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<br />, , <br /> <br />88-107033 <br /> <br />TRUST DEED <br /> <br />,1988 <br /> <br />THISTRUSTOEED,madlth,s "nrl dlyof December <br />be Ind betwHn: <br />(A) R_up...,)' n Rn,.h,.lnD !linn William E. Redwlnn ..lirA Anrl <br /> <br />hllCl.hAnrt <br /> <br />, whether one or more, herein. <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />aller callad "Trusl::'. ",l"'l'.le mailing addrallls <br />2216 n~~~-~av Avenue. Grand Island. NF 6RAn~ <br /> <br />(B) Howerd E. Tracy, Attorney-at-Law <br /> <br />as "Trustee" whose mailing <br />and <br /> <br />(C) <br /> <br />address Is 706 West KoeniQ. Grand Island. NE 68801 <br /> <br />Northwest National 8ank <br />2008 No. Webb Road, Grand Island, NE 68B03 <br /> <br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address Is <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, In conslderallon of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuabla consideration receipt <br />whereof Is hereby acknowledged, grantll, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, In trust, with power of sale, the <br />following described property, situated In He 1] County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />Lot Three (3), Bishop Heights Subdivision, Part of the Southwest Quarter (SWt) of <br />the Northwest Quarter (NWt) of Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11), Range <br />ren (10), West of the 6th P.~., Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />The Intenllon being to convey hereby In absolute IIlle In fea simple, Including all the rights of homestead and <br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the <br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred 10 as the "Property." <br /> <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained <br />and the payment of the principal sum of Fiftv Five Thousand ~ Dollars ($ 55.500.00 ), <br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the r YS rli Interest thereon which may hereafter be paid <br />or advanclld under theteri1ls of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and Interest thereon being payable according <br />to terms Ht forth In aald promissory note, reference to which Is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at <br />such other place al the holder may designate In writing, thl final payment of principal and Interest, If not sooner <br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 1st day of January ,19 94 <br /> <br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree al followl: <br /> <br />t. ..........n:r.. TrullOf' "lawfully Mlud of 1M ProI* hUaDOd nGht and <br />lawful authorttJ ta H1lllRdc:ofl"' the p,Gplr1Y, IhlI PrOpiny 1I1r_ and c"aral.1I <br />HenI and encumbtAftCa* ...eeplll..... now Dr recatdj and Ttu.lcw _Ill .ananl and <br />dIfencllM 11111 Ia IhI PrOl*\y unto (he Tru.... and Ita SlICe..... and ...Ign. <br />Icnlrer, egaInIt 11M claim, 01 all perwnl. Tru.IOt, .111. 'IPln... will malnlaln and <br />prMMWIMI...,oIlNaTrvt.IDe<<lHal"n upon IMTfUl1 Prupefl~ lubjllCl DnIW' 10 <br />~== =:f;ttnQ a of It=! =c. t=:ocf, 0111 CAU2G 11'1111 Tru.l Dcod, and Neh <br />~I Of ~t lhefeto,lCt be lIil1d and ,ecorded.. . of lhe <br />T'ldlPmperl, In auch manner and In.uch ptKe. and will lake .uen 011* actlall.. <br />tn 1M apINQn of TNlI_ ma~ be '~ul'lId by lIt1~ pteHnl Of Iulwa iIIw In Ofdel' 10 <br />,*,ecl, malnl"n and prolecl IhIl lien of 11'11. TrUll 0Md, u 1M urne ma, be from <br />IlInt 10 1m..mencIlId 01 aupplel'Mnl<<l. <br /> <br />2. ....