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<br />HE,\!. ESTATE 1'1 H.UI\:O\:: .\~;ltl:.l,.\I~.."'r <br /> <br />200702101 <br /> <br />Exhibit A <br /> <br />//',,, ",,' ,,, "...,,,., :;..., \, II;' ill~ I'",.. J,,,,,. ,', .~..I~ ,,/1'. ,i"i",; /:"1;.1",1;,,11 II, ,,/ I ",," I <br /> <br />1"1.< h".!~..,i",,,~J llu}~" h",~hy ..g..~e, I" I'uy '"lulh~ lI""~' ,i\,\"o<I ';dk.. "'\I"~' h' ..dl. r,lI Ih" ,..",i,k..",i.,,, .,,,.1 "1''''' 110" Icm" <br />h,'h'i""h~r ,cL f"..lh. Ih" ".,,1 c,lal~ """ "pp\llkn"ntC' Ih~r"lll h"",,~J i,.,.':P;":,;,;q;n C"",,,v.~:fIl>' a"d \.:nh''I' "" (jl':II~.t t:,'~\n(1 <br />~ebr'ask3. an.::! d~;Jcdb=:J a;J follows: See Hult . <br />... . . . ...... ..' l\t1'Jen:;IClITl !f I I'ncl'),'j)') .~tc,I.\ [\ e "Ill I tt <br />I. 0:0.; I liE HH.1.0WI:"<. I EH\lS: I~.g. pnc~. III';.l"~IO!o! ~"nll1l:':.!'I~, .T ..ny. c'".l .' [" u, s i 1 t..;:' r ,;v r-i e <br /> <br />See Act:le;'\dum 112 <br /> <br />incocporated i\3 if h=['~in r,;,written <br /> <br />2. I'IlSSESslO:-i: <br /> <br />). E\ IO~;:"l'E OFTITI.E: I..) !,,,.. ~,.~h 1';.,\.:01 "r..~:,1 0>1;,'0 I" be c,>.I','e' <,I. S.;Iler ,11',\1 rurni,h a",lpa)' r"r. ill Sdlor, "l'li,II" <ilh~r: <br /> <br />at dosing <br /> <br />(II \n ,,1"lr:!~1 "ftille ".\I~n,kd h) "i,hin Ion ""I' pri.... h' .:I."i,,~ ..n" .:enifi".1 in ,,"~.''''''UICC "illl'(h;.-SI;<Kr.J":l!bl;i,~~~~)(,-,r~xlh~ <br />;";~\,~,"':1::i&lQ~."", 'ocal Ub.3tl'a~ting :3::ani;).r~I,;; 0, <br />fr:::>:T! a title insurance company acc<:p~able to b'.lycr, <br />,~. ..\n ,,,, n,,"" du,inl' lilk in~Ulanc~ c<,mnli"nonl:'" ilh" "'P} <"f Ih. "ppl;,,,"''' ,~dinn ul' lhe I"c",dcd ,uhd;v;,;"n 100al. ."<tin",,, I,' <br />II ilhia ,en ,lal' 1" iUI 10 du,inl' "nu. aflor ,h~ d,,,in~. "" "II I\~r', li,k In",,,,n~'" ""li~y in Ihc ,nlllnll'l "I' Ihe h'l'" "n,.~h."" 1"<:' <br /> <br />,,,. S"iJ ,,1l,ln,cl or ,,,iet .:ummilm.n. ,1""1 ,h,'" in 5,,11<1' anu I',. p.,liq ,h;,1I in,"ro in IIUI'" " ",11I.el and ,""I.:l".lItlah'~ till~ in I'.e <br />,imrl~ fr~~ anu 111' :.11 lion, M'u oncllmbr;,,".' ..\,op!: Illlh"'~ "e"leU by "I' .","m<" hI' Illly"r: (~llh,"c 'I'",;lic"lly ,d 1'", In in Ihi, <br />.;unl .-a,1: .)1 ."ning e'rdinan.;.;; I -I) l.