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<br />Siate of Nebr8aka <br /> <br />88-107037 <br />RE.RECORDED <br />Mortgage <br /> <br />) 86-'-108810 <br />....0 CtN". ~F. <br />321- 1133572_ 234 t?(fi'1. <br />1.:1['. <br /> <br />Re-record to show new FHA caso nu~er. <br />! <br /> <br />1lII Martpp. mll!c ,,,," executed this OlST dlY of DECEMBER <br />1986 ,byand bel",..n ELIZABEml L. F,N3J,ER A SINGI.P. PP,P50N,lJI VEIlJll F. ENGT.ER N-Il ARLENE R. ENGLER, <br />HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />of the County of HALL , r~d SlIte of Nebraska. pany of the first part, hereinafter called <br />the Mo~r. and IDRI'lEST BI\NK NEBRASKA, NATIO;JAI, ASSCX:IATION <br /> <br />OEe t 1 ..,,~ <br /> <br />a corporation orpnired and axillIns under the lawI of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA <br />party of the econd part, baralnaftar called lbe Mons..... <br /> <br />W1~: That the IlIid MonNor. for and in coDlideratlon of the sum of THIRI'Y THREE THOUSAND AND <br />00/100 Dollars (5 33,000.00 ), paid by tbe Mort- <br />...... the receipt of which il bereby acknowledsed, bu Granted and Said and by th... present! does Grant, Bargain. SaIl. Convey <br />and Confirm unto lbe MnnSB8ae, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-dascribed real asllte, situated in the County of <br />HALL , and SlIte of Nebruka, to wit: <br /> <br />SUITE TFIIP.lY FOUR (34), I'JIID GAPJl.GE lv, "0" \olIND50R SQUAP.E COHJOHINIUM <br />PROPERrY RFfL~_BEIl'l.; PARI' OF UNIT FOOR (4) .LlDl' ThO (2h.!3fOCK EIGHT (8), <br />REPLAT, COIV1'lN~~Nl'AL Gl\RDENS, AN ADDITI0N m Tt'.l': CITY OF t;tU\Nl) ISLAND, HAIL <br />C'OlTh1J'Y, NEBRASKA.' <br /> <br />THIS IS A PURCHASE HONEY MORTGAGE. <br /> <br />THE RIDER 'ID THE ~lORlt',AGE A'I'I'ACHED HERlITO AND EXECllTED OF' EVEN llATE HERElilITH <br />IS INCORPORATED HEREIN AND THE COVENANrR AND AGREEl>lliNI'S OF THE RIDER SHALL <br />AMEND AND SUPPLEl'lliNI' THE COVENANJ'S Am .AGW,EMEJIII'S OF THIR ~lORl'C.,J\GE. <br /> <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all <br /> <br />CITY LOT <br /> <br />acres according to Government survey: <br /> <br />To IIPe .... To Bold the premilel above described, wilb all the appurtenances thareuoto belonging and including aU heatlns, <br />plumb"" and lisbllns fwures and equipment now or bereafter auacbed to or used in conncctlnn with IlIid realesllle unto the Mon- <br />ppe, and to ill .ucccao11 and III"", forever. The Mon...or repJelClllIlO, and covenants' with, the Monsasee, that the Mort- <br />....... bu sood riPt to ..u and convey said premiIa; thaltbey are free from eDCWDbnnce; and thaI the Mortlll8Df wlll warrant and <br />defeDd the IIDIC apiDIt the lawful claimI of aU perIODI whomsoev...; and the said Morl8lltor h...,by ralinquishes all risbt! of <br />homestead, and all marllll risbu. cltbcr in law or in equity, and aU other contingent inlerClll of the M<>rl8IItor in and to the above- <br />dacrlbed premiIa, the intention beina to convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple, including all risbts of homes lead, and other <br />riPlI and lntereIlI u aforesaid. <br />PnmMI AIwap, and these presents are ......ted and deIlvered upon the followlns condilloDl, 10 wit: <br />The MortpgOr qrees to pay the Mo"-, or order, the princlpalsum of THIRl'Y THREE Tl:!OUSAND AND DO/IOn <br />Dollars (5 33,000.00 ), <br />with inten:It from date II the rite of NINE AID 500/1000 per centum ( 9.500 "Ib) per annum 00 the <br />WIpIid baIIIIce until paid. The I8id principal and inlerelt .balI be payable at the office of <br />NJRI\lEST BlINK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSlX:IATION, 202 wpm THIJlD S'J'REP.!' <br />in. GRI'JiI) ISIJlloID, NE 68801 ' or at sueb other place u lbe bolder of lhe not. <br />may dcsilDlle in writing. in moothly installment! of Tl\D HUNDRF.D SEVENIY SEVEN AND 49/100 <br />Dollars (S 277.49 ), commcncins on lbe fUll day of JANUARY 01 <br />1987 ,and on the f"UIl day of each mooth thereaft... until the principal and inti:i-m. "'" fully paid. except that the fmal payment of <br />principal and inten:It, if not lOOoar paid, sball be due and payable 00 the fUlt day of'D~P.~.pPIl OJ <br />2016 ; all acconIlDa: to the WI1DI of. c:ertIin promillory note of eveD date berewith eXeCiI~.;'y the said Monsasor. <br /> <br /> <br />Plge 1 of 4 <br />