-.......... ~......L TIU.lor .1\tI1I punduaJl, p., ,be prlnclpal 01. <br />and IniMIIl on. UId ~ nollllncludlna an, ad"ancea Itlelalo .. PfDVIded <br />....n on U'II ua.tllld al'he place and In IhI manner provldtNllhllaln ud will <br />punc:tual1r pedonnd......,.,.l.. candlUon. and provlllOn. at .", 01"* MCWII'f <br />InaIrumMt gMn In connac:UaR 11'111'111'1" lranuctlon. <br />3. ~"""'-....o" ,.,....". Truslor will nOI commit Iln, w..le <br />upon tlIa PrapwI, pel will. .1 .11 11maa, maintain lhe In good atdM and <br />eondhIon and wiD meU, lrom UN 10 lima, .U ' tlnew.l.. raplacalMnll, <br />ICldlUonI .... ~ whlcb .,. ,auon&DI, 'aqul,1Ct 10 pqwenl ."'a. <br />In'lpaInaInI. fit dIWtoratlDn 01 Nkt PfOI*b'. No bulldinlJ Of Improwemanl now 01 <br />...... ..::... upon 1M 1Ifopar.,. ahatl be ........ Of ~ <br />wlUlouI tMptlafWflllaftCOftMftlof ......,k:Iat~. <br />.. a-..........,.In.....ot IIIIJdarnagIIIO.Ofdnl'UCIIon of.IMbultcUng.. <br />~ar~propett,.CDfll,lllUllngp..-loIIM Tru'l PropeltY. Idlel_ <br />_ ... .. COllW-.:I bJI Inaufance 01 DI....wtM. TIU.lor. a1 II. IO&a coat and <br />..... .... pnnpUJ tn1cn. ..... ~ and rebuild 1M aama .. .,.,., .. <br />pqclIc:aItIa 10 lh COIIdUIan ~ pdorto IUd'I CllQMgeOt' deolrucllonor 11'11" <br />aucb .... MIl .....Uona .. TtullGr mQ' dIiam ~.. prOW6dld auctl <br />....... WIll ......... do noI ~ ...... lhI watua and uUIU, of ~ <br />....... ............ Md penanaM" horn ....1 UIIUIIG 1mmacNI...., IWIaf 10 <br />........OI~ T...... aftalI be .,Ude:I '0 ~t Irom I" <br />T.....1o lflI......of UW... ~ Pf'DC*lIIa......." Trualel.tIut en, to <br />.........Gflbaact.s......,...., ~IhlaPfO'llllOft. <br />.. ~ '-'If TIUlIIor fa. CQfPCllllIon, It wm do .11 IN........, 10 <br />.......1tI-..-............. ud................... ....alI......... 01 <br />..- <br /> <br />.. -. T~. at n. ..,....., .... ma6nlaill .lItI ........ ~ br <br />....-...,. If'..- .. ....... to .,. ~ and ........ PfDI*1,. <br />-...... ....." ....... toM br In. '''''Nng. IofMOo. MIl OUW oenla <br />...... br ......... ......... ~ .....--.. '" .,. IIINIUftl ~ Ia .1 <br />.... - ....... ~ .. IftII .... ............ .... .....; .... ......1ftCllI <br />...........-,.................... _ .hlM......., Ul'.... br....... <br />MIl ...... .. ..... ........ .... .. ......kWr ...., ,.... ... III <br />....- , __,........... _......Idary_, <br />.....-.._...... __~'" __WIClI" c............ 1M <br /> <br />rnpacllWl partlel. AU InlU'llncl polld.. malnlalned putluan' 10 Ihl. Tru.t DMd <br />lfI.n name Thill.. anct Beneflcl.ry .. If\lLlrttdl, .. Inti. fMPKllwe Inlarnl. mar <br />&CIpaI'. and prcwtdll thai lhafa ....11 be no c.