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<br />200704728 <br /> <br />DOC ID #: 0001646,3810905007 <br />4deting under thfllaws of Do1awIre, and has III addrou and tI:1ephone number of P.O. Box 2()26. Flint, MJ <br />48'Ol.2026.~.(888)67~~S. <br />countrywide :Bank, P'SS. <br />A 'ID SVGS BANK . ("LeIldcr") il <br /> and atina UDder the laws of THB UNITED STATRS . and bas an addresa of <br />1199 North Fairfax St. Ste.SOO, Alexandria, VA 22314 <br /> <br />BORROWER. in oonaidcration ,of the iodebttdn.ets herein reo.itod and the trust herein ~ inewcably <br />gnarts ad conveys to Trustee, in truIt, with power of sale, tho ibllOWing deIcrlbed ptOpOrty located in the <br />Couaty of HALL . St8lo ofNcbrasb: <br />sa EXHIBIT -A" A'l'TACHBD dUTO 111m MlIDB A PART HEUOF. <br /> <br />68803 <br />(ZIP Code] <br />TOGETHER. with all tho improvcmaus now or hnafter erectod on thf property. and all ~ riahU. <br />llppUtbm8ncea IDd tarts (subJect however " the riaIUs 'and audloritica BivCll htnlo to Lender to collect end <br />apply I1lCh reIitll).a11 ofwhlcb shall be dMrned to be and remain apart ofthc property covered by this Deed of <br />~ and all oftbcforo&oln& toptherwitb saidpropmty: (or the laIeho1d... if1bis Docd ofTrustJs ana <br />laachotd) 8l'O hereinaft<< reft:rNdto aslhc "Property". 1\orTo\Ver understands and agrees tbct MERS holds only <br />lep.I title to 'lite intcnltS ganted by Sorrower bt this Deed otTnlst; but, if neceIMf)' to comply Wi1h law Or <br />custom. MBRS. (u 1lOmme. for Luder aDd LeDder's 8UCCfllIIOJ:IlIIlCI assigns). bas the riaJrt: \0 exercise aDy or <br />all of thole in1lnlst4, IncJudfDa, but not limited to. the riJht \0 fbrecloac: and sell the Property; and to take any <br />IICtion rcqukecl of Lender loclud.l:q. but II<< limhed to. rel8ing or canceling this Docd ofTruI1. <br />1'0 SECURE to Leader the Rlpllyn1CDf of the IndcbtedDesa evidenced by Bonowct's Dote da1Ild <br />MAY 29, 2007 and extensions aDd renewals 1Mreof (herein "N*"). In the principal sum of <br />U.S. S 46, 7 SO . 0,0 . with intcre8t ~ pnwidifiJ fOr monthly iDstal1mcrds of principal and <br />~ with the baI_ of the Indcbtedness. if not IOOClcrpaid. duo IlId payab!r: on <br />JtlNB 01, 2022 ; the payment of all other sum.. with Intcnst thereon. advlllCCld in ICOC!1'dance <br />herewith to protect the securit)'orthis Deed; IO.d the performance of the covenlllltJ Iftd aaroements of <br />Bonowcr heteio coratained. <br />Bormwer covenants 1hIt Bonower is lawAllly Riscd of the .. hcnby CODVcycd IIld h8I the riaJrt to <br />grant and ~vcy tho Property. and that the Property i. unc:ftCl,Jll1bcrcd, axocpt for encumbranClll of record. <br />Borrower covenants that BonOwe!' WlmDtllO.d wiU defend pnerally the title to the Property .,aInIt ill cl*'ms <br />Il1d demands. su~cet 110 oocumbranc:es of record. <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and lMlder CCMllWlt amd agree 81 follows: <br />1. PaJllleflt of PrIadpal ud ......... Borrower shall pi'Ottipt1)' pay when duo tho principe1ll1ld lntmIt <br />Indebtedness evldciJCCld by the Note and 1Ilo dtarpla JlIO'ildcd In the Note. <br /> <br />__.71fI(NI)(IlIOIl CHL(OIIOlI) ,.,,,. <br /> <br />4:133 ALLlUIl AVDtJB, GRAND ISLAND <br />[StMt. ct1y] <br />(horcin "Property Address"); <br /> <br />wblch has the &ddruI of <br />,NcbriIka <br /> <br />ParcelID Number: <br /> <br />Fonaut <br />