<br />employ.... mllnllln Ihl! domlnll promllltl, including Illlt bUilding DntJ DnV D',flllll eqUlpmnnl h~turrn, nnd OmmrlllnanCIlI, whllthllr Invorobl non,
<br />IlIVllroble, furnllhed by tho LellDr under tlullolI., In good repair Dnd tonantoble condltlun Ha Ihnll rapalnt Iho Inlorlor Uncludlng bUI no led to tlla
<br />walll Dnd call1ngll a1 10111 onco "vary I:) yoo" lunloll Ihl! (j,yoar pllrlod II IPl!clllcntly u~londnd In wrlllng by tho Controcllng OW and Dt Gny othor
<br />tlma thallJ.alnllnlJ may become nlll:enpry alII fIllul! of fuo or oUu" cOluolty. For tho purpolo 0110 mlllnfalnmg IlIld promll d propenv, tha Lonor
<br />mlY al rlll'on,ble tlmltS enll!r and Inlpecl tl10 10m,. and make any nllcallary rllpnlr' thorOIU, AddlHonally, tho LOllar Ih ltllgl1llte molntllnal1ee repair.
<br />mlln, lor IIIKlrlcol cmllrgenelol, lor plumbll1g Ilmergllncull, lor hoollng, ventllat,ng Md IIlr eondll!oning omorgsn Dnd othllr omerganelM (wlndoWl,
<br />doorl, loekl, etc. I. who may bo cuUl!d by ltll! POlloi SarI/Ice In Ihe IIl/lInl 01 on umllrgoncy IllUOllOn Inl/oll/ln InlononeD 01 tho leoled proporty ondlor
<br />oQulpment when tho Leslor or hll Dgent connOI bo contaculd wlthll1l1 raolonllblo limo.
<br />
<br />
<br />lbl II the 100led promilel or any p.:irl therool becomo unlit lor ule lor Iho pur for which leelod, tho Leuor shall put tho soma In sDtls.
<br />t.clory condition, 01 determIned by tho POll111 .5ervlco, lor the UIO lor which loued r ony porlod tho promllM, or any part thoroof, ore unlit lor the
<br />purpolel tor which lealod, tho lont lhall bl! I1batl!d In proporflon 10 tho orca u liable to the POltal Sorvlr::e by relllon of luch condition, Unlltneu for
<br />ule don nOI lncluda unluHabihty nmlOg horn luch Del :tEign IIC, 0 tlTI IhEildicr other portion 01 the leased premiles.
<br />
<br />lcl Whenel/er Ihorll II G need for maintenance or G re which 15 the Lessor'li obllgDllen under subpllragraph lal 0111111 poragroph ", or for
<br />tC:lloHltion of Ihe premlSIlll Of anv port thereof 10 a cend sUl1able fOI fhe pUlpale lor whIch leGled, tho Postlll Service may give Ihe LeSlor wrinen
<br />nOllce thereat, spllclfVlng a lime lor completion 011 ork which IS rellsonable IInd commensurlltr. with tho nature 01 the work reQuired. A copy of any
<br />luch notlcll Ihall be lurmshed by certlfultJ or r Drlld mall 10 the Leslol's murlgaglle Dnd DUlgne" ollhe monil!l due or to become due under this lease
<br />WhOl1!' names and nddrl!5les hove becn fu od to the POHDI Sell/ICl.' by the Lossor. If Ihe Leuor (or the mortgagee or Iho auignee, on behalf of the
<br />Leltor! loils to prOlecute the work luch diligence as Will ensure lis complellon wlthll1 the time specll1ed In the wtlnen nntice (or any cl(1Ilnslon
<br />Ihereof as m<lV bo granted 01 tole dncreflon of the Postal Servlcol or t,uls to complele lhe work WIthin said time, lhe Postal Sorvice shall have lhe
<br />right 10 pllrtorm tho war Y contract 01 otherwise, and withhold the cost Ihereof hom pllyments due or 10 becomo due under thllleose, or, III the sole
<br />dilCrCtLOn of thc P Service In the casc 01 work reqUired pursuant to paragraph (bl, cancel the lease. The existence of lhl! POllal Scrvlce's option 10
<br />utes prescnbed In thiS subparagraph (eI does nOI lelillve the Lessor 01 his affirmatll/e obligation, under subparagraph (al of this paro-
<br />grDph 1 maimsIn Ihe demised premiSes 10 good repiJIr and tenantable comtmon, nor at 1115 alhrmalrve obligation under subparagraph IIJI of this
<br />ph 11, to PUI the premlSllS 1M samlaclory conditIOn lor Ihl! purposes lor whIch leased, IOlhe el/ent lhal the plemlSes, or any part thereof, become
<br />
<br />12. No member 01 01 Delegille 10 Congreu or Re;ldent COmmiSSioner shilll be admitted to any Ihare 01 part ollhil lea~e or 10 any benef111hat may
<br />arlie therefrom, bUI thll prOl/lSlall shallnOI he constlued to extend 10 Ihls lease II m.Jde WIth a corporation 101 Its generill benelll.
