<br />88-106810
<br />
<br />II EVI':NTI-\ IW IIEFAt '1.'1' AIl~' llf' lilt' fllJlllwlI1J.!' I'Vt'I\IN "hull I". dl't'llWclIUlI'\'I'lllllf dl'fllult hl'I'I'IJIHh'r:
<br />(Il) 1'nullnr flhnJl 1111\'1' liuh.c1ln milk,. pUYIl1t!nt IIf 1lI\y IIIHlllllnll'llt ullnfllfl'tll. Jlfllll'lPlIl. or Jlrinl'illlllullfl inwn'Ht or lIny
<br />11111l'f "urn fu'Cunlfll1t'rl'lw \\'111'1\ dUl'; ur
<br />(hI Tlu.'ft! hns (K'cur~1 n hrt'lll'h IIf ur dl'fllult undt'r nny ItH'rn, (.'11\'1'1111111, lIun'I'ml'nl, l'llndltiun. pruviHlun. ropn'Hcnt.lIlioll
<br />IJr wUlTonty conl.nint'd in UII.'" of till' Loon InBtrumcnltl.
<br />
<br />Ill. AVCELt:IlATION UPON Illll'AULT, AlllllTIONAL,lmM 1;DIES, Shuuld un uyun' ufdufllull ,,,'uur Ilulluficlllry
<br />may drclnrc nil indc..blnl'ful tll'cured h('n.b.\' to he dUt! unci (mYllhh,! IInd thL' Hume t1hull tlwrl'upon hecnmc duc IInd puyublll
<br />without any prc8l!ntmcnt. dL'lI\und. prntllHlllr nntlcl' of nny kind. Tlwrl'uftllr BllO['ficillry mny:
<br />(i) Either In person or by uf.ll!nt, with nr without hrimtlnR any nctinn llr pl'urt>cdinR, or by n ft'C(!iver nppolnu>d by n cnurt
<br />nnd without r.!gard to the Udl'QUlU'y nfit~ t1'.'curit~. ent(!)' upon and take PClRfi('flflion ortlwTrust "~sLntc,llr nnyport thereof, in
<br />Its own nome or in the name nfTrufltl'I', nnd do nny ndB which It d('('ma nl'l'I'~um~' III' d('Hirnhleto preserve tlm value, market.
<br />ability or rentability of thl' TruH1 ENtnt(., or pnrt thereof or inlercRttherpin, incrcns(' the Incnme therefrom or protect the
<br />sccurity hereof and, with or with nut tukinA' possession ofuw Trust Estntt>, Nue for nr otherwise cnllect the rents, issues and
<br />profits thereof. includinf{ tllose post dul' WId unpaid, nnd apply the sume, lc68 costsund expensesofopt:lration and collection
<br />including attorneys' fees, upon on~' indebtedness secured hereby, 011 in such order UB Beneficiary may detennine. The
<br />entering upon and taking POSSl'Bsion of the Trust Estnte, the collection of such rents, issues nnd profits and the application
<br />thereof as aforesaid, sholl not cure or wlllve any default or notice ofdefuult hereunder orin validate any actdone in response
<br />to BUch default or PUrsUflflt to 8uch nutice ofdcfnult nnd, notwithstanding the continuance in possession of the Trust Estate
<br />or the collection, receipt Ilnd applicution of rents, issues or profits, Trustee or Beneficiary shall be entiUed to exercise every
<br />right provided for in llny of the Lunn Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any event of default, including the right to
<br />exercise the power of sale: .
<br />(ii) Commence an nction tel fnn>cloRe this Deed of Trust os a mortgage, appoint a receiver, or specifically ~nforce any of
<br />the covenanta hereof;
<br />(iii) Deliver to Trustee a written declaration of default and demand for sale, and a written notice of default and election
<br />to came Trostor'a interest in the Trust Estate to be sold, which notice Trustee shall cause to be duly filed for recorU in the
<br />appropriate Official Records of the County in which the Trust Estate is located.
<br />
<br />11. FORECLOSURE BY POWER OF SALE. Should Beneficiary elect to foreclose by exercise of the Power of Sale
<br />herein contained, Beneficiary Bhall notify Trustee and shall depOl'lit with Trustee this Deed ofTrUbt and the Note and such
<br />receipts and evidence of expenditures made nnd secured hereby as Trustee may require.
