullows: i=.SLf2DuJ....:.JlJO 00 <br />. <br /> <br />RU~)J>7_, <br /> <br />sellcr~~ <br />