\;al h;!lh''''} ,: "nu ,51 rt,l1;,li."". cun..lilion, '"lel ulility' C"'~lI",n" 1'1' rec""l e'~'" cd UI r~,",..:d "," <br />I'"rt ,'I" \len<,r"l plan in and fur lh~ wbdi,jJivn in "hi,h ."id prvpdt, i, 10cal<<I. pru\'i"~..l Iho ",m~ do ''''lllnre,,,,,,,,,hl,. i~l.rf";t '.1 i." <br />llu,d; il\l~n..l.:d "'< ",hid, is: a Wendy's Old Fashio:J.e::l Hamb'.lrger fast [00:1 franchige <br /> <br />Icl If lil'~ in,umnc~ i~ furni,h~..l. S<lI... ,hall pa, lh~ filII ,,,,I; anuJ,,"milln" ill cuon~"i"n Ih~r,\\'ilh 1t\~l>.'PI:\:hil!{nl.~'.<lcW:~O,;:!-:::t. <br />x"v."'G~"",#""'''O:'i~M!':<M' .""-,~>(~,,.'.:.. ':t '....;,..[').,..~\;..,;:::).:;". x,.:;;,;..... '.:, x..~:c~x.~~~'''. f'~i?~":'~"~;""'X "..~,..K..'V.:;. 1,;:' <br />,."",= . ~~_ ~=~ " ~ "'......, ,..."':>::~.,..:n"",rt> ~'.r~......._,.'''!,1._,n::,.,\\~~'''t''~.c~ .,.. t "'" . e,',,, il-!i=. .ll,...~ .~. ~."...:::.' <br />.~~,,~. ~., .. ...",. ,,,.. . ",-", ". ..,.........,;,,"x.. .,,,",.. .~...,.,,,,,,,. ""~".,,..~. '"'.." . ...,,-.\. .~",-" ~.'.'..' '..'. ..... <br />x I[~l:\( ~>::. ....$'C .t'. . w.c< ,XICi( . fl::Q K <br /> <br />(d) Ii th< lilk I" "II ur parI elf Ih. ..tal .~I"I.I" b< convoyed i.. d~rocti't ur "nm~lch"nlahle. ur ibny p,"t nflh< r;;al .;,lal. is ",bjoc: '" <br />lien,. ~n"umbl1lnce'. ~a,<mont,. conJition' ur r.,lricli"n; Ulh~'lhan tho;o ~.\c<pt~<1 in Ihis conHact. "I' in ,h. e,~nt <,I' ''''I' en~r(),,~h"":'OI. <br />Sdkr ,hall h"v. a ..""s\lnahl~ lim~. nOI 10 d."dtJ ,hill}' (30) dny,. (lflOr "rin<n nulice lhor~of. wilhin "hich tu l~n"'.Jy or r~I1'O'~ a", ,,":h <br />dcf~,l. li~n. ~ncumhmn". <a,omen!. conJili"n. r.sllic,ion ur ,ncrl""hmonl. ur "bla;n lillo inwrall~~ ab'"in~llh.: ,,'"11<. <br /> <br />1"1 ~lorch"n1"hjlily ,h,,1I h< Jot.rmin<u in .ICC<lru;.nto "ilh Ih.: 5"nlu,,"1, "I' Till" Exami",.,i,"' m!"pl.:" hI' Ihe Ohi,. 51~1. ll;,.. <br />A"".:inliun. 0;" the equivalent th.~r20~ in Nebcusl~a <br /> <br />-I. T,\XES .-\:'.'ll .