<br />
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<br />
<br />
<br />G,and Island Independent
<br />
<br />20070364Ll
<br />
<br />~~~~--~------------~~---------------~~-~---------~+------------------~~-------
<br />
<br />
<br />PO BOX 88910
<br />
<br />ST LOUIS MO 63188
<br />
<br />REFERENCE: 92657
<br />-------oaso'.64'2-5~ARROwFF Notice of T ---. - .--'~I
<br />I
<br />Ruth Mendyk_being fi,st duly swo,n on his/her I
<br />oath, deposes and says that he/she is the I
<br />______Legals Clerk_____ of The Grand Island I
<br />Independent, a newspape, p,inted and published at I
<br />Grand Island, in Hall county, Nebraska, and of I
<br />gene,al ci,culation in Hall County, Nebraska, and I
<br />as such has charge of the ,eco,ds and files of Thel
<br />Grand Island Independent, and affiant knows of hisl
<br />/he, own personal knowledge that said newspaper I
<br />has a bona fide circulation of mo,e than 500 I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
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<br />I
<br />AD SPACE: 38 LINEI
<br />I
<br />
<br />copies of each issue, has been published at Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska, to, mo,e than 52 weeks
<br />sucessively prior to the first publication of the
<br />annexed printed notice, and is a legal newspaper
<br />under the statues of the State of Neb,aska; that
<br />the annexed p,inted notice was published in said
<br />
<br />newspaper
<br />
<br />PUBLISHED ON: 03/22 03/29 04/05 04/12 04/19
<br />
<br />~~~
<br />
<br />
<br />76.65
<br />
<br />04/19/07
<br />
<br />~-------------~-------------~---------------------+-~-------------------------
<br />
<br />Subscribed in my p,esence and sworn to befo,e me this day of 4, ( f 07
<br />
<br />FILED ON:
<br />
<br />Notice of Truetee.. Sale . .
<br />The, following described prQIIfrty wtll~
<br />till SOl,d" at PUb, lie auction"to the, h ig~;
<br />est, llr .t the In the lower lobby
<br />at. "tlJaH Coun OUSe 121
<br />.:iji'iirilbjSo- .
<br />., .':,. n-e1lAND IS-
<br />'UND. Nebruka. on the 04/30/2007,
<br />~tween the hour. of 9a.m. and
<br />5p.m. (10:00a.m.):
<br />Lot Five (5), In Block One Hundred
<br />Forty-three (143) or Union Pacific
<br />Railway Company's Second Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebr-.ka.
<br />All subject 10 any and all: (1) ralll'
<br />estate taxe., (2) 'peclal as.esS-
<br />me~, ' ,(3) _ments,covenant.,
<br />r......Ions. ordlnsl'ICe.. and resolu-
<br />tions of record hiGh affeot he _
<br />. ,u,wa s.
<br />prior mortgagee and trust deed Of re-
<br />cord and (6) ground lea.... of record.
<br />: The purchllMr Is responsible for, all
<br />teesorlllXas. ThiS sale. Is ,made
<br />=J~:rrentl"~IO~lIe orl
<br />B)': Gerry' rJ:,:ff', ,1] ~~, '11,' ,nu.lee
<br />NSBAr.!2Oll4 "l{;lIIlIi', ,', .
<br />Ko~eny & M~ubbln" LC
<br />12400 Olive BI~,.'SU, ~e,5S5
<br />SI. Louls,MO 68141
<br />(314) 991'{)255,
<br />First Publication 03/22/2007 IInal
<br />04/19/2007 '
<br />Publl.hed In the GRAND ISLAND
<br />K&M Filename: CARROWFF
<br />
<br />5.50
<br />
<br />m"~O'\W~
<br />
<br />, Notary Publ~c -=--=-- -. d
<br />
<br />My commission expires ___.Apri 1 2 I
<br />
<br />Fees $
<br />
<br />4,' GENERAL NOTARY. State of Nebraska
<br />1m' LEANN L. WILSEY
<br />..n -t My Comm, Exp. April 2, 2010
<br />