<br />(6) Upon receipt of such notice frnm Beneficiary, Trustee shaD cause to be recorded, published and delivered to Trustor
<br />such Notice of Default ami Notice ufSale os then required by law and by this Deed of Trust. Trustee shall, without demand
<br />on Trustor, after 8uth timl'ntl mllY then be required by law and after recordation of such NoticeofDefaultand after Noticeof
<br />5n1e hnving been J{i\'l'n All l1.'l:luin.d hy Inw, "ell the Trust Estute at the time nnd place ofsale fixed byitin such Notice of Sale,
<br />either as a whole, nr in Sl'pllr80' lorn or pnrcels or items 88 Trustee shall deem l.'xpedient, and in such order as it may deter-
<br />mine, at public nuction to 1hl.' hiJ,rht'st hidderforcnsh in lawful moneyofthe United States payable at the time of sale. Trustee
<br />shall deliver to such purchaser or purcha&'r'5 thl'reofits gnud nnd sufficient deed of deeds conveying the propertyso60ld, but
<br />without any l'O\'ennnt or warrdnty, express or implied. The recitals in such d['('d of any matters or facts shall be conclusive
<br />proof of the trnthfulness thereof. An;.-' pl'n;on, inrludinl{, without limitation, Trustor. Trustee nnd Beneficiary, may purchase
<br />ot such sale and Trustor hereby covenants to \""arrant and defend tht' lith, of such purchaser or purchasers.
<br />(bl As may be permitted by law, after deducting Trustee Fees in the amount of ~ ,Trustee shall apply the
<br />proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all reasonable costs nnd expenses of the sale. including, but not limited tn,
<br />trustee fees of not more than 1/2 of lIJil of the gross saleS price. reasonable attorney's fees and coats of title evidence; (b) to all
<br />sums secured by this Deed of Trust; (c) to the payment of junior Trust Deeds, mortgages or other lien holders; and (d) the
<br />balance. if any, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br />(el Trustee may in the manner prU\;ded by law, postpone sale of all or liny portion uf the Trust Estate.
<br />
<br />12. REMEDiES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trub1l't' and Bem>ficiarv, and ench of them, shall be entitled to enforce payment
<br />and performance of any indebtedness or obligations sl'('ured hereb;' and to exercise all rights and powers under this Deadof
<br />Trust or under any Lunn Inl'truml'nt or other a~rreem('nt or any laws now or hereafter in force. notwithstanding some or all
<br />oCthe snch indehtednl'tis and obli~ations secured hereby may now or hereafter beothen..ise secured, whether by mortgage,
<br />deed oftrut:lt, pledJ,:e.lien, ussig-nment or nther".;se. Neitllerthe ncceptunceofthis Deed of Trust noriu; enforcement whether
<br />by court action or pursuant to th!' power of sale or other powers herein cuntained, shall prejudice or in any manner affect
<br />Trustee's or Beneficiary's right tn fE'olize upon or enfnrc-e an;.-. other security now or hereafter held by Trustee or Beneficiary,
<br />it being D.lUet.>d that Trustel' and Beneficiary, and eoeh Ilfthem. shnll bt' t>ntitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other
<br />security now or herenfter held by Bl'neficiary or Trustl't' in 5uth order and manner as they ()r either of them may in their
<br />absolute discretion detennim'. No rem(>dy her('in confl.'rrro upon or reserved to Trustee or Beneficiary is intended to be
<br />exclusive of any other remedy hl.'rein ur by law pruvidl'd or permittl'd. hut {'ueh shall be cumulative and shall bein addition
<br />to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter l'xistin~ at luw or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy
<br />given by any of the I..oan Instruml'nts tu Trustei' or Benefiriary ur tu which either ufthem may be otherwise entitled, may be
<br />exercised. concurrently or independently, from time to timl' and a~ nftcn as may hI' deemed expedient by Trustee or Bene-
<br />ficiary and either of them may punme inconl'istent remedil'l'. ~lIthinJ! hl.'n>in shall he construed as prohibiting Beneficiary
<br />from seekin~ n deficiency judA'ml'nt aJ!ainst the Trustor to thp l'xtl'nt t'ut"h ltr'tinn is permittd by law.
