<br />
<br />20070:!D:l6
<br />
<br />U;:Oi\L- Oto::SCRIPl'tON
<br />
<br />!!J@)ICinlON
<br />KNOW I\LI.. Mt::N UY TIIE::H-~ ~N.fo:af.~rr-MJ that The K'I',UlgrJ:icut L-uth,..hU1. Or;Mkt
<br />::I runarilrut :1ocil'IY, f}elll,8 Ih'l!' sole {)WllU of the hUl.d de:R"rlbed h.ereon bave l'RW:lfd
<br />the :m1l1l'! !O bl!!! :5LU"'l'II!)'rd, :tubdi~ide'd, 'pliEHn.l rnul dt.'IJglll:ltid H.:lI "UOOD
<br />aMM1-tn'ltN ~UBDlV.E::IIOW. 10 thil!" CIly oOf Om:n.II::dtUld. Nebr:;\.'loka. M shlll\\lll on
<br />thtl accumpanying pl,d fht't~o-{, ,UlG do ht'nby dedkate- the- ~Itkt:!l C13 :m(l.\.lj tl
<br />IhftiWll to lhe public [.or IhltU' ll$'! (ute'lol('t, <I.utl lhe ftllU"'I!"IY Dr OUIIoI M1,\' to ~ 1~
<br />for myc::l."t ru1d 1t81ItM purpu;slf':1 <LIul nil; <l publk II tllhy e.~.m~nfJ and hlt.r~by
<br />lledI-cale the -t'a:Slttllenl~ i\.'lI .,huWJJ; th",reWI [-or the Illc.--llon. COJUlltrtLd!o-u -l'Lud
<br />mi;tlnEt'llRllce 01 p'lblh:: :<<-J~lce u.t1!.Uie:i, togelhlt.t .....itb Ih.e .rr~t ofiJJgreS9 and t'gJt':o;.:t
<br />Im-nl'll", iWll rn-rt!'Dy pmhiblllng: Ih~ planttt1g of I r~, bLL:!lIu!:$ iUld -:Ih.ru:b:s,. ur
<br />plm:ing ctbu oblllruc llcll.:ll Upoll, 'I)'iU', <Y6J:lg Ctr wuinul!!'ath !:he ~ r(iKC oI :!uch
<br />t';~.D101;'Ul:t; ..\I1d th~~1 Ill'll" torltg.t)log ~ulH.ti",b[r:J11 ,'18 mrui:!' plU' I b;:ulady dt!':i.Cribe-41 m lhot'!
<br />desnlpHon hl"troll as ,1!lFif'"",U.::s on thb. plat b lEHule \~.ilh lhe free- ("(:In:wnl nne! tn
<br />UC-I:ilU\.-uu:e- '!:'IIith the de:'!l1ru -of tnll" unctltUI;B.tll!!'cl own....r mu\ }lru~rie~o~,._ "r"_.1
<br />IN WrrN~~ WHt-;REOY,J lJj\'ie aUI:wl ~-l.:9~~~~ ~~teIO at S-Mw...1!w5,5t)
<br />Ulls._1.(~ c!ayof~lf--' ~001.
<br />1'he E"'iUl-~....ll<:.d Lulh...wn Uotx! ~.lJ.llaritan Sodely
<br />
<br />LoIBl -"l...e (5), Si1 (6l, 3e-fl!1l l1), r:ig,ht (8}, mne (9) mld Ten [lOt intlHsire, L615
<br />'fWE'llty-:t.b, fl-6] , Twt'l1ly-sevt'l\ (t1}, Twtnty-t"lglU ['.!l:31 ml{! Tw-mtY-lliue ~-:.lgl, and
<br />Lots F-orty.IWI,) ~4:l), YOdy.tbtee {4J}, YiJo.rly~rIJ.Ur- Holl, lo'iIl-rly-fi"e H;5l, Yort}'-sl'l; ['~6},
<br />VorlY.:5l1!1'rrtn Wil, ....o_dy-elght ('lSI, ltOl"l,y~nil\-t! ~'ll~}, p'i(ly (50), lo1fly- one l51h Efifty.IWO
<br />l~:1), Fifty.!hr~ {5J], "'uly.four l~4), 1'1fiy.nre l55], i"i.fiy.~'l (::561. ]o1n:Y.~'ft'J1 (511.