>,SSESS\IE;>;,S, ...... of Iho d"I~ uf!:. Sdl"r ,hall POlY (" cI~Jil on Ihe pUl"eha,e l'ric~ "II udinGu."t t:".;. <br />t<'~<lh<r "ith penalti., alld int.I~$llhoro.'n. "nJ all ,ptcial ,,"c >;0'': nl; th"l "'~" lien on Ih.: d"t~ uf cI,,,inll. bOlh ~lJireOI ;,r...l 1<01;'0;,:'\ <br />anJ "h<lh"r Ju<, lIrtO h~c"m. dll~. S~II"r ,h(11I ;Ii", p"Y .H' ~roJil olllho r"rohn,o price "II unp"i.1 1';;,,1 ~,l;.t~ tilXO~ IIU' } d d". [ell'} ,.;,r;;:>1 i.I; <br />I,' Ih<' d",;n::: ,"'U " p..rti.,n e.huch '~.\~' fur the year "I'du,int; pr(ln'I~J thruII~h I"~ d"t~ ofdo~ill"'. Th. p..o.nlli"n lIf "n,l~t<,nnir.:;;! t..\"' <br />,h~1I be b",e1l "n a)M :Iny ,.~nr ~nd"n tho mll,l ,~,onlly "vhilab'~ la~ mle allJ val"",;ul1. NI"" ilh,lI,n<lilllllh~ fu...:goi,,~. il i, Ih< ill'""tjv" <br />"I' th" parli~, in nI,,\.:ing th~ "'.~ pm.ralil'n tll allv\\' lu A"y~r ;1 cr~dit as cluw in ;lm'H'nl "5 po,,;1>1e tu the "nill"nl which nu, ~r "illl>~ <br />"~'1"irod '" r<mil IU Iho ('c,,,nly 'f,~;"ur.' [",-lh< porio,1 of lim<lhl",,\,\h ,h< "at~ "fdll,ing: al1,IIO Ih;' .:nd.lhe part;., ,h:,I1 "",l;." S,."J <br />I'"ilh dr,'11 III giv. df~" I" any ;lpplic3blo "..\ ,ullbacb. IIl,,,,.,,~aJ ."mpli'"l. ,ocontly ",".d millage. ch"ngo ill ,""Iu"tioll and o,h"r <br />,,,~"n,,in,,hl< fa.: I"" , ~ \,<n if ",~h fa,I,'" havc "u, h.on "flIci,oIly ,ollifio" hI' ~il h~r Ih. T,"a~"..~"" A""'h'''' The "IO""nl' 5" "Hr.p'''".! <br />HnJ ~1..ljU:'oh;d ~h~11I h.: lin;ll <br /> <br />E~oepl ii' hcrcinaf,o' ,~I f"nh. 5<1101' ""..r"n!> Ihal .,11 ;"s",,,no"l> 11<''' a lio" aro ,ho"" u" Ih.: Tr~asll"':"'s ""plicat~ allJ th:,t n,' <br />Impn,,'emonl' \>il< u.. "..oa) havc boon in>iall"J hy p"hli, alllh". it I' ,h~ c,," 1'1' which i\ lU h< a,<~"c" "lpinsl<mi,~, in tho flllllrec <br />ami Sdkr fmlhel ";\lTan" \h:H he ha, nut h~.:n ",'liftoJ uf 1',,,,,1>1< [UIUle jmpl\lV<,monl> by puhlic a"lhl...ilY. a"Y p(ut "I' th. .:",1 e'I" h;~h <br />,,,,ul" or ",i~hl h~ a'~""." "g(,i,,>1 Ih. ,~"I e""'C. "","cpl Ih" f,.IlI,win\l: nO.:le <br /> <br />X"<.,"'-'~I'\'t~ 1tU'~P,<;'''-''''<T,"",,~~' !'I\-+;,.4~~ iE"'"i:\h'~~"'';'''''~''o,",,'''~ ..f-l-;".~g' .: h<1'''';~>>\''''hk>l-i~~~''''I>'',.J..,.,,-.... ...;.'H..tx;'~ <br />. ,..~:t'::t't':'~::'Y(\'':1i.~:'';'\.i''-~~''(J\.:,.(\. :"="_~'\~.:; :~.2\.....{,-~'\"-t''';::~L",\-,{\:&~1~~ _ -:"'\.-~\.~'\.i).:--'\._'.I..l~~"\.'.i\. ,~\~",,\:.,~....:).^,';"i'\~1 <br /> ,',""""! :"\..!......"."':'.l..I'\t::-;'.'