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<br />~ . . '. <br /> <br />200704671 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />Lot Four (4), Conestoga North Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nehraska <br />except that portion in Deed recorded as Instrument # 97-104637 described as follows: Beginning at <br />the Northeast corner of Lot Four (4), Conestoga North Subdivision; thence South on the J~ast line of <br />Lot Four (4), Conestoga North Subdivision, said line also heing the \Vest line of Webb Road for a <br />distance of Thirty (30.0) feet; thence Northwesterly on a line for a distance of Forty Two and Forty <br />Three Hundredths (42.43) feet more or less to the North line of Lot Four (4), Conestoga North <br />Subdivision; thence East on the North line of Lot Four (4), Conestoga North Subdivision, said line <br />also being the South line of State Street, for a distance of Thirty (30) feet to the point of beginning. <br />