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<br /> OlD Q SY(' ~ <br /> m <br /> Q "'" <br /> c: m en '''''' <br /> n :c <:::c.> ("") U) <br /> . Z = o[ <br /> :0- n ;;JI:; -, ~ o --I <br /> :.t: ~ c .....:J:\ :3 c::r:-- <br /> m ~ SJ ~ ~" :;:;0 z--l ~~ <br /> n en I'll \.- -c --1m <br />N ~ :J: U\ (,,-:;. '...... -< C) <br />G o~~. ~ o .,., a - <br /> U\ \ --.J ~ <br />G -""1 "z <br />-..J ~ ~;J tL ~1: rTl --.J <br />G , <br />+:::- m F\ -, -u );> cu 0 <br /> r'" I ;;0 i <br />G D ~ :3 <br />N C/l 11> ....r:: <br />W c..v (/) <br /> ;><:: C) <br /> :t> <br /> -L: .................... N ~ <br /> 0 <.0 c.v <br /> (f) <br /> <br />-- A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SWl/4NWl/4) <br />of Section Twenty Four (24), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows: With reference to the Southwest corner of <br />said SWl/4NWl/4; thence running on an assumed bearing of N 000 00' 00" E on the West line of said <br />SWl/4NWl/4 for a distance of 260.00 feet to the actual POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 890 56' 58" <br />E parallel with the North line of said NWl/4 for a distance of 528.00 feet; thence N 000 00' 00" E for <br />165.00 feet; thence N ,890 56' 58" W . for 528.~0 feet to a point on the West line of said SWl/4NWl/4; <br />thence S 00000" (l0" E on the West hne of said SW1/4NW1/4 for a distance of 165.00 feet to the POINT <br />OF BEGINNING <br /> <br />DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> <br />200704023 <br /> <br />That I, Arnold F. Schuchman, have made, constituted and <br />appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint <br />Dean C. Schuchman, as my true and lawful attorney for me and in my <br />name, place and stead, and on my behalf, subject to the provisions <br />of Paragraph 14 hereof, to do and execute all or any of the <br />following acts, deeds and things: <br /> <br />1. To Receive Debts. Payments and Property. To ask, demand, <br />sue for, recover and receive all sums of money, debts, dues, goods, <br />wares, merchandise, chattels, effects and things of whatsoever <br />nature or description t...hich l1.0.W' are or hereafter shall be or become <br />due, owing, payable, or belonging to me in or by any right, title, <br />ways or means howsoever, and upon receipt thereof, or of any part <br />thereof, to make, sign, execute and deliver such receipts, releases <br />or other discharges for the same respectively as my said attorney <br />shall deem advisable. <br /> <br />2. To Settle Accounts. To settle any account or reckoning <br />whatsoever wherein I now am or at any time hereafter shall be in <br />any wise interested or concerned with any person whomsoever, and to <br />payor receive the balance thereof as the case may require. <br /> <br />3. To Satisfv Security Interests and Mortqaqes. To receive <br />every sum of money which now is or hereafter shall be due or <br />belonging to me upon the security or by virtue of any security <br />interest or agreement, or mortgage, and on receipt of the full <br />amount secured thereby to execute a good and sufficient release or <br />other discharge of such security interest, or mortgage by deed or <br />otherwise. <br /> <br />4. To Compound. Submit to Arbitration. or Otherwise Settle <br />or Adiust Differences. To compound with or make allowances to any <br />person for or in respect to any debt or demand whatsoever which now <br />is or shall at any time hereafter become due and payablet:.o me, or <br />by me, or upon my account, and to take and receive, or to pay and <br />discharge (as the case may be), any composition or dividend thereof <br />or thereupon, and to give or receive releases or other discharges <br />for the whole of such debts or demands, or to settle, compromise, <br />or submit to arbitration every such debt or demand and every other <br />right, matter, and thing due to or concerning me as my attorney <br />shall think best, and for that purpose to enter into and execute <br />and deliver such bonds of arbitration or other instruments as my <br />attorney may deem advisable in the premises. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />t1 ~tI-- <br />