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<br />lIurruuty mrr~ <br /> <br />200704936 <br /> <br />wl1isllubrutltrr ~ Made thism..n.? of.__~~~=.._.__n...._n_........, in the year of our Lord, ~~~lj;Km_.._..._..._, <br /> <br />between.. _~?~~_~_.. ~.~:.'::~ ~.~ ~n .~_~_~~~:_~~_._~_~_~.~.=~.'::~.~.<?~_ _..n.....m_m_m.._____ ..___.._., (a Cemetery Association), of __.___..~_'::~_~.__........ County, ~-:~-~~.~-~~.---..------. <br />.....---... <br /> <br />. . d d .. de db' f h 1 f h S f Nebraska f th f. d Douglas Ernest <br />a corpora twn orgamze an eXlstmg un r an y vlrtue 0 t e aws 0 t e tate 0 __m_ mmo. - _m__ .mm 00' party 0 e Irst part, an .m____.__mm___________.____ m___ -. ._...mm__.._____. <br /> <br />__ ___ __ _m n_ m_ nmn __ _00 0000 mnnum non_U_"_ 0000 ____........00..__.. _..._._mof the County of ......!:!_? !J_..... 00___ 00"__' and State of m~.~_!?E?~_t:~u..n. ....00-, party <br /> of the second part : Witnesseth, <br /> <br />that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum oL.~J~_hh:u.~~_Ig_4n.9:~~m!)._9.!, <br /> <br />in hand paid, receipt whereof is her:eby acknowledged, has sold and by these present does grant, convey and confirm unto the said partYmo.of the second part, the <br /> <br />following described premises, to.wit: m.RurialnP~o_tS._ _1l24_..&_.25_~_._ Section_.K... _3.rd ..Addit ionn_. ____m. .0000. -- -~... "-00 _m_.._ --.- __mm__n. ( kilt. <br /> <br />~n_, of...__~?~~ :n_~_~~~~~_~~m~_:~~_~_~!X.___n._mCemetel1' in.n n_n..~9-1l_ __m 00'00 ._00 n mCounty '_00 ~ ~J?_I~_?k-_?n.. _...., together with all appurtenances thereunto <br />belonging: Subject, however, to all Articles, By-Laws, Rules and regulations of said Cemetery Association, as they now exist or may hereafter be changed, modified <br /> <br />or enlarged, and the said grantor Cemetery Association for itself or its successors, does hereby covenant to and with the said part..}1..... of the second part and <br /> <br />__~_~~nmm____.o.heirs and assigns, that at the time of the execution and delivery of these presents it is lawfully seized of said premises; that it has good right and lawful <br />authority to convey the same; that they are free from encumbrance and does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all <br />persons whomsoever. In witness whereof, the said grantor Cemetery Association has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed and these presents to be signed <br />by its President and Clerk the day and year first above written. <br />* <br /> <br />~_<?_~!?__~_.r!~_?~_?~.~m~_~~-!y-..~-1?.~; ~EMETERY ASSOCIATION <br />"'-"~b 00 .. - 00 .__. ._.......m.._._n_..... <br />41 Y c;- ~ - President. <br />'P~d <br />By.__._m _ <br /> <br />Nebraska 2007 Clerk. <br />STATE OF.mn___n.mm__m___._.u_...__nmn_____mn..} 7th June <br />58. On this__u____.. __... .__00.. nm__ of... __ 0000 _nm_' ...__....... ...___..00.__.____......._........, IIn ..__., before me, the undersigned, <br />_mn_...___ m......~~J~...-..-mn........ :.m..__.... County Don S c hnas e <br />a Notary Pubhc m and for sald County, personally appeared_.m__m. __.___ _hU_ ____.._ 0000 00 __00. _nm _m .__ _.mnm. .........._.. 00.---....-. __",,'mU___" .........._.._m................____...., <br /> President and <br />..._.._.. ..._~??~.:::~___~_~__.!:-.~.~_~_?~._______ ... ....__.___.__..._._____.._.___._______, Clerk of the__...~9~~_~_..~_~~_~~_~~_~__.~.~~_:.~~EY.__.~.f!.~:?:.__--....-....-.--, <br />A Cemetery Association, to me personally known to be the said President and Clerk and the identical persons wbose names are <br />affixed to tbe above instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed as such officers, <br /> <br />and the voluntary act and deed of' the said_u~~_~~_~_.~J_~_?~_?~!...~_~~.~!_~_!ymA~.?g.~_:t.9:!J9g......um_, A Cemetery Association. <br />W. h d dN 'IS I Cairo, Nebraska . 'd~ ~d I be . <br />Itnes.s my an an otana ea at...._n...._m_..._....._............_..___;mm_.._...1fi sal V unty e ay ear ast a ve wrItten. <br /> <br />. . . /J jA-Lt./}f / / :;;200 q ~__..m___'.... ....ummOO_ _...00..._.___..._................;00____..00 <br />My commlSS1on eXplI'e&':'::~_:J_:.:~.m_..._..7_mm......._L_.__. &7 7 - 01 Notary Public. <br /> <br />Signed and sealed and delivered in the presence of <br /> <br />..4.....___....._______........._.____..___.._______.....__....._______.___....u____.__.....______..__. <br /> <br />........--...--.-...-----......--.....---...---.........------...--.-------..---....---...........---.-- <br /> <br />J <br />I <br />, <br /> <br />I.L~I <br /> <br />. This space may be used for further conditions, restrictions and covenants, if aDl'. <br />FORM 50~Revlsed <br /> <br />,'m\ii'l"l-Wl','(ff\"!!rITII,.^...,^...lii\i'l"I'\:I1\WI'l\i"^~,.^'Ir"^",.I1IIm\Ir"^"i',.l\lIr"^'f,.^lI~^lIi'l"1l1,.l'l\ilYf,.~7\1r^'\Ii"^'\Ii"tY!"l1IIi'l"I1!l'"^1'rITII" ,1Ii. 11 <br />