<br />
<br />t 3. (The follOWIng clause 15 nppllcable whp.n the :e;Js!!d spm:t I~ III <l bUIlding occupIed bV lenants or concessionaires 111 addition to the POltal Ser\lice
<br />osnd It the 10101 renlill under lhls h'i1se exceeds $tO.OOO pm yeil'. m,.JI Ihe sole elect lOll 01 the Poslol SerVICIl. Ii Ihe 10lal rental under Ihls lease combined
<br />WIth Ihe totlll rental under iltl Olher Fede'ill GovI>rnmenl lellS!!S 01 spaces In Ihe budding wh,ch the space covered by thIS lea5e 15 located exceeds 510,000
<br />per vear.1
<br />
<br />(al As used In IhlS clause. Ihe term "facllltv" means SlUres. shops, IIlStDurants, Caf!!ICflas. restrooms, and ilnv other lacihlY 01 a pubhc rlll1urO 111
<br />lho building In whIch Ihe space cOl/ered hv thiS leilse IS 10Cilll'd
<br />
<br />lbl The Le:l50r agrees that ht l"'Iill nut d,sCllm,naul by segl'!gatlon 01 otherWise agall1st any person 01 persons because of race, color, rehglon,
<br />Sf'!X or nalional on9111 111 furl11shll1g, or by reluslng 10 IUlmsl1 to, such person QI per~:;)nS Ihe use 01 any tacII.tv, IIlcludll1g .:mv and all services. pri\lllellCl,
<br />accommodatIOns, and iJCllvltles prOVIded thereby.
<br />
<br />(cl It IS agreed that Ihe Lessor.s nOllcomplrance WIth the prOVISions ot thIS clause shall constltule .:l matenal bleach of thIS lease. In Ihe event
<br />of such noncomphance, the Postal S~rvlce miJV tilke ...ppIOPrliJlll attlon 10 Illlto.ce complmnce, may termll1ille Ihls lease, or may pursue such other
<br />remethe; as may be prOVided by law_ In Ihe event of term1l1iltlon, thl! Le;sor shall be !table tOI ail excess C:OsI~ .ncurred by thll Poslal Service In aCQUiring
<br />subslltute spaco, includmg but nOI limited to the cost 01 mOVllIg tu such space
<br />
<br />Idl The Lessor agrees to Includ" or to fequue Ihe ,"cluslon 01. thl! 10legomg prOVISIonS of thlS clause IWlth lhe terms "Le5l0(' and "lease"
<br />appropriatel" modIfied I m t.....ery agreement Of COnCL'5lil0n lJurliuanl 10 which .:my person olhlll Ihan the Lessor oper<lles or has the tight 10 operate any
<br />faCIlity. The Lessor also agrees that II WIll tllke such action .....th .espect '0 .1'" such agreemllnt as Ihe Poslal Service may dlrecl as a means 01 enlorcing
<br />this clause, including but not Ilnuted to tllrm1l1atlon 01 the agreeml'f1t 01 conceSSIon
<br />
<br />14. Payment of Prevallmg Wages
<br />
<br />IThe following IS applicable If tillS ogleemenl cOl/ers premlSIlS 01 neIIl1U!TIOI spaCllln excess 01 6,500 sQuare leet.l
<br />
<br />tal Minimum wagel. 111 All labOlen and mechllnlC5 emploved or working 111 the constrUCtIOn, modifIcation, alteration, repair, paintmg, decora.
<br />lion, or olher improvement of the building or space cOl/ered by lhis agreement, or imprOl/ement at thl;! site of such building or facility COlII!red by thil
<br />agreement lather than maintenance work necessary to keep tho building or space in such condillon thai it may be continuously used at en eslablilhed
<br />copllCi'IY IInd efficiency tor its intendett purposel, WIll be pllid uncondillonally and nOlless olten lhan once a week, and without subsQuent deduction or
<br />rebalo on any IIccounllexcePI such payroll deductions as arc permltfl!d by regulal/ons issued bv Ihe Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act (29 CFR
<br />Part 311, the full amount of wages IInd bona fide hinge benefits (or cllsh pquil/alents thereof! due at time of paymenl compUled at rates not leIS than
<br />1h05e contained in lhe wage determinalion of Ihe Secretllry of Labol which is anached hereto and made a part hereof, regardless 01 any contractual
<br />relationship which mllY be alleged to exist belween lhe contractOr and such laborers and mechanics. Contributions made or caSU reasonably anllclpaled
<br />for bona lide tringo benefill under lection llbll21 01 the OOI/II.Bacon Act on behalf 01 laborers or mechanics are considered wages paid to luch laborers
<br />or mechanics, subJec1 to the provisions of subparagraph (a)l4}of this clauso; ella, regular contributions made or COliS incurred for more than a weekly
<br />period Ibut nOI leIS ohen thlln quarterly I under plans, funds, or programs which cO\ler Ihe portlcular weekly period, are deemed to be construclively
<br />made or Incurred during such weekly period. Such laboren and mechaniCli shall be paid the epproprlate wage rille and Iringe benelll5 on Ihe wage detet.
<br />mlnation for lhe classlficalion of work ectually performed, wilhout regard 10 skill, except as prOVided in paragraph Idl 01 this clause. Laborers or m~chon.
<br />iCli performing work in mar!! than one classiflcallon may be compensated al the rate specified for each classificalion for the llmll ectuallv worked therein;
<br />Proll/rhd, lhat the employer's payroll records accurately let forth lhe time Ipent In each classtllcetion in which work is performed. The vv~ d01ermina-
<br />
<br />PS Form 7449, Fcbrullry 1987
<br />
<br />.....30111
<br />