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<br />200703032 <br /> <br />~ ,. 82501'0803 <br />that the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by reason of, thiS Security Instrument, until such <br />Borfower or Lender hali notified the other party (with such notice giwn in compliance with the requirements of Section <br />~ 5) of such alleged breaeh and afforded the other party hereto e reasoneble period after the giving of such notice to <br />take oorrective action. If Applicable Law prOYides a time period which must ela.pse before certain ection can be taken, <br />thet time period will be deemed to be reasonable tor purposes of this paragraph. 'The notice 01 acceleration and <br />opportunity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notioe of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant <br />to Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity to take corrective action proviSions of this Section <br />20. <br />21. Hazardou. Subetancee.. As used in this Section 21 : (e) "Hel:ardous Substances" are thosesubstanoes defined <br />as toxic or hazardous substances, poIlutanls, or wastes by Environmental Law and the foBowing substances: gasoline, <br />kerosene, other flammable or toxic: petroleum producb, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, malarials <br />containing asbestos or t'onnaldehyde, and radioactive meterials; (b) "Environmental Law" means federellaws and laws <br />of the Jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate to heal1h, safety or environmental protection; (c) <br />"Environmental Cleanup" includes any response action, remedial acIior1, or removal action, as defined in Environmental <br />law; and (d) an "Envlronmontal Condition" mc;aans a condition that can cauco, contrlbutg to, or othorwlso triggor an <br />Environmental Cleanup. <br />Borrower shall not cause or pennlt the prnence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances, <br />or threalen 10 release any HazardOllS Substances, on or in the Property. Borfower shall not do, nor allow anyone else <br />todo, anything effecting the Property (a) that is in violation of any Environmental Law, (b) which ereales an Environmental <br />Condition, or (c) which, due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creales a condition that <br />adversely affects the value of the Property. The preceding two sentences Shall not apply to the presence, use, orstorage <br />on the Property of ...mall qUllntities of Hlmudous Substances that are genemlly recognized to be appropriate to normal <br />residential uses and to maintenance of the Property ~ncluding. but not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer <br />products). <br />Borrower shall promptly give Lenderwritten notice of (al any investigation, claim, demand, laWsuit or other action <br />by any governmental or regulatory agency or priwte party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or <br />Environmental Lawofwhlch Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) any Environmental Condition, including but not limited <br />to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any condition <br />caused by the presence, use or r"e of a Hazardous Substance which adversely attects the value of the Property. <br />If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or <br />other remediation 01 any Hazardous Substance affocting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take aU <br />necessary remedial actions in ac:cordaneewlth Environmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligation on lender <br />for en Environmental Cleanup. <br /> <br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows; <br />22. AcceI....Uon; Lender ohaIl give notice to 8onower prtorto aoeeIeratlon following Bonower'a <br />brMch of any COy..,.nt or egntement In thl. Securtty Inatrument (but not prior to acceleratlon under Sec1Ion 18 <br />unIM8 Applicable ~ provides otherwi8e). The notice ahallaplClfy: (Il) tho default; (b) the ac:tlon ~ulNd to <br />cure the default; (c) Il ckde, not.... than 30 dayefrom the dIlte lhenotlc-.Isglven to Borroww. by which the default <br />must be cured; and (d) that fallUA! to CUM the default on or before the date epectfled In the notice may re8l.Ilt In <br />acceI...Uon of the auma _ured by this Securtty Instrument and sate of the Prop4trty. The noUce ahall further <br />Inform Borrower of the right to ........... after a~eratlon and the right to bring II court aCUon to a888t1 the non- <br />oxl&tonco of a default or any OUlor ~ of Borfower to acclflonttlon and..... "the default Is not curod on <br />or beforo the date apodfted In tho notloe. Lender at Ita option may requlro Immedlllw payment In full of all aums <br />eacured by thla Securtty Instrumant without further demand and may Invok. the pow.r of ..Ie and any othw <br />A!rnodloa permitted by Applicable a.-. Lendar shall be antlUed to collect all expen_lncufTod In punwlng the <br />remedle. pnlvtded In thI. Soctlon 22, including, but not Ilmhod to. ....llOnablo attorney.' 1M. and co.. of title <br />evldlHlCG. <br />If the power of ....18 InYOked, TrustH ....1 record a notice of default In eoch county In which any pttrt of <br />the PJvperty I. lacO.d and .....1 mail copin of _h notice in the manner preacribad by AppliCllble Law to <br />Borrower and to ..... other penon. Pf"CrIbad by Applicable Law. After tho time required by Applicable Law, <br />Tru... sholl give public notIco of .... to the pa_a end In the manner preaorlbed by Applicable Law. Truame. <br />wlthout demand on 80n'0wer. ahall1l8l1 the Property at public auction to tho htghe. bkIdor at the time and p1a~ <br />amd under the tarms de8lgnllbtd In the no1Ico of"'e In one or more parcelll and In any ordorTru.... determines. <br />Tru... may poatpone "'e of all or any parcol of the Property by public announcomant at the time and place of <br />any prevlou8ly acheduled ..... Lender or Ita de8ignae may purchase the Property at any sala. <br />Upon receipt of paym.nt of1he price bid, Tru... ahall delivorto the purchaser Trustee'. deed conveying the <br />Property. The recitals In ..... Trustee'. deed shall be prima flle" evidence of the truth of the ldatomenta made <br />th.....n. Trust.. ohaIl apply tho proceeda of the sale In tho following order:: (II) to all coats and axpen_ of <br />8Ierclalng the power of aal., and tho ..... Inolltdlng the payment of the TI1I...... foe. actually Incurred and <br />....sonabl. attomey.' fMa as p4N1nItt8d by Applicable Law; (b) to all sum. MCUred by thIa s.curtty Inatn.nnent; <br />and (c) any 0_ to the penton or ~ legally entlUcad to It. <br />23. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee <br />to re-oonvey the Properly and shall surrender this Security Instrument and aU notes evidenCing debt secured by this <br />Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty to the person or persons legally <br />entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. Lender may charge such person or persons a <br />fee for reconvaying the Property, but only if the '" Is paid to a third party (such 8$ the Tru$toe) for s81V1ce$ nmd8l'lld <br />and the charging of the fee is pennitted under Applicable Law. <br />24. SublllltUta Tru.... Lender, atibloplion, mayfrom tlmeto time remove Trusteeandappointesuecessortrustee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is <br />recorded. Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to an the title, power and duties <br />conferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicable Law. <br />25. Request for Notlce.. Bom:Iwer requests that copies of the notice of defauh and sal8 be sent to <br />addfM$ which is the Property AddfM$. . <br /> <br />Initiala. <br /> <br /> <br />0402 <br /> <br />1EBRAlll(A-Slngllt F8I'I'liIy-F_ ~..... UNlFORlIlNlllllUIIENT Fonn _ 1/01 <br />e 1ll8ll.2004 Onlnv DocumolnIa. Inc. Page 8 of 9 <br />