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<br />200704901 <br /> <br />Exhibit" A" <br /> <br />AIl of the North Half ofthe Northwest Quarter (N ~ NW 1;4) Section <br />Thirty (30), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West ofthe <br />6th P.M., Hall County Nebraska, except the following tract; <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of the Northwest <br />Quarter (N Y2 NW 1;4), of Section Thirty (30), Township Twelve (12) <br />North, Range Ten (10) West ofthe 6th P.M., In Hall County, Nebraska, <br />More particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest <br />Corner of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N Y:z NW 1;4);thence <br />Running northerly along the west line of said North Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter (N ~ NW 1;4) on an assumed bearing ofN 00000'00" E, <br />A distance of Four Hundred Forty Nine and Sixty One Hundredths <br />(449.61) feet; thence running N 88037'08" E, a distance of Four Hundred <br />Forty and One Hundredth (440.01) feet; thence running S 00000'55" W, <br />A distance of Four Hundred Forty Five and Eleven Hundredths (445.11) <br />feet, to a point on the south line of said North Half of the Northwest <br />Quarter (N llz NW 1;4); thence running S 88002'01" W, along the south <br />line of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N Y:z NW 1/4) , a distance <br />of Four Hundred Forty and Two Hundredths (440.02) feet, to the point of <br />Beginning and containing 4.517 acres more or less. <br />