<br />jo'illy-el~t 1~8) Md 1'1n.y.nu"~'I;59)t <ill ia tlnUld E~1and lndu,':I-h1.t1 Pn1:!t; WE':;.l
<br />~ub-di...I:5lQn, an ~ddiHva ttJ tile Cily of Gnw.d b.!I;l.lld, Hall CtlI;JIlLy, nebr~kl\..
<br />
<br />MID
<br />
<br />i\ ltad uf bUld hoping part or the ::IQmhw~t ~/uartt'r oOr lhe- KIJo.rtht"Ol::t1 QUiLflt'r
<br />(-l':!W l/'~ ....E 1/....1 or :::Ilfcllon T....roly.:'U..'( fl61. 't6Vlll~l1jp Eh:na Ill] Norll1. !Uulgt' if"l\
<br />! 1U) W-e.'Iot oJ lht.'! .~:H..'tth Prindpoll M~rid:lun, I !all CulJnty. N~ b r.l::lk"". \l,Iith ::iilld l met iUf
<br />lrutd being pmt Elf Villat-ed LcJ.t 66. Ot<wd r:-!ltaud Indua.trla.l P...uk We:'tt ~ubd..'iJ:.-olEl,)n,
<br />a :mbdi...i:'lEon to the l.'ity (If U;rant\ !Il.l..md, Hfll! CounLy, Nebra...ka, :'!:i.lid tnl,(:t of l."uut
<br />bltln(l ffilK-I! piUl kulmty dt':'i-Cribe'll alii rollu......-.: Rderrw.g tu thll!' :lolltl~w~:1ot CUHler of
<br />fnl!- Nut t!le""or\..,l Qllarl~.r -of ~cti-on '.l6 ..mAl a&!IoLtmillg the Wt!-::I.t line- or I h~ N-orthm..~l
<br />QUdrter or saill S-0Cth:nt "Job u bear:l1:Jg N OO-~ 11"J5~ E .tnd aU benrlnB'- wtl:!.Wled
<br />horrdJl are r-f'laIive: theu~ttl; tb~Il'l:e- H oog 1 t"'2I3oM E- ,U1d Oll lhe W~::tt lille o! t.he
<br />NutlbcH_::51 Quarlltt I,)f -$,u-tl Sedion :d 6, I;l {1I;!j.ti;l..Ilce of :i6, 04 f~rl lo lht!: At..'l'U~\L
<br />PLr\Cl-.': OF' IJEQiNNmU; lhf llU rolllInulllg N oIJoIr II "JaM I': a.ud tl-n lhl/! ~Ve::tt Une of
<br />IlIe Norlht"c\::tt -QIUUtu or ~d ~,:lon 20-. ..l di::t;lmu::e- tlf 459,81 !<<t to the
<br />3uu thwi!"::t.t,..tly Comer of Lol 4 ill ~d Utruul !:!Il.uullndu::t.trW Pfu'k WIt-::lt
<br />Subdi...l::d-ouj !heuc~ a !lo!)'OSOO'. E fill.d tll1 !he :iiJuth lint.' -ot :S:oud Lut oJ a d.u..hmce uf
<br />661.96 red toO th-e N-orl h.W'Ifflt l'lJrl1~ ...:.f wt 10 -of .'\.ai<1 UrauJ [:s!wl.d [ndu:1;trtal Pnrk
<br />Wil':!It ,j;lI~li,;,l:d()Jl; !ht'"uc-e;3 OO~1n.'52" E Hlltl 1.111 the W~t Ibl~ of E.ot 10 o!~d
<br />-G r-.ul.d bl.--Uld Inct\.l:'l'd..... Vurk We:'!i~ Subdl...hWn lit e:'l.tlC't'Lllell :W"tn~r1y~ il dhlh'lJlCr,l- i)r
<br />oJ.51J.1!S IIi!'It~ tG a po:lnl 00 Ihe ::!oulh lIne- of ~nt"r .pti.~ 1\"fnUIll. elll aWl1lte [n Ihl!! <.:ilY
<br />of Ucantll:l-!a.lld. J!all Couuty, N.e-bca9l'1; th@l1ce N 89~O~'44" W a d~!ru1:n! of 67 L 96-
<br />leet !o !he place -of l>PgiIl.lWlg.