~nallan QI' modlllc.Uon wUhOul <br />IIIt_n dI~1 PlIOl wrlll.n nollllc.Uonlo T.u.l.. lIfKI Banellc'-ty. In 1M !IV.,I an, <br />pallcy ""Minder II nol rlnaweel on Of bator. flll..n d'~1 prlOl to II. a.plrallon <br /> or Beneflcll'" mly procura luch lnau'aoe..nd 1M COlllhl~llhall <br />ba Had 10 IPIe loan NCUflC! b1lhl. Tlu.1 DHd Ind aIlall bMI' Inl.ra.1 .1 IhI <br />o,..lar olllle Intlf..1 ,at'lIJlKlIllId thetlln DI tha IUgha.llnl.reat 1111 .ulhoflDd <br />b)llhll.w. ollha BI.II o. Tfullor .h.1I dlllverlo Ban.flCI." IIMI original <br />poIld.. of In.uranc. and renawlll InlWlDt or memo COplel olauch,pallcl.. Ind <br /> lherllCll. F.lIutllo turnl.hln.uranca b, TruIIDl. or ran".. u r~ulfld <br />hll.und.. Ihall. .1 IhIl optton 01 S.nallcl.t'f. can.lilUII I d.f.ult All unaalnad <br />pr.mlum. .re ....,.bJ' a'llgnld 10 Tru.t.. .11 .ddltlonallMGurlt~ .nd I ..Ie and <br /><iPn".,.ne. of 1M Prop.rl, by lhe TrU'IM ....lil aplral..a candy 10 IhI pyrchaalf <br />Ih. ffU.lo,'.lnl....lln.nd 10 all pallel.. oIlnauranca upon IhI TrUll ~joptlrly. <br />7. T.....nd AsMNfIlIfIla. Tru.lor .n." p.r ." laxa. and .paclal ......menl. <br />'-"led or .....Nd .a.ln.1 or d~ upon IIlII Property balora dellnquene~. and .111 <br />cNUw.r 10 Ban.flelluy ec;pl.1 Df receipt. .llawJng p.~mlnl of .ue" I.... .nd <br /> I' Ben.Uclllty .".ll.o requ"I, Tru.lor .arel. Utili"". .".11 <br />be addltd 10 ..cll pltlodlc requlrMt to be made ha,.."ndlt .n .mounl <br />alUm.led br nu.I.. 10 be .ulllelanl 10 an.bla nu.lor 10 PIlY. .1 I...t 30 dlly. <br />btlora dlllnqu.ncy. all lax.., .IHlamanll of at".' public enargll .a.ln~I 11M <br />Tfu.1 NDI.'lIdbt !nl. Tru.1 OerId.o' upanlecounl 01 the debl or <br />In. Il.n 01 nIl. Trwll o..d. logalMr willi pramlums 'Of In.urance ,equlred 10 be <br />provided under Ihll fru.t OeM! and no Inle'.I' .hall be p.rlbl. 10 Tru.lor In <br />ralpKl IMIlIOl. Upon d.m.nQ by Trull... Truslor .1'1.11*11,,11( 10 ThI.t.. .ueh <br />.dalllon.1 aum. of man., .. .r. fIIe....'y 10 milia up .n, O.lIel.ney In lhe <br />.,.-,aunl.nac....ry loenab.. Tru.lnla pav .n, at lha lorllQOlna lI.m.. <br />.. AMIIIMI...... nu.lor .hl" make ." pa,manll o'lnl.,..1 and prlnelp.1 Inll <br />pa,manl. at any alner eh.rlJl.. 'M'. Ilfld a.pan... conlfacted 10 be paid ICPan, <br />hIlling I.... holder. or pilOt banl'ltllrll. unda' an~ prior Tru.t DHd. Mortgt,g. Of <br />oIher MCullI, agrellTllnt. belOl" thl dal. lhay.,. dIIllnqupl.nd 10 par IIIIJ 01'* <br />ct&Im wtl6ch jaopardIn. lhe Meu.l" aranllld hlrlln. <br />II. "....... allaIIeIIi:laIJ". IacurItp. Snould T'ullor '.1110 mP. an)' pti,menl. <br />lall to do an~ llel U Mt*n prorlded. at II any aclion or proceeding I. commenced <br />wt1lcft matanallJ' lltecI. ....llclary.. lnt...lln lhe Ptopertr. Including. Dul nol <br />AMltIllIlo. amlnenI eIomaln. InlOMnC1, ananQllNRl. Of PfDCMIIInDllft'fOtvlng a <br />"""""t Of dlcMlhl, than s.n.Uclary or TNlt.. bulwlltlcMtl Of)tlOlttort 10 do aa, <br />and without nota 10 Of damand upon frullOt'. and w1ltloul.-ulng TrullOf from <br />IAr otlllpUon haIItInMI. may mllil. Of do the 1lIfM, and ma" pay. pun:huI. <br />CGnIMIOf campromiMlI1IJI encumOrance. cha.rga Of 1-' whtctlln 1'- Judgement 01 <br />a111'1e1 IPPHfII 10 .'teet: IIIkI Propetlr. In ...etllng an,. lYeh powen 1M <br />......,idary :II ThRl.. m., Incur .n, IIabIHI, aM ..pend wtl.Ilawer amount.. <br />inducWng dl~I' 01 ~ Illornlw" ..... wNch In I"" aDaOtu.. <br />lIIIcNIlDn, ,.,. bI ......,." Irr the ....., I'" TRllIOf' lhall '.u to proan <br />......._ or lD pay ...... IIIId apIIClal ............. QlI 10 m.... anr PIY",,,,,"lo <br />....,.... 01 pnDf u.n l'lOIdInI Of baneI~.. 1M ....rN:llry may plOCUfll -..eft <br />"*-H~"'~ IwctI pay",,"l. All.."... 1nc;"",fIId Of 1.ptnfM4t1, ~N:"'" <br />orT",.. "~.II~"'proIIl~Dr Ifll' Tru., o..tI.....-:wIlll,.... <br />