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<br />21. Nollell. beepl 10' any nollclI. d.mond.. ..qu..lS. or other communlcallon. required under applicable low 10 bo gl.on In anolbor me,",
<br />nero wh.n..er Ben.flclnry Dr Tru.lo< gl.1I 0< .ervII ony nolle. (Including. wl.hout IImllallon. notlc. 01 d.laull and nollc. 01 .ol.t, d.mond. re.
<br />quests or other tommunlcnllon with res,.c. to this Deed J' Trust. eoch such notice. demond, request or other communication sholl be tn writing
<br />and .holl b. eff.cllv. only II th. .ome I. d.llv".d by personal servlc. or moiled by cer.lfled moll, pos.og. pr.pald, relurn rec.lpt roquested, od-
<br />dressed '0 .h. oddrell os sel lorth 01 the b.glnnlng 01 this Deed of Trusl. Truslor her.by r.quesls Ihol a copy 01 any notlc. 01 d.loull. any
<br />no'lc. D'sol., ..qulr.d or p.rmlll.d to b. glv.n Ih. Trus'or hereunder, b. mollod to It ot lhe addr.ss set lorlh 01 the beginning 01 this D..d.I
<br />Trusl. Any parly moy at OilY 11m. chon,;. lis oddr.n lor ,uch 1I0.ICII by delivering ., moiling t. the olhel por.l.s h.r..o, os olorosold, 0 nollc.
<br />0' such chong.. Any notlc. he,,,..''';'''' ,!;oil b. d..m.d 10 hov. b..n glv.n 10 Truslor or B.n.flclory, wh.n given In Ih. monner deslgnot.d herein.
<br />22. Gn.mlnll... This 0<.;:,; -.i frus' sholl be governed by .h.lows 01 the 5tot. 01 Nebrosko.
<br />23. s.ec....,. and A.."",.. This De.d 01 Trusl ond alllerms, condlllons and obligations herein apply 10 and Inur. to Ih. b.neflt 01 ond bind
<br />oil porlles hereto, their heirs, legolees, devl.ees, pefSonol represenlotlves, succossors and assigns. The lerm "Beneficlory" sholl mean Ihe
<br />owner and holder 01 lhe Nole, whether Dr nol named a' Beneficlar~ herein.
<br />24. J.lnt...d SO'.r.11I....1I1'. All canvenanl, and agreements 01 Trus.or sholl be joint and ,everal.
<br />25. SoYlI.bUIl,.ln Ihe evenl ony one or more 01 the provisions contolned in '~is Doed 01 Trust, or the Note or any 01 her security Instrumen'
<br />given In connection wllh .hls transaction sholl lor any reason be held 10 be involld. lIIegol or unenlorceoble In ony respect, such Involldity, 11-
<br />legolity, or unenlorceoblllty ,hall, al.he option 01 Beneliciary. no' ollec. any provision 01 this Deed 01 Trust. but.hls Deed 01 Trusl sholl be con.
<br />strued os il such invalid, illegal, or unenlorceoble provision hod ne.er been contained herein or Iherein. If the lien 01 this Deed 01 Trusl Is invalid
<br />or unenlorceoble os to ony parI 01 the debt, or II the lien is involid or unenlorceoble os to any porI 01 the Property, the unsecured or porllolly
<br />,ecured porI ion 0' the debt sholl be completely paid prior to the poyment 01 the remolning and secured Dr porllolly secured portion 01 the debt,
<br />ond .11 poyments mode on Ihe debt, whether voluntbry or under loreclosure Dr olher enlorcemenl oclion Dr procedur., shoil be considered 10
<br />hove been first paid on and opplied to Ihe 'ull poyment 01 Ihol porlion 01 Ihe debt which is not secured Dr nol fully secured by Ih. lien 01 this
<br />Deed ofTru,t.
<br />26. Humb" and Gender; Captions. Whenever used herein, Ih. singulor number ,holl includ. Ihe plural. the plural, the singular, and the use
<br />01 ony gender ,hall be applicable '0 oil g.nders. The caption. ond heading' 01 .he porographs 01 this Deed 01 Trusl ore lor convenience only ond
<br />ore nollo be used to in'.rpret or delin. the provisions hereol.
<br />27. Acceptance by Trustee. Trustee accepts this Trust when this Oeed of Trust. duly executed and acknowledged. is made public record os
<br />provided by low.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Trustor ho, eKecuted this Deed 01 Trust os 01 lh~~ lirst above wrille
<br />
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<br />COUNTY OF Hall
<br />
<br />On Ihis ~ doy 01 December , 19~, b.lore m., the undersigned, 0 Notory Public duly commissioned and quolified lor
<br />
<br />said ft'*"t~d'Er5HW1~Ja9ll\'l:Eui~n~u~~u~onson and Wanda L. Monson. husband ;md wi fp ~q joint "'pn~n"'q .
<br />'0 me known to b. th. ,d.ntlcar persons whose nomes ore subscribed to the loregoing instrument and ocknowledged Ih. .xeculion ther.al 10 b.
<br />th.ir voluntory oct and deed.
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