<br />
<br />Ai'mTOGEfUJo:H WITI[
<br />
<br />~~:~. y
<br />BY'-~ . '47-
<br />."""...M,LdCQ.k"'.- -
<br />
<br />ACKi.'10W U~UOi':,MEm'
<br />"".,m:ovc;..",U.. 1)"JI.lrp..
<br />COUHrY UY~~&'!I
<br />On lhe~dily-ol ~L.. :.t001, bltturoe-mll! a No!illYPublk
<br />-r1il~ rind !ur n;-\ cm.l;/,IY, PIt'~::IUbrJ!l/'lP~'Itt'd
<br />n.fll ~. ('Ai 1. d!.rS ' tl'f TDIIl r;"aug...l[.c-..d Lulhnan Hood
<br />SamiU'ilan ~tK'ldy,!o.Q]oe- 'pe~(l.Jl' y kllOW., to be the ide-nrlcal. pt'~:SOl1 whose
<br />~gnature bI aIll'{t'lf hue to, mill thill h~ tlid 1!IrLkllGWmrg Ihl1l l'Xttulloll tht'twf toO lJ.e
<br />ru:t rrohm!iU)' at:t iUld dftd.
<br />O:I:~:~ir~~~~~l~I~~~~~ir:l~~~~~,~:~~~t~~~~~tr::.
<br />
<br />My <o",mbolo","pl'" d -/1-01 , I mil>, ,~;=::v, A A A" J.J. A
<br />
<br />1~'1 ~~';K. MN03ULTII. \::,~
<br />Jfi..~HOTM'iro~~
<br />~~c.lJl:~!1loXO-'t\l,J7!W
<br />. #-~-.......'~;k'H--'f'*."'A'f.".A~~
<br />
<br />,-\l) that pml or }i'"DJlruUl Stred {nDW V'".J:C"utt'>dl abu t1ll1g Lol.s P'ifty t:5O-l :iU1d EiillY'Lllle-
<br />131) un the W t":'ft emd :.ill th.d pal't u.f Ell.tt'tpti.'S1;'! 1\"'1I"1l.1W (rtu-w ~ac;dt:d) ..~~:ntltillg Lois
<br />_fi",e llj.}, -::3L'1 [6'. Seven t1'l, EI8,ht (-8), Nln~ '-91 and '!'E'll {lOllndusiw 0;1-1\ lhe .':CCluth.
<br />-i.dlln Grund I:druullnclu:itrlal Park W-e-3t Sl.l.lxttvI:d_au, n all CO-\1JllY, N'l'btil.ska.
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />3ubmiut:d to arul oppro'l'-"..d by the Rorgionul ~iUUlfug Comml:s:lloll ofH.1JI C...:.unty,
<br />
<br />~~ lOCi ;;;;ih' Vll1~.. Or,u,"" C'Uso ~d UOillPh:;;'~k~
<br />ChOln",., ~
<br />APP~~~-:~ tu.,,-ep!ltd by Ihl:.' Cily oJ U:r-i.uu} I.::tJruul,. Nt!br..'l:;Ika. th~ ~ dC'Ll'
<br />oJ '1----' ~007.
<br />c,.. ~"FR","""J... _~ ~
<br />~~~ Cll.yctuk
<br />
<br />
<br />~9It!.'
<br />
<br />-Il-G~"'-G
<br />10"',0..110:.>< 90':11 -... (3008) ;Z.:I1'-11M
<br />SHEU ~ OF ~ SHEETS
<br />