<br />1.,:1 d, I, ,.
<br />
<br />21. Nttln.. ExCtpllor any notiCtl, d.mands, requ.sls, or olher communications required under applicable low 10 be given In anal her mono
<br />ner, whenever Beneficiary ~r Trustor glvtl or serv.s any notice (Including, wllllout limitation, notice of default and notice of sole), demonds re-
<br />qlltsls or olher communication with respecl to this Deed of Trust, eoch such nOllce, demond, requesl or other communication sholl be in wrlllng
<br />one! sholl be .ffective only II the same I. dellvertd by personal service or moiltd by certlfltd moll, postage prepaid, relum receipt requesled, ad.
<br />dresstd to lhe oddrtss os Sf~ /, ,'!!o '" the beginning of this Deed of Trust. Truslor hereby requests thai a copy of any notice of default, any
<br />1I0llce 01 sale, requirtd or pe;'I,~{'"t;~ be given the Truslor hereunder, be moiled to il at Ihe address sel forth at Ihe beginning of this Deed of
<br />Trust. Any porIy may 01 eny time chonge 115 address for such notices by delivering or moiling 10 Ihe other porties hereto, os oforosoid, a notice
<br />of such chonge. Any nollce hv;eunder sholl be deemed 10 hove been given 10 Trustor or Beneflciorv, when given In Ihe manner designated herein.
<br />22, Govo""", 18w. This Deed of Trust sholl be governed by the lows of the Slate of Nebraska.
<br />23. SUCC....n..d Au..... This Deed of Trust and olllBims, conditions ond obligations herein apply to and inure to the benefil of and bind
<br />011 parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees, personal repres..,lotiies, surr.essors and assigns. The term "Beneficiary" sholl mean ,the
<br />owner and holder of the Note, whelher or nol named os Beneficiary herein.
<br />24. Jelnt ..H...n! Ualllllty. All convenonts and agreements ofTrustor sholl be jolnl and several.
<br />25. S...nobBfIy. In the evenl anyone or more of the provisions contained in this Deed of Trusl, or the Nole or any olher security Instrument
<br />given in connection with this transaction sholl for any reoson be held to be invalid, iIIegol or unenforceable In any respect, such invalidity, il.
<br />legality, or unenlorceobllity sholl, at Ihe opl!on 01 Beneficiary, not affect any provision of this Deed ofTrust, but this Deed ofTrust sholl be con-
<br />strutd os il such Invalid, Illegal, or unenforceable provision hod never been conlolned herein or therein. If the lien allhis Deed of Trust is invalid
<br />or unenforceable os 10 any porI of the debt, or if the lien is invalid or unenforceable os to any pori of the Property, the unsecured or porliolly
<br />secured portion of the debl sholl be completely paid prior to the payment of Ihe remaining and secured or partially secured portion of the debl,
<br />and all paymenls mode on the debt, whether voluntbi"y or under foreclosure or other enforcemenl action or procedure, sholl be considered 10
<br />hove been firsl paid on and applied to the full poymenl of that portion of the debt which is not secured or nol fully secured by the lien of this
<br />Deed ofT rust.
<br />26. Mum", .nd Gonder; Captionl. Whenever used herein, the singular number sholl include the plural, the plural, the singular, and the use
<br />of any gender sholl be applicable to 011 genders. The captions and headings of the paragraphs 01 this Deed of Trust ore for convenience only and
<br />ore not to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />27, Acceplan.e by Trult... Trustee accepts this Trust when this Deed of Trust, duly executed and acknowledged, is mode public record os
<br />provided by low.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOf, Truslor has execuled this Deed of Trust os of the
<br />
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF f/ ft Ii
<br />
<br />55.
<br />
<br />On Ihis ,;;'7 day of f)ec,,; J" , 19~, before me, the undersigned, 0 NOlory Public duly commissioned and qualified for
<br />
<br />said county, personnally come James C Wendt~ Mary Sue Wendt husband & wifp
<br />to me known to be Ihe identical persons whose names ore subscribed to the foregoing inslrument and acknowledged the execution thereof 10 be
<br />their voluntary oct and deed.
<br />
<br />Witne55 my hand and notarial seal at iDeo IJ
<br />
<br />ElL'; ~
<br />
<br />
<br />My commission expires I
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