<br />~~-Q" '.; '.'''6982
<br />
<br />.. .old, a:ransfernd or further en~USllCar-DltbOuf-~ expresa or written consent of Beneficiary,
<br />leneficiary ..y~ U Ua .ole option, dltchrs all BUlla secured by thie Deed of Trust to be lallledt.td)'
<br />due and p.yable and proceed to the remedies available to it under the default providoRS contained
<br />herotn.
<br />
<br />11. Event. of Default. Any of tho following eventll ahall be deeDled an event of default hllreooder~
<br />
<br />(.) Trunor shall huve faUed to ..'ke payment of any installment of interellt.
<br />principal or prinCipal and intereet or any other 8U118 secured hereby when due~.
<br />
<br />(b) There hilS occurred a breach of or default under any lena, covenant.
<br />.8re~ent. condition. proviaton, reprellentatlon or warranty contatned in this Deed
<br />of TrUllt. the note or Bny other loan tnBtl'dlent secured hereby;
<br />
<br />(c) Then has been a default b)' the Trus!'o'[' in the payment of any prior or
<br />subsequent llen or encUllbrance in respect to .11 or any part of the property;
<br />
<br />(d) Trustor shall file a 'i"oluntllry petition In bankruptcy or sll1l11 be .djuii-
<br />cated bankrupt or tnsolvent. or .h.ll uke an ....lP\lMI:nt for the benefit of creditors
<br />tn re.pect to the propert)'; or an act ton to enftJrce any llen or encumbrance or JudB-
<br />~U a.aihat the propert)' 1_ COaaDenced.
<br />
<br />12. Acceleration Upon Default. In the event of Iny default. Beneficiary may dec:1are all indebtednea.
<br />.ecured henby to be due and payabl.. ...d the ...... .hall thereupon beco.e due and payable without 801
<br />pn.encacnt, deund. prot..t or notIce of nnJ kind. 'Iber.after. Beneficiary ma,.
<br />
<br />(a) either In po1!rSOR or by asent. with or without bringing any action 0'1' pro-
<br />ceeding. or by receiver .ppoinud by 8 court and v1.thout regard to the adequac,. of
<br />.ny.ecurt.ty. enter '1pan end take pOlSe..ion of the property. or any part thereof.
<br />In lu own n..e or in the name of the Truatee. and do any acts which it d.esu lIece..ary
<br />and d.slrable to preserve the value. marketability or rentab1Uty of t.he property. or
<br />part thereof or interest therein, increase the incOlle therefrOM or protect the lIecurltJ'
<br />hereof and. without taUnl po..essIon of the property. sue for or otherv1ae collect the:
<br />renu. I.Bue. and proftts thereof, Including those past due and unpaid. and .pply the
<br />..... leas co.u and expenaea of operation and collection. Includlna attome, fees, upon
<br />any Indebt.dness secured hereby, all in such order aa Beneficiary ..y deteraln.. the
<br />enterlna upon. and taking p08l1es.ton of the truat estate. the collection of aueb reat.,
<br />issue. and proUta and appllcatton thereof a. aforesaid shall not cure or v.lv. any de-
<br />fault or notice of default hereund.r or invalidate any act and in response to such de-
<br />fault Dr punuant to auch notice of default and. notvlthatandlnl the continuance in
<br />po.se.slon of the property Dr the collection. receipt and application of rente, ta..s
<br />or profita. Truat.e or Beneficiary ..y b. entitled. to exerclae every daht provld.d for
<br />In any of the loan tnatrUllM!JlU or by law upon occurrence of any eValt of default, 1n-
<br />cludtn& the risht to .xereh. the power of aal.;
<br />
<br />(b) ~ce an action to for.clolle thb Deed of Truat a. . .-orts.a.. appoiDt
<br />a recdv.r, or .pecifically enforce any of the covenant II her.of;
<br />
<br />(c) d.l1.ve:", to TrUltee a written declaration of default and de..nd for ..I..
<br />ed a written DOtlce of default .nd .lection to cauae Truator'. lntenat tn the ProP.U7
<br />to be .old. vhich notlce TrUllue .hdl eauae to be duly fUed for record 1ft the offle"l
<br />neord. of thl eOW\ty in which the property ia locatede
<br />
<br />13. Poreclolure by Power of S.le. Should. Beneflcial'Y .lect to foreclo.. b" exerei.. of the ~r
<br />of ..1_ heretn contatnad. Beneficiary .hllll notU, TRate. and ahan depodt wtth Truet.. thi. Dee4I of
<br />Tru.c and the note and IUch rlc.tpt. ..d avldencl of ...dlture. ..dl and ..curld hlr.b, .. It.t..