\.,t . <br />,,.' "mJ' .. "tlq,,~~.L . p~ ~~~t.;.4'l<!"'\\;')\<l.: >. ",V4.\l.~~~~~I,I~' .. ').l(!.!' IWI,') '1Il1j\~;$..)'I~;;' l"P"". I <br />,aid r . ~'lIft','1denee\.l;'~ .:1'Ifn~ n)6)--<.)i?rc'hn>:rld"mibi,"e"r . ....,0"il?;I"'eha}>~I'iri. ii. i)IU'>l.i~~;~>;~i;n..}iil;"'Ihi:~*,1 <br />,".n"," r1GXtlQCJ;p:"'U\;),,,"B) )Q{~~i:<iXy~"'(.xUi),1~x..lDii~fii}ml;,1~NN :&16:H )Q<i){MiI'):]jl;S;NKNit.iNIXiKf}{,ffiNlhl1::1iji S <br />~'~I.e"'~N~' _ . ~r'''ct'''''''''''''''''''''''"l<'''''''-'(Jrn''''~!<R~''"1<'l<m1~'l'IJI!~'l.'>I~?tt' <br />,,'k,I~\lP' ~~. ,~ <br />.X.i."\. .c "^AA.J. .J.}.-h <br /> <br />6. Dl::EIl, Soller ~hall c"n'~r lu HII)<' a morchanl"hl~ litl~ in fc~ ,;mpl~ lU Ih<' real est"t.. hy Iran$r.:rable nnJ rccllrJ;).bl~ !;,n41'al <br />","'r"nlY ,10.". "ilh rd.,,,~ "I c!u".:r. ifallY. "r ridllci",y do~J. '" 'Ippropri,,"', frco "nd d~"r 1,[;,llli.n$ anJ cncllmhn\nce~ "'""PI Ih(l'. <br />~'t'r'cu in p,,,,,gmph .1 lbl hor~"r. ''','~' n,,1 III b~ paid by Sdlor :,nulh. f(>II.."in~: nO:le <br /> <br />J: :r~'i(I,{~~,~~t*~~N~~'f~r'mi(I(~\,~I\'l~ j~-R'N~:~~~~!~i.j~~"K~~"X' :~~\\"1~~~1't~~!~ ,~~t:;:7:~ <br />~." ":'~41-\p'{~6,,""~-4.\o.{;..y"~I->.:.~~4uJ~{~~ . ~cJ;;:j"-~IRI'l..~4.I':'!H;" .11Illl..),<~X 1i)l\lV\lIJt~Ut~ e \li. ~.~~ i"" <br />p.I",'I&: 0..-i'\TrlI1 n;]>('(ln~rtmnirl1;cq'lri~m..-rt':'hr..i*lt-?hd'l1..-'&.^I~.';;ln~ ,~itn1.:~ 1 "1"\r.n~-(l;^~~i{hi""" ,",,1,,'.' k"'~).,~).-1.~ \R>.....~'<i';",:-'" <br />1 j, c rl,~'{~~~.mi~)(J{lh3c.;)~m ~XC!i:.Th."'()Oih~""K'MJB\Xu.s{i)<<!}t.x~-WN{4:.'411rp){j~I:'K:)(IXl1i:1(\'>~;\(W~~'Ntr:.\~. <br />,,1':1 c~~lx<~~~"X':,i'X'};X-,(t"~xlx<l.<' X ~,,*~,,-~"rvI"'1'~~~~.\~'X'X~'J:rl:'X~-I.l"l.,:x'!<;,"""'Xi.Ik'1-"~X-l..~ -",c;d <br />aI' "in~~m.4~1~i1~~""j1t",'\ j"~I!~ :"nJf lIin\~;\'~. :-,ni,1jf,}fc'1i hiut,t,;'nH",,~...n~ t,1 ~dre'r ,lrl,q,dt"tlliilll'iUtnc I"D\\"t\:\';I'~t'1Tdil')'\<'\;"~r <br />\ ," I h,"1>'c; ..~,"'.-; i~~lP';:{i;,,'n'ki'K>l~"''i~~:.'\\.t,,~~.xx.~;x.7:;..~;( <br /> <br />ll. HE-.;T\I.S.I:"TEREST. I:'.'SIIU-.;CE PIlE\llUM. W,\TEH. SEWER i\i'W STItEl::T C1.E,\NI~G 1I1l.I.S: Thc f"II,,\\in~ aJ.iu't. <br />111.:11" ,h,,1I ho maJe lI"lho ha,j, "f ,. )115 ,1,,1' )'~'". ",' calond"r ",,,"Ih '" :.pprllplial.. ", "I' Ih~ dalc "I' do,in!:: ("l..