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<br />BB- <br /> <br />106898 <br /> <br />NON. UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower .nd Lender further .sree as follow.: <br />19, Acctl...tlna; Remedl.., Louder aIWl ".e notice 10 Bo....".r prior 10 accel...lloa tollo,"n. Bo....".r'. <br />...... ohay conDlDI or ....-lla lbla Seearlty (bul Dol prior 10 acceleratl.a uader parqrapluo131Od 17 <br />aa1_ appUahIe Ia.. proridea olbenriIe). 'lb. DOli.. ....11 .....1Iy: (a) the d.taull; (b) lb. _011 required 10 cure the <br />; (c). del.. a.ll_ tUn 3U de,.. from lbe dete lbe ..11.... gI..n 10 Bo...."e.. by ..bleh the detaull muat be cand; <br />and (d) tlaal 10 cure tile defaull 00 0. belore lb. date opecI/Ied In lb. nollce may reaullln accel...tloa ot lhe ....... <br />........ by lbla Secarity InatnuaeallOd .... ot lb. Property. Th. notice .balll'urtb.r laform Bo....".r at lb. rllbl to <br />nlutate aile. accel...lloo IOd lb. rllbl to brill a coari ..don 10 ....rt lb. noo_lat.oce of a d.taall or IOY other <br />def_ af Dorroh. to .........lIoa IOd .....lflb. defaullla Dol cured on or date ,peclfted In lb. noll~ Lende. <br />al III optloo may reqalre lmmedlllle p"l'III.alla fall ot a111WD1 ....ured by lbll Security loatrameal ,"lbaull'urtber <br />deawld IOd may I",oke lb. po...r of.... and aay olb.. remodl.. permitted by Leader abaIl be entitled to <br />collect ill ope.... lacarred In pmnIas the remodles pronded In 1I>1lI parqrapb 19. Inelndlnllo bul DOt limited to, <br />..-ubl. aUnrae)'l' f...1III4 CfJOta ottltl. .ndenee. <br />If lb. of lIlII. II In..ked, Trustee aIWl ....rd a nollc. at d.faallln eacb conoty In ..bleb ...y part of lb. <br />Property Ia located IOd abaIl meII copl.. nt sucb notice In lhe lIWIIIe. prescribed by .ppllcable Ia.. 10 Bo........ and to the <br />olb.r penona preacrlbed by appllcabl. law. After lb.lIn.'O requlrecl by appllcabl. Ia.., Trustee aIWl Slo. public notice of <br />....1'> lb. penona lIIld la lb. manner prescribed by appllabl. Ia... Trusl... ..Ilboul d.awut.a Bo....".r. ,ball HIIthe <br />Property al public lIUClIoa 10 lb. blsbeslllldd.r al lb.lIm. lIIld place lIIld under Ib.l.nos designated In lbenollce or.... In <br />.a. or more parcell lIIld In lIIlY order Trust.. determines. Trustee may postpoa. aI..t all 0. lIIlY parcel of lb. Property by <br />publle al lb. 11m. lIIld plac. or lIIlY pren.UBly scheduled ale. Louder .r III dealp.. may purchase lb. <br />Property.1 any ..... <br />Upoa receipt of P"l'IIIenl or lbe price bid, Trustee sbaII 10 lb. parcbuer Trost.... deed coa..yIna lbe <br />Property. Th. recllala ia lb. Trusl.... deed sball be prima fade .riden.. of lb. trulb of lb. statemenll made lb.reIn. <br />Trost.. oball apply lb. proceeds of lb. aI. In lb. folloma order: (0) to all ..penses of the .....lndadlaa. bat aolllmlted <br />10. Trastee's fees .. permitted by applh:abl. la.. lIIld ......nabl. attorneys' rees; (h) to all IWDI secured by thIs Seearlty <br />loatrumeat; and (c) lIIly ......10 lb. penoo or penona lepJIy entitled 10 it. <br />20. Louder In P._lon. Upon acceleralion under paragraph 19 or abandoomenl of lbe Propc:rty, Louder em <br />person, by a...1 or by judicially appoinled receiver) shall be enlilled 10 enler upon. talce possession of and manase lbe <br />Property and 10 collect Ihe rents of lbe Property includins Ihose pasl due. Any rents collecled by Louder or lbe receiver <br />shall be applied firsllo paymenl of the costs of manaaemenl of Ihe Property and colleclion of rents, includina, bUI nol <br />limited to. receiver7s tees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees. and then to the sums secured by <br />Ihis SecurilY Inslrumenl, <br />21. Recaa.eyanee. Upon pal'lllent of all sums secured by this Security Inslrument, Lender sbaII requesl Truslee 10 <br />reconvey Ihe Property and shall surrender Ihis SecurilY Inslrumenl and all noles evidencing debl secured by this Security <br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the penon or persons <br />leaallY entitled 10 it. Such person or persoos shall pay lIIlY ....rdation cosls, <br />22. Subotllate Trustee. Lender, al its option, may from time 10 lime remove Truslee and appoinl a successor truslee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instnlmcnt recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Wilboul cooveyance of lbe Propc:rty, lbe successor lrustee shall succeed 10 a1llhe litle, power and duties confOl1'ed upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable Jaw. <br />23. Request for NolIees. Borrower requests lhat copies of lbe notices of def.ult lIIld sale be senl 10 Borrower's <br />address which is the Properly Address. <br />24. Riden to IhIa Seearlty Inatramcnt. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower lIIld recorded logether wilb <br />Ibis Security Instrument, the covenants and a_ents of each sueb rid.r sball be incorpontcd into and sbaII amend and <br />supplemenl the covenants and a_ents of lbis Securily Inslrumenl as if Ih. rider(s) were a pan of this Security <br />loa\rument. [Check applicable 1>ox(es)] <br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2--4 Family Rider <br /> <br />o Graduated Pal'lllenl Rider <br /> <br />o Planned Unit Developmenl Rider <br /> <br />I!J Otber(s) [specify] Acknowledgement <br /> <br />By SlaNINa BELOW. Borrower accepts and asrees 10 Ihe lerms and covenants contained in lbis Security <br />loa\rumenllllld in any rider(s) execUled by Borrow.r lIIld recorded wilb it. <br /> <br /> <br />.'......~r.....~.'.1:~......,....~: <br />.,......,'~.A.:~...,......,.(SeaI) <br />Sherrie A. Farr __ <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County 55: <br /> <br />On lbis 1 5 day of December , 19 BB , before me, the undersisned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said counly, personally came Lynn E. Farr and Sherrie A. Farr <br />. Hu!;band and Wife ______________________________________________ ,10 me known to be the <br />ulenucal person(s~ w.hose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be t e~r voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county, the <br />dale aforesaid. <br /> <br />J:1iIIlML 111m..." IIInIII <br />DEIIORAH L ICI....." <br />1Ir.... &,. ..... D,1. <br />To TRUSTE , <br />The undersigned is the holder of Ihe note or nOles secured by Ihis Deed of Trust. Said nOle or notes, together <br />with all other indebtedness secured by this Deed or Trust, have been paid in full. You are hereb~' directed to c~n~el ..aid <br />note or notes and Ihis Deed or Trust, which are delivered hereby, and to recon\ley, wilhout warran~. all 'h~ ~slate <br />now held by )'ou under this Deed of Trust 10 the penon or penons legoll)' entitled Iherelo <br /> <br />Gi.k~.C:/.. .~.A,..""......, <br />~:;; Public <br />EST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />My Commission expir~: <br /> <br />Date: <br />