<br />IlEUAS! " IIW. GlTA'IJ: ~
<br />
<br />~~...... 106783
<br />
<br />JQOf ALL IlQl BY '11IESB PIBlDml, that SHN:.L tllSINESS 1\D4DII9l'IWl'ICIl,
<br />havini received full paynent: and AUlItaction, cl::ell heret7;( rel_ lIIld cSillChllrqe
<br />the Real ElItate M:%tgllqe dated Augus t ?, 1967 i IIIIde lIIld executed by
<br />William I.Kelley,dba S1<J\TE ISLAND G Gladys R, Kelly, his wife to SnIlll lluIlinells
<br />llllninistration ani recorded in the Office ot the Register of Deeds ot
<br />Hall O:lIJllty, Nebraska, in Beck 143 , at Page ~27
<br />on August 2, 1967 . The released DDrtqage c:IescribeS the tol.lcw1ng
<br />real estate:
<br />
<br />A tract of land in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast
<br />Quarter of Section 12, Township 11 North, Range 10, West
<br />of the 6th P. N., more particularly described as follows:
<br />commencing at a point 428 feet south of the Northeast
<br />corner of said Section 12, thence south on rhe East line
<br />of said Section 12 a distance of 418 feet; thence
<br />westerly and parallel to tbe North line of said Section
<br />12 a distance of 418 feet; thence northerly and parallel
<br />to the East line of said Section 12 a distance of 418
<br />feet; thence easterly and parallel to the North line of
<br />said Section 12 a distance of 418 feet to the point of
<br />beginning and containing 4.011 acres more or less, of
<br />which 0.317 acre more or less is county road right-of-
<br />way, all in Grand Island) Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />REWlmtsME!~ ~':2 ~~'~A~
<br />,--k/,'t>A ,jj~'r /t, . .~ P -Jth-Q....:J
<br />v -. gf 1I'!ll',
<br />y'-'t
<br />
<br />The recording official is hereby authorized ani direc1:s3 to di.sc:harge
<br />said Ileal Estate Mn"tgage of record, and after recoJ:ding this release, to enter
<br />on the aargl.n of the reami of said lIOrtgage the I:xxlk ani page Iohere this release
<br />is recorded, in accordance with the provisioos of the statutes in such case nBde
<br />am P=Vided.
<br />
<br />Dated at Otaha, Nebraska this ~ of October , 19~.
<br />
<br />
<br />By~/~
<br />F. . BACHMANN, AC~ Chief
<br />portfolio Management Division
<br />
<br />)55
<br />c.::aJNl'Y CF 1XlG.AS)
<br />
<br />Before me, the un:3ersigned, a l'btary Public in and for said County and
<br />State, personally callE! F. R. BACHMANN , wID being by me duly
<br />swom, did say that he is Acting chief, Portfolio Management Division of the
<br />CJnaha District Office of SIlall BusJlleSS l\dnini.strati.on, an ~ of the united
<br />States of Alrerica, and is autlx:lrized by SM's Rules and Regulations, Part 101,
<br />IleVi.sion 2, publishe:3 in the Federal Register Januouy 15, 1982, 47 FR 2305, and
<br />that the above and liorec:ping instrulent was signed by him on behalf of said
<br />SIlBl.l Business llllninistratia1 and said F. R. BACHMANN
<br />acknowledged said instrurent to be the free act and deEd of said Small Business
<br />l\dnini.stratial.
<br />
<br />Subscribed in l\rf presence and SI<oCIm to l:efore lIE! this ,)6 ti, day of
<br />October , 19 -.!!L...
<br />
<br />" -7 ~
<br />"\;j~~
<br />."""'Notary P\:blic
<br />
<br />~~'hl.' .,:;i~~lllJj
<br />);, :aOoR.. FOSTER
<br />'.:;;'6", M,r.omm.~""~:lI.19fl1
<br />
<br />Mf Ccmni.ssion Expires
<br />
<br />lj ., f
<br />