<br />88- 106861
<br />
<br />
<br />KIlOll !ILL IIIl/l BY THESE PRE5l!NT5:
<br />
<br />That I, PHILIP PEDROSA, of 1406 Eaat Fifth, Grand Island, Nebraaka 68801,
<br />do by theae preaents, lIllIke, constitute BIId appoint my sister, Lupe SWartz, of
<br />1319 Eaat Sixth, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801, as my Attorney-in-Fact, to do for
<br />me and on my behalf, lUIy of the following:
<br />
<br />1.. To withdraw by check or otherwise from any checking account, savings
<br />account, and/or savings certificate account,. which I may have.
<br />
<br />2. To endorse checks for deposit to my checking account or savings
<br />9.ccount and to receive any property" or credits owned by me, including
<br />any loonies payable 'to me by any governmental aqency. My Attarney-
<br />in-Fact sha11 have full authority to redeem, have re-registered, or
<br />have reissued any bond, note, bill, warrant, certificate or ather evi-
<br />dence of indebtedness owned by me (including any such items owned by
<br />me as a co-owner or joint tenant) and issued by the United States, any
<br />other country, any state, IDlUlicipality, or other govermnental subdi-
<br />vision or governmental agency..
<br />
<br />3.. 'To sell or lease any assets owned by me, whether real estate or per-
<br />aonal property and including homestead property and stocks and bonds,
<br />at such prices,. on such te.r:ms.. for such length of term,. and in such
<br />manner,. whether at private or public sale or negotiation, as my
<br />Attorney-in-Fact deems advisable. She may convey any property so sold
<br />by her by instruments of conveyance with customary warranties. She may
<br />enter any safety deposit box I lease and may rBIIDve any items
<br />therefrom. She is empowered to make gifts for me.
<br />
<br />4. To enter into agreements pertaining to any property or any interest in
<br />property owned by me and on such terms as my Attorney-in-Fact deems
<br />advisable. This shall include contracts for goods, repairs, improve-
<br />ments, replacements,. and personal services for the maintenance of my
<br />property; and to borrow funds and tlX)rtgage property therefor.
<br />
<br />5. In genera1, to enter into auy business transactions pertaiu.ing t...o my
<br />property and for my maintenance as ful.ly as I could do it myself_
<br />She is empowered to sign my incDIIIB tax returns and related documents.
<br />
<br />6. To enter into any contracts or agreements for any medical, domicil-
<br />iary, or other care needed by me as determined to be in my best inter-
<br />ests by my Attorney-in-Fact, and pay all fees and charges necessary
<br />for my maintenance and care; to authorize any medical procedures for
<br />me.
<br />
<br />I ratify and confirm all acts done by my Attorney-in-Fact under this Power
<br />of Attorney. I reserve the right to revoke this Power of Attorney by the filing
<br />of such revocation in IIiscellaneous Records in the Office of the Register of
<br />Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. This Power of Attorney shall remain in full
<br />force and effect even though I may hereafter beCClllB mentally or physically
<br />inc:aopetent_
<br />
<br />DA'I'ED this 25th day of October,
<br />
<br />1988SJA..j'
<br />" ,) Q
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<br />
<br />
<br />5S.
<br />
<br />00UIl'.I!Y OF 1W.L
<br />
<br />On this 25th day of October, 1988, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br />Public within and for said County, personally came Philip Pedrosa
<br />who is known to me to be the identical person whos" name is affixed to the
<br />foregoing Power of Attorney, and acknowledged bis execution to be his voluntary
<br />act and deed.
<br />
<br />WI'l'llESS my hand and llotar.i,al Seal the date last above written. My Notarial
<br />CcIIaission expires: 1--!:L: q '2-- .
<br />
<br />
<br />t&tI1#A/ e,~ ~!
<br />
<br />llotary Public "
<br />
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