<br />.., require. ed upon requen of thl leMUclar,. chI Truatle .tutll f11. for r.cord. !II the __al.ter
<br />of De.da offic. In the eo..,1:7 "b. 1'1 thl property" located, . notJce of default. ..tttnl fortb tbe
<br />n'" of the Truator. tha Book and r'.1 or Oocuaant HOe of thb Deed of Tr1lllt .. recorded 111 ..14
<br />"Itlter of Deeda ofUee. the lel.l description of tbe above-descrlb.d real e.Cat. and th.t . breach
<br />of au abUlaelon. for which ....d r.al .atatl "aa conveyed aa ..curity. h.. occurred, .nd aettllll forth
<br />the natura of .uch br..ch and the Trusteel. election to ..U the real eatlt_ to a.tlaf, thl obUlltt_,
<br />and after the llpa. of not .... th.n one (1) ...th. the Truate. ah.ll live vr:luen notice of the tl.-
<br />and plac. of ..1. vb:leh MY be bgtveln 9100 .... and 5 p... at the pr..ta.a, or at thl Courthoua. In
<br />the Count)' wh.retn luch propert)' II loc.ted. de.criblnl thl prop.rty to b. laid by ltl le.ll d..crip-
<br />tion. aaid notlcl to bl publhhld In a nevapaper of lene~.l circulation tn th. County vbarein .uch
<br />proplrty tl locatld. onel I v.ek for flv. (5) con.ecutiv. velka. the l.lt publication to b. .t l...t
<br />taD (10) d.YI. but not IIOre than ehlEr.,. (lD) d.)'., prior tD" the ..1.: And rh. Truat.. Ihlll then a.U
<br />..Id propertJ' at the tl.. .,.d pl.c. d..ianated In thl notice. 1n the ..nnlr provlald b7 l.v 1a .ffect
<br />at tbe tt_ of flllna Hid notice. at publiC auction to t'" hlaha.t bldd.r for calh .nd Ihall dell..11'
<br />to luch pUl'chl..r . d.ed to the proput1 laId, caaliatent vJth the laW' in .ffect at the t"'e
<br />
<br />Upoa r.ceipt of tM pdc. btd. Trulte. .hall d.Uv.r to the purchl.e. Truateel. d..d coaYlJ'lrIl th.
<br />prap.rtJ laid. llecital1 In the Truat..'. d..d ahall b. pd.. be 1. .vldencl of tbe tl'uth of tbl .tat.-
<br />.ent. ..d. therltn. Truatee shill apply the proceed. of thl .aie in the follovinl order; (a) to aU
<br />r...OMibl. coat. and ..p...... of thl .al., Inc1udllll but not U.tud to, Trultel.. feea of not .r.
<br />tban~ of thl &1'0.' aale pr1ce, n..onabl. aUom., fa.. and coan of tide .videnc., (b) to aU
<br />..... ..cured by thl. Deed ot Trust: and (c) the ..cea.. if In)'. to the parson or paraem. l...11y en-
<br />titled tl'.:::=et",. An,. per.on. includlna leneflelary. .., putclUlNa .sid proportJ at ..Id aata.
<br />
<br />Th. pInon conductina the Ide ..,. for In)' clua. hI or aha d.... ..pedttlnt. poatpone the ..1_ frOll.
<br />ti_ to ti_ unt.ll It Ihall b. eoapl.ud ande 'in Iv.r, .uch ca... notlc. of poatpon...nt ahall bl Ilv...
<br />by public dlclaratton thereof by .uch perlon It the tl_ and piau lan .ppointed for the lall; pro-
<br />vld.d. If till ..1. h poatponeLl for longcr tb"n anI (1) dl)' blyond the date d.a1sn.t.d In the notice of
<br />adl. not Ie. thereof .hlll b. liven In the .... ....nn a. the orl11na1 notice of eal..
<br />
<br />1". ReMdte. Hot Exclusive. Truate. and Ben.flei.r,. ad ..ch of thell. .heU be entUled to en-
<br />forc. p.}'Mllt end pe:rfonunce 01 any indabtednl.. or abllaat ton a.cured herebJ and to e..relae .U l'iBhta
<br />_d pover. under th11 Deld of Trult ar under an, lOin lnltrUMnt or other .gres.nt or any lawa now o~
<br />har.aftlr enforced. notvithatandb,. ea_ or all of the Indlbtedne.. and obU.atlona ..cur.d hlreby
<br />which MY now or h.r..lter be nthervb. s.cured. wheth.r by IIOna.III, d.ed of trust. pledg.. Uen. .aalan-
<br />.nt or othetvh.. Hlhher the Icceptanc. of thh De.d of Trult nor Its enforcelM!nt I whether b)' court
<br />action or punuant to the power of a.le or other pov.n h.reln contained. shall preJudtce or In .n,
<br />aann.r .ffact Tt'uatee'. or lIeRll:flc:lary'. rllbt to rlalil. upon or enforce an)' other aecurlry now or hen-
<br />.ftar h.ld b)' Tru.tea or len.Uclar)'. It b.lna lareed that Tru.tee and Beneflciar)', end e.ch of th_.
<br />.han bl Intltled to enforce thb Deed of Trust and an7 other accur1ty now Dr heredter held b)' the Bene-
<br />Ucbr, Dr TruaUIi I.. Much ordllf and IURn.r .. tha,. or either of tl18.. -y In their ablDlut. discretton
<br />d.ur.IDle No 1'...., herlln conferred upon or re..l'VlI!!:d to Truatee or Beneficial')' la intended to be ..-
<br />clual"a of any other re-dy h.reln or by lav provided or penllltted. but each IhAll be cu.uhtlve .nd
<br />.hd1 " In addition to IIvlry otller re.edy given hareunder or now or hereafur ItxhtinB at law or In
<br />.qulty or b, .t.tut.. Every power at' r...d, liven b, any of the loan Inlltru.enU to Tru.tea or lene-
<br />flclaq or to vhtll;h dthel' Dr the. ur be othetvh. enUtled ..y be exercised I coneurrent 1)' Dr Indepen-
<br />dlntl,. fr~ clM to ti.. .nd .. ofcen .a .., b. d...d .apedlent by Trust.e or Beneficiary. and either
<br />of t'" ..y ,unue lnconalltllnt reMctl... Mothinl henJ.n ,h.ll be cODllltrued a. prohlbltlnl Benef1claty
<br />h~ a..klnl a deUel.ncf Judpllnl alaln.t. Trultor to the ..tent .ueh act Ion fa pemitt.d by lev.
<br />. -2-
<br />