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<br />; , <br /> <br />200702328 <br /> <br />bc discontinued at any time for any reason other than strikes or lock~uts, the Mortpaee, after due notice to the <br />or any subsequent owner, Is hereby invested with full and complete authority to enter upon th,e ..I , employ <br />watchmen to protect such improvements from depredation or Injury and to preserve and' pro e personal property <br />therein, and to continue any and all outstanding contracts for the erection and comple said buildinlor buildincs, to <br />make and enter into any contracts and obUptions wherever necessary, eit Is own name or In the name of the <br />Mortgagor, and to pay and discharge all debts, obligations, and Uabiliti rred thereby. AlIluch lumllO advanced by the <br />Mortgagee (exclusiye of advances of the principal of the indeb lICcured heret)f) lhall be added to the principal of the <br />indebtedness secured hereby and shall be secured by t rtpge and lhall be due and payable on demand with Interest at <br />the rate speciried In the Nole, but no luch adv 1 II be Insurocl unless same are specifically approved by the Secretary of <br />1I0using and Urban Devetopment, acU and throuslt the Federal Housing Contmluloner prior to the making thereof. The <br />principat sum and other char ded for herein shall, at the option of the mortppe or holder of thll Mortpge and lhe <br />Note secured hereby Ie due and payable on tlte failure of the Mortpgor to keep and perform any of the covenants, <br />conditions. an ements of said building loan aarecment. This covenant shall be terminated upon the completion of the <br />improy s to the satisfaction of the Morlplee and the mlj.kina 9f the final advance al provided in said buildlnlloan <br /> <br /> <br />19. That the Mortpaor coyenants and agrees that so lon8 as this Morlpso and the said Note secured hereby are <br />insured under the provisions of the National Housln8 Aft, or held by the Secretary of Houslnland Urban Development, it <br />will not execute or riIc for record allY Instrument whicr. impolCs a restriction upon the ..Ie or occupancy of the mortgaged <br />property on the basis of race. col~, qec:d ~r natio..." orlsin; <br /> <br />20. That liS additional and collateral security for the payment of the Note described and all sums to become due <br />under this Morlgage, the Mortplor hereby assial'll to the Mortgagee all proms, revenues, royalties. rights. and benefits <br />accruing to the Mortpgor under any and all oil and ps lqlO. on said premise.., with lhe right to receive and receipt for the <br />5lImc and apply them to said Indebtcdnol$ as well before all after default In tho conditions of this Mortpse, and the <br />Mortgagee may demand, sue for, and recover any such payments when due and payable, but shall not be required 10 to do. <br />This assianment is to terminate and become null and void upon release of this Mortaaae; <br /> <br />21. That if the MortgalOr falls to make any pay,nenll of money when the same become due, or fails to conform to <br />and comply with any of the conditions or alrccmenl.contalned in this Mortpae, or the Note which it secures. then the <br />entire principal sum and accrued inlerest shall at o.ncc\Jecome due and payable, at the election of the Mortpacc; and this <br />Mortaagc may thereupon be foreclosed ImmediatelY for the whole of said money, Intere.t, monthly paymenll, costs, ground <br />rents, taxes, and the cost of extendina the abstract of title from the date of this loan to the time of commenclna .uch <br />foreclosure suit, all advances and interest, and a reasonable attorney's fcc, all of which shall be included In the decree of <br />foreclosure; and the contract embodied in this Mortl8SC and the Note secured hereby, shall in all respects be aovcrnccl, <br />construed, and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska, where the same Is made. <br /> <br />The coyenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages .hall Inure to, the respective .ucce.ssors and <br />IISSlgnS of the parties hereto. Whenever uaod, lhe linlular number ahall include the plural and the plural the sln,ular. <br /> <br />The foreloinl conditions, all and slnlular, belns performed accordln. to their lepllmport, thl. conveyance <br />shall he void and said premlscs relcasod at the expllfl18 of the Mortaaaor; otherwise to be and remain in full force and eUcct. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS W~EREOF, the said Mortgagor has caused these presents to be signed in its nwne by its General Partner the <br />day and year first above wntten. <br /> <br />HOLIDA Y GARDEN TOWNHOUSES II, <br />A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, <br />a Nebraska li~ed partnership <br />, <br />AV4_llv. ~~ <br /> <br />William W. Marshall, 1II <br />General Partner <br /> <br />In the presence of: <br /> <br />fA / <br />~~.Ye .:::;;f;;..tt2€A-- <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTYOF ~~.~ <br /> <br />ss: <br /> <br />'n I, a Notary Public of the County and State afores~id, certify that William W. Marshall, 1II personally came before me this <br />~ ~~y of March, 2~O?, and ackno.wledged that he IS the General Partner of Holiday Garden Townhouses II, A Limited <br />Partnership, a,Nebraska Itmlted .partne~shlp, and on behalf of said limited partnership did aCknowledge the foregoing instrument to be <br />the voluntary act and d~ed of swd Hohday Garden Townhouses II, A Limited Partnership. Witness my hand and notarial seal the day <br />and year first above wntten. <br /> <br />[SEAL] <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />GENERAl NOTARY. State of Nebraska <br />MARGE OCKINGA <br />My Comm. Exp. Oct. 10,2010 <br /> <br />7n~- ~ <br />Notary Pub!' <br /> <br />My Commission Expires: <br /> <br /> -i' 1.5 II:! -: <br /> Q .. <br /> a .. <br /> ~"'" Q <br /> Qo . 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