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<br /> WARRANTY DEED c.n
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Mitchell J. Kendall, a single person, GRANTOR(S), in consideration of the sum of One
<br />Hundred Fifty-eight Thousand Nine Hundred and 00(100 Dollars ($158,900.00) received from
<br />
<br />i I: .
<br />
<br />GRANTEE(S), Waylan Moran, a single person,,:col1reys to GRANTEE(S), the following
<br />described reaJ'estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat., ~76-201):
<br />
<br />A tnu:t or IlInd In tb~ Southwellt Quarter or tb. Soutllwelt Quarter (&'Wl/4SW1/4) uC Section Foutt~'eII
<br />(14), Tmm.hlp EI''''II (11) North, RIulp Nllle (I) Wat or Ole 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, IInd
<br />more partleularl, de!ll!rl~ 118 rollOl'llt ...1\11.... III II poIIII 011 Ihe W.. IIDe or old Southwest QUllrtrr
<br />(SW1/4), .uld point belna Four Hundnd SIx.,....... ...d Fart)' 'I1Iree Hundredth. (469.43) fl!l!t Nurth
<br />of th. Southwat Corner DC Hid 80udlwelt QWler (SWl/4); thPce COllllnulna Nortbetly .10lIl the
<br />Wut 1I0e of 1..ld South_t Quarter. d1a.... 01 O. lIundrcd Thin- und Nln.., s.v... lIundredt'"
<br />(113.97) r.tJ t1lenee dlllleetlna rlpt !Ill dqrmI 00 ... ruaalaa Eanterl" II dlatQlIeII of One Hundnd
<br />Nln.t,-one IInd One Telltll (19t.1) tRt,theaee runnlna Hout/Jerly IIlId par.Uea' to Ib, Wall'" or H8ld
<br />SDuthwat Quarter (S\VI/4) 1\ dl.laDe, or One Hundred 'l1drtcea ..4 Nlnel)'os_ lIuudred'h. (113.9'7)
<br />teetl thence runDlng Wllllerly II dlllance or 0l1li Hundred NID.t)t-on. and 011. Teldh (191.1) teet '0 lhe
<br />poInt IIC bqJlnnlDJo
<br />AND
<br />A tl'llCt ollllnd eomprlJilnlll part DC .he Soullnmt Quarter (8WI/4) 01 Serllon Fourl"o (14), Township
<br />Eleven (11) North. RnnJPI Nine (9) Wetl of Ih. 6th P.M.. In Hall Conaty, Nebrayka, DlDre partlculllrly
<br />dlSCl'lbcd III loll_I .....nnlng It II pDlal on lba Wa. llU8 01 AId Sect1Dla FOIIrt_ (1"), .Id poIDI
<br />belna Four Hundred Four ond Four Ttlldu (404.4) reea Norlb or tile 80ulII_' Corner or .ald 8ectJan
<br />Fourt_ (14),. tIIence Northerl, .u-a t/iI Wesl Ilae "ubi Sectl.n Fourteeu CUI. a dlllallee or SIxty..llve
<br />(8.0) feel; th.1IClI EIuIterly pu...II.1 to lbe South II... 01 .... Sedlon Fourfee. (14), II distance or au
<br />Hundred Ninety-one /lnd One,'enth (191.1) l'eeq tbenct Southerl.r parallel to lb. Wat Unlll 01 .Id kc:tloll
<br />Fourlan (14), . dlltance DC SlxlJ.ftw (65.0) l'eetl theue Water., "1'lI11eI to the South One 01 ...d
<br />Seclloa Fourteen (14), II dl.tlllll!l! or 0111 Hundred Nluly-oae .ad OIl, Tuth (191.1) teet 10 the pIue
<br />or beglnlllng.
<br />
<br />GRANTOR(S) covenant Uointly and severally, if more than one) with GRANTEE(S) that
<br />GRANTOR(S):
<br />(1)
<br />
<br />are lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances;
<br />
<br />(2)
<br />(3)
<br />
<br />have legal power and lawful authority to convey the same;
<br />
<br />warrant and will defend title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all
<br />persons.
<br />
<br />Executed
<br />
<br />~Ji
<br />
<br />,2007.
<br />
<br />J-...
<br />
<br />#'~~~~/
<br />
<br />'Mitchell J. Ken all
<br />
<br />)ss.
<br />
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on
<br />1J...ry~ I ~ ,2007, by Mitchell 1. Kendall, a single person, Grantor(s).
<br />
<br />Commission Seal:
<br />
<br />
<br />~?A(Chl~
<br />
<br />~I
<br />~ar
<br />~i
<br />:1
<br />U)~
<br />
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<br />