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<br />t. <br /> <br />-2'00703"000 <br /> <br />EXHIUIT"A" <br /> <br />A truel of hmd In tlte Soulhwe~t Quurter or Ihe Soulhwest Quarter (SWI/4SW1/4) of Secllon Fourll-cn <br />(14), Township Eleven (11) North, hUle Nine (9) Weal of tile lith PM., Hall Coun!J. Nebnskll, And <br />llIore partlcularl, dc~erlbed HS roll_1 Bealnnlllll at a point 01 tile Welt IIDe or ",Id Southwest QuaMer <br />(SWI/4), ~utd JllIIIlI belDI "our Hundred Slaly-lllue and Forty 'lbNe Hundredtbs (469.043) feet North <br />of the Soulhwell Corner of 1"ld Soutbwal QURrler (SW1/4); thence COIIllnulna Norlberly alona the <br />Weal line or luld Soulh"ed Quarter" distance or One Ilundml Tblrt_ ond Ninety Sewn Ilundredllll <br />(113.97) fedl thence dcftecllna rlabt 90 dql'fell (l(l alUl runalna Eaaterly a dlllllnc:e of One Hundred <br /> lIud One Telllh (191.1) feelllhellCCl running Soutberly aad par.lIet' 10 Ibe Weel line or /luld <br />Soulhweel Quarler (SWI/4) II dlltallce of One Hundl1id Tbllteea "lid Nlnety.lieven Hundredthl (113.97) <br />rtetl Ihence runnlnll WlIslerly a dlslance of One lIundl1id Nllelyoone IIDd One TlInlh (191.1) reel 10 lhe <br />polnl"f beglnnlog. <br />ANO <br />A trocl of IlInd eomprlriloa u part or the Soutbwest Quarter (SWI/4) or Secllon Fourteen (14), Township <br />Eleno (11) Norl", RUllII' Nine (9) Wesl of tbe /illl P.M., III Hall CoulIly, Nebraska, more parlleulArly <br />described III falloWll Dqlnnlna At a point IIn tbe West II.. of IBId Sec:tlOlI Fourteen (14), polAt <br />bdna Four Hundred Four IInd Four Tentbl (404.4) feet Nor1IJ of tbe Soulll_l Corner or said SectIon <br />Fourteen (14); tDeme Northerly loIu"9 tbe West 11111: or said 8tetlOll rOUlUe1l (l4l. II distance or 81dy-nve <br />(65.0) feet; tbellce Ea~terly purllllel to the South line Af ..Id Sec:tJon fourteen (14). a elislance of 0IIe <br />Huadrell Ninety-one and One-tenth (191.1) reet; tbence Soutbcrly parallel to the Wat line of lAid Seetlo.. <br />Fourteen (14), . dlslunce of Slxty.Dve (65.0) feetl tbPce Westerly pansllel tu tbe South line or IIld <br />SecUOD Fourteen (14), A dlstunce of Oil! Hundred Nlaety-nII uad One Teatb (191.1) teet to the place <br />or beginning. <br /> <br />p.g. J <br /> <br />.... -1,., <br /> <br /> <br />~~' <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />= <br /> <br />;;, <br /> <br />,r4altl <br /> <br />....;..:;,.jir.(.'. <br />