<br />Loan <<309-06-80160841
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<br />PARTiAL RELEASE J\8-tO'682~_~_F~M_~~!l'-"' (An ...., I~_
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<br />For val~~:r~t~onRi~~~ed~l~ "'r::A~~k~~ O;rt~:~~"rru:h'::l r~~dth~r~~~' t~a'OY~~B..~:utm '{fey and
<br />Sharon J. Rilev, huabane: and wife
<br />ond roco_ In Book(., ' pogo,.)
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />, (or o. NO.I.,L D. #79-007353
<br />, the 'ollowlng-deacrltied property:
<br />
<br />t, of 'he Mortglge Rlcord,
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<br />
<br />.!!!1:. ~ RQ.
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<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW"-, of Section
<br />Twenty-One (21), Township Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (12), West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follOWS:
<br />Beginning at a point on the West line of said Southwest Quarter (SW~), said
<br />point being Thirty-One and Fifteen Hundreths (31~15) Feet North of the
<br />southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter (Swl,) 1 thence Northerly along
<br />the West line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of Six Hundred Twenty-
<br />Three (623.0) Feet~ thence deflecting right 89 degrees 43' and running
<br />Easterly, a distance 0 f TwO Thousand Six Hundred Forty-TwO and Si x Tenths
<br />(2,642.6) Feet, to the East line of said Southwest Quarter (SW'x); thence
<br />deflecting right 90 degrees29 r and running Southerly along the East line
<br />of said Southwest Quarter (Sw1;.), a distance of Six Hundred Ten (610.0l
<br />Feet;: thence deflecting right 89 degrees 14' and running Westerly a distance
<br />of TwO Thousand Six Hundred Forty and Sixty-Six Hundredths (2,640.66) Feet
<br />to the place of beginning and containing 37.385 acres, more or less
<br />
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<br />~I~t;)_~".~:.....~t!~ and effect ....0 all other property described therein.
<br />'_~:;j. ". J..:1.:,.;.1.:_...({,",": / :
<br />~~~,~.. ",,~..and Bankot Omaha hu cauaedthesepresentl tobeexecutedon thedalese10ut lntheadmowiedgmenl
<br />
<br />............. c.;:~,...". ...... THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA
<br />.,;,.:~."
<br />
<br />By Federal Land Bank Association of
<br />
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<br />, I,
<br />
<br />Gra~na IS1:~,~ondA~n-l'0C\ : Ii
<br />By -----'t!IU~~ ~-
<br />v~ ce P'r'aIdent
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<br />
<br />STATE OF
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />}~-
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF Ball
<br />
<br />On lhil----2.S..day 01 P.ol-._~"""'Y . 19.......sa.... before me, a Notary Public in and 'Druid County'. perwonaItyappeared
<br />Allen J. Grudzinski . I
<br />1O..........,knaIm toblllhllidMtic8l.....whonecutedthllfD~ng lMl:f"Urnel"lt. whobeinliil bymedulyswomdkfHYlhathe Ja vi ce ! I
<br />...-....__l-.l__:_ooIdj__oIg~ond_byhlm..ogonlond.llomoy-ln-focl I'
<br />an ....., at and _. woIunW)l act and -.d of ThI FeMraI Land Bank of 0rMM. a corporation organized and existing under the I... of the : i'
<br />.........-
<br />
<br />MJ-__ J;a::&=r:l
<br />
<br />(0'~NPffiJ/7'1(j:::L/1f/
<br />Annette R.. Schulze
<br />(Type Of print name unCler Itgnaturel
<br />Notary Public in and tor Aid County and Stall!
<br />
<br />! I
<br />
<br />f...........~. ~cap,.1O e.M. ~_rDnf1"eJ fO ......._...,.m coP)"or FLBA)
<br />