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<br />\ C:\CJ1337206\094_8458138735_028.tif <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />200702431 <br /> <br />Exhibit A <br /> <br />LagaI OellClptlon: <br /> <br />The fOlloWIng delCll'lbed rnI property: <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of the NonhweBt Quarter ( NE 14 <br />NW1/4) of SecIlon Eight (8), Township Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (12), WMt of the 8th P,M <br />Hall Country. Nebraska, more per1Icul8rly dMCrtbed u foRowa: BegllVllng at the N0rthwe8t <br />comer or said Northe88I auaMr of the NoIhwe8I auart8r (NE 14 NW 14). thenoe Easterly along <br />tho North line of 881d SecUon ~ (8) a dl8tance of 7VIiI.12 feet; thence deflecting right 90 00 <br />and running Southerly, a distance of 33.0 teet to a point of curvature: thence Southwe8lerly <br />along the arc of a curve whoee radius Is 1 ,383.5 fHt (the long oord of which deflect. 44 54 ~ <br />right tram thelaat deecrlbed oou....1II'ld hu a length of 1,117.9 feet), an arc dlatance of <br />1,148.97 feet, to a point on the W88lllne of .llId Norlheut Quaner of the NorthW881 Quarter (NE <br />14 NW 14): thence Northerly Ulng the W..t line of IBId Northea8t Quart8r of the Nort/1wtI8t <br />OUart8r (NE 14 NW 14 ). a dl8t8nc8 of 824.75 feet to the pl8clI of beginning. <br /> <br />Known u: 18726 WeBt BunnOOd Road, WOOd River, NE 88883 <br />