~t,,:oh (\il 1!lll:'t:..-;.:ot,'G.llK <br />X :<l":'Il!l:"I\'1! \I:l61f.lh~'iU<b:\Xl1tJ.\;(J)(t<=:tt<N1I11>/.:i:mKr4nc<:\r."!-C::(~"5:-iIXU1'IlF-{,,'("f:I~~. Sdl~r ~halll"'Y' thl"'"!.'" thc <1:,1" of pus""i,''''. :ell <br />,,~"U",1 "",,,,'. ,~".r. ,II~.:I ~k,,"i,,~ "lid "ny ",h.r eh:Ullo, Ih,,1 '"'~ ", ,,,ay bo"''''o "Ii"" "&:oi,,,t ,h~ pr"n.i,c', <br /> <br />'x R'x- ~ l{ ~~~~t::~1t~~X~ ~I\ ~~~ It!i-~xlk-.I,::;t ~...." ':\:~, r:'{'~c:t''\S'!~ ~,rx'~ :<{",'~"X,\"J{ j{'X':'{'~ ~ "7 X~~'?X\," <br />."e b:"l~h~~q~~\l-l.I;.')..I.u..,i.~:: ~J.I{>~~~1~':,<j.~ P('\.U}!\:~j!;:"I!\L:i)\}~U~a,,~.q'~~dQ)I:.I=~ )IX1IJ';){~ "\~\~':;,:";'!\:l:.,rll>;~[~; li"'i. . <br />",,,, III f'; ri'1R'lrr.hT"t.!'rl~n ~ ~If~ TtU\' ~~ i ,1~cr i~ ~ri)....~'''''~ \\ n1t'?l{" I. ,.:-:"il,,1\ 'ik~ i;icn ~te: itl<f'u"IY \. i\t?:rl)- ~. nil"";} t<'" ::lr~.:t .,ilo_~' <br />"".,,0:X iK~~ ",~i:liXUi &){.:ioo..'i.:.l\}\j~1-ii.x;iI: ~t\~'kXu'{ m~7li".X':-;:"''','iuu~Il\.:.,\I'K'~}[~.;K ,C,hi,li:.xl::-lI;..~1(.;,zC{J ;';'~>(w'.;O;,;X('>i <br />,.e"i"'~, -~m' .:~~"~~t.;...""~'JP~;:-~' R~1t~~'1'X:'! .IR~~~~~~;t~.lZ~~.~~~~~t;.{)lit~'~"'~C~\~~~'\-1X <br />Sdkr >li:.i61 . . ~~~\l..Jthlli:~....." : '. ~~~q'lu~jb~ 9~1t,1;*L lt~..:)i.,~['\I 1I,.~)r.\..~l'1r.c',,"." l'IJ"~ "lIt,,,! l~n) t'Ol ~"'~ ,~),,~ It.,~~~ <br />h." "t$;l~\" ,i oi>-~:i)n.. ~ ilr~\,;i,H'I.... "~.P,,il"J>.."1,~ ~)'c) ''''~'';;\Ht.;\''~~I>'h'hl);~..j;.I1,;-:l^;'l;. d,,';i'l\~~~"\.:~~X~n-~ <br />\I ;,,, "ilii1iiK X " . . <br />TI..",~~..........;,)~. ~ r"'~"'~h""",~~~~,'!>'-\.W:-".l~....~r~;>.\I"""\"':-<"I'''''~i..:.;,~~iI:)' .......~>.i....j.II".'<I..~';:g' '~Il",\f':"'U\~' ,"Ut~-'l....~<..lill;U:~ <br />1'",-,....,-,,-,,-, . ',",,- "............'- ,'-,....,....;'-.-:.:~':."...",..., \ > ",. . .'-......,' . ,,} . -"" '. ..'- " ,,-,.,., <br />'H.'" :"J" )c>~_c }~~I?.c' ~'.tt. .f<!",r ;!.,.1 . hr'~ .1>:" "\It~',e "c,~~~ (Z'. ~~~ J"_..":' ~-~~ \'. '.' .,,,rh~' ~ f,'''!yI..r<!. .l:~f~r,}.~ 1, 'r~~"~'. ,", , <br />XX \(.,XX. ,X~. .X:-;XX.,:":X:\X,^,', ,'..;:\:"..... ,.,:\:"X \\. ,'" :,::":X:\" :"\-,,}\:":)<.:":. ,)C\:>\XX:,\:\(,,-XX <br /> <br />"--n,,, .\-.- <br /> <br />jL'j' -:) <br />