<br />
<br />REQUEST FOR NOTI("E, Tru~tor hereby requesL<; lIl'op~'llf<.1ny nfluc('ofdE'faultand that am.. notice of sale hereunder
<br />be mailed to it at the addrt.ss ~l't fonh in the fiTNt pnruJ.,.'Tuph /If this nt>(.d flf Trust.
<br />
<br />14. GOVER..~]NG LA W. Thi~ Opt'd of Trust shall ht, ~1J\'l'rm.d hy Ihl,laws flfthe State of Nebraska. In the event that
<br />an~' pro\;sion or dllust" of ilO~' (If till' I~'iln InstrumenLo; l'Imnicts with appheuhll' la''I.'s. such conflicts shall notaff'ect other
<br />provisiuns of tiuch Loan lnstruml'nts which cun be ltiven effect with"ut the f.:unflit'tinf,;" pn)\.'iflion, Wld to this end the pro-
<br />visions of the Loan lnstrumenL'" UTI' dl.cJared to be se\'erable. This instrument cannot be waived, chanJ:ed. discharged or
<br />terminated orally, but only hy an instrument in ",Titin~ siJ..'Tl.ed by thl.' part;.-' og'ainst whom enforcement of an).. waiver.
<br />change, dischBJ'Re or terminl1tinn il' sought.
<br />
<br />]5. RECONVEYANCE HY TJU'STEE. Cpon ",Tilten request nfBeneficiary stuting-thataJlsumssecuredherebyhavl'
<br />been paid, and upon surrender {If this UPt.d !JfTrust and the Sote tn Trostel' for ('an('ellatiun and retention and upon pay.
<br />ment by Trustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee shall recunvey to Trustor, or the person or persons legally entitled thereto, \\;thout
<br />warranty, any portion of the Trust Estate then held herl'under, The redtal~ in such reconveyance of an)' matters or facts
<br />shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulnC6ti thereuf. The wnntet~ in any recon\'eyance ma)' be described as ..the persDn or
<br />persons legally entitled thereto".
<br />
<br />16. NOTICES. Whenever Beneficia~', Trustur ur Trusu."t' tihall desire to give or serve any notice, demand, request or
<br />other communication with respect tu this Deed of Trust, each such notice, demand, request ur other communication shall be
<br />in writing and shall be effectivf' nnly if1hp snme ilol dl.li\'l'rt>d hy Pl'nmonl !Ol'T\'iee Ilr mailed by certified mail. posta~e prepaid,
<br />return receipt requested. addreA.!nad tn tht' nddr~s Ioll't fnrth at thl' hl.-'J.,.rinninl! of this I 11'I'd ofTru.o;l. Any party may at this time
<br />change its address for such notices h~' dl'h\'('nnj.: (If mllilinJ,: tlllhl'llthef parties hereto. as aforesaid, [I nu'iceufsuchchanKe.
<br />
<br />t7: ACCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE. Trul'ltf"t. IUTt.pl'" thl'" Truto:l wl!>'n thi", Ilt-'t."d rJfTru!'t. duh: t-'Xl"l'utt"d nnd ul'knuu:.
<br />ledged. is made n public- n'l'nrd 88 pru\'idl"d Ill' IIIW
<br />
<br />IN \\1TKESS WHEREOF. TnJ!OllIr h..... f');('(.utlod Ihi", 111'l-tI (II TnJ...t a~ llf tilt' dm' and \'I'ar fir~1 ahoVl' wnttt'n
<br />TRl'RTEE TTu~tl'l. m'l.t.l'l'" lhi~ TI'\J~t whl.n t11l'" ] )1'''.-1 "t TruJ;l.' dul\: ('1(('('uft'd anli /H'know-
<br />led.:__'fi, IS madt' a puhlil" n'l.llrd as prllYlfh.d Ill' IoIW
<br />
<br />
<br />""'''''''"'''''''' ''''''' ,,,""",,' ""'~~;r!l!~~~'""
<br />