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<br /> 70 e j IJ) <br /> 2J~~ m /d <br /> "T1 <br /> c: :z: <br /> ~ ~ ~ n z <br /> :t: ~ C <br /> ~~~ m ~ - ," ~I\ <br />N n " ~ ('") (/) <br />IS) "I '" ;:l'IIi; :J: c:::o 0 -J <br /> ~ <br />S L, ~ U\ ~-l.., c l> <br />-..J ~ t.J) ty ;x) ~' :n z -j <br />IS) .. 'tl ~ '0 -0 -l rrl <br />N ~~~ ~~ :::0 -< ~ar <br />CJ'1 0 <br />():l ~ \-\)~ 0 ...., <br />+:>. r'V ..,., - <br /> ..,., :z -.J I <br /> tr\. t'\ a r :r: Pl <br /> ~ ~ m -0 ~.. Ctl 0 <br /> I'" 3 .- ;0 <br /> ~ a r :r:>- r'V <br /> en I-'-'" {fJ U1 <br /> CS r-.;) ;::><; <br /> ~ :r:>- eo <br /> c..J --- '-"' <br /> '\If II!:' '. ,:,:;' ~~;;':.' ,.t ~>.i.l,j r'V (f) ...J: ~ <br /> "l' ',< ;' en <br /> , <br /> .'<,j <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />This form is available electronically. <br /> <br />Form Approved - OMS No, 0560-0204 <br /> <br />CCC-29J_,_____ <br />(08-18-04) <br /> <br />U.S.t)Cf>ARTMENT OF AGRtcUL'TURE --- - --- <br />Commodity Credit Corporation <br /> <br />-- ------10,50 <br /> <br />SEVERANCE AGREEMENT <br /> <br />See Page 2 for Privacy Act and Public Burden Statements. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, (a) KRISTEN F KLEIN and <br /> <br />/hl MICHELLE R KLEIN ,of Ie) 17541 WEST AIRPORT ROAD - CAIRO <br />1':1 I' , County of <br /> <br />(d) HALL , State of (e) NEBRASKA . (herein called Debtors), have <br /> <br />applied tothe Commodity Credit Corporation (herein called the Secured Party), for a loan and have agreed to give the <br />Secured Party a security interest in the following.described fixture(s) (f): <br /> <br />GSI DRYING BIN - 53,787 BU. CAPACITY, 20 HP 1750 FAN 3P230V, 10 HP BALDOR MOTOR - SN <br />F0508163105, 48' CUT-LOCK FLOOR, AND ALL OTHER RELATED ACCESSORIES <br /> <br />which fixture(s) is (are) affixed to the following-described real estate: (Add legal description) (g) <br />E1/2NE1/4NW1/4 4-11-12, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the making or insuring of such loan by the Secured Party, the undersigned <br />parties hereby (1) consent that the Debtors may grant to the Secured Party a security interest in said fixture(s) under the <br />Uniform Commercial Code, (2) consent to the installation of said equipment and agree said equipment shall be and remain <br />severed from the real property described above, and (3) agree that upon default of Debtors the Secured Party may (a) take <br />possession of and remove said fixture(s) without notice to the undersigned parties and without liability to them for any <br />diminution of value of the real estate caused by the absence of the fixture(s) or by any necessity for replacing the fixture(s), <br />and (b) enforce its security interest against said fixture(s) as personalty. <br /> <br />l '~"M <br /> <br /> <br />Th8 U. s. D8partment of AgrlcullUf8 (USDA) pmnlblt! discrimination In aJllts program and 8Ct1vlt18!i on the bluls of race, colol, national origin, age, disabJIJty, .'stid wh8f!t appllc <br /> ~. m8l,1tar#l8tUS, fammal status, P'fIrental <br />StBtUS, religion, sexu81 orientation, gen8tlc Infonnatlon, polJtlcal benefs, reprlsBJ, or becaus8 an or pari of Bn Inclvldual's Jncom8 Is derlv8d from any public 8f~~$J8~,:ptognJm. lab <br /> prohtblteIJ bases spply to aU programs.) <br />Persons with disabJlltles who reqUJIW aJtematlw means for communJcBtJon of pmgram InfonnatJon ( BrAIJIB, lerge print, audiotape, 8tC.) should contBct USD'f's TARG~ Center at (202) 72()..2600 <br /> (volcft and TOO). To nle 8 <br />complaint of DiScrimination, write to USDA, O~ctor, Ofl1ee of Civil Rights, 1400 lnd8pendenC8 A\f8nue, SW, W8sninglOt1, PC 20250-9410, Of' call (800) 1,5-3272 (vo'Ice) or (202) 720-6382 <br /> (TOO). USDA Is Bn equBlopportunlty <br />provider anc:t employer. :: ':"~."J " ._.".~_. ." . <br /> <br />r"~ l ;~ '". <br />