<br />~B- 106701
<br />
<br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS, narrower Bnd Lender fun her caVtnnnl Bnd Dgree as follows:
<br />19. Acceleration; Remedltl. Lender .han lI,e noflce to Dorro"er prior to Icceleratlon follo"lng Dorrower's
<br />breac::1I orlny co,enant or lareemenlln lhll Security Instrument (bllt not prior to Icceleratlon under p.ragraphs13 and 17
<br />unl... .ppllclbl. la" prodd.. other,,".), TII. noUce .bllI .pedCy. la) tho deCault; (h) tho .cllon requlr'" 10 cllro Iho
<br />delault; (e). date, not leu than 30 daYI from the date the nollce Is ~"C!n to Borrower, by which the default mUlt be cured;
<br />and ld) thol fallare to ear. the deCoult on or beCor. the dll. lpoelfled In thc noUce m.y relullln acceler.lIon oC the .um.
<br />secured by tbll Security Instrumenl .~d ..I. oC the Property. TIle nollce Ihlll Curther InCorm Borrower oC tl,. right 10
<br />reln'lIt. aner ....le..Uon and tb. right to bring. court .cUon 10 ....rt Ihe non...lllenc. oC a deC.ult or eny other
<br />deCense oC Borro"er to accele..lIon and ..10, ICthe deC.ult II not cur'" on or beCor. tbe d.l. .poem"'ln the nollce. Lender
<br />.1 Its optIon m.y require Imm...l.t. payment In Cull oC .11 .um. secured by Ihl. Securlly In.trument "lIhout Curlher
<br />demand end may In.oke the po"er oC oaf. end laY otber rem"'les permltt'" hy .ppllcable I.", Lender .b.1I b. entllled tn
<br />collect all ..ponies Ineurred In punulns tb. remedies pro.ld... In thll p...graph 19. Includlnll, but not IImlled 10,
<br />reuou.b.e attorney.' fees and costs ortllle 1!,ldence.
<br />IC Ihe po"er oC ..Ie 'I. In.ok.... Truotee .ball record. noUce oC deC.ullln each county In "hlcb eny part or Ihe
<br />Properly I. I...teel and .holl moll copies oC .ucb nollce In Ibe m.nner prescribed by .ppllc.blelaw 10 Borro"er and to the
<br />otber penollS prescrlb'" by .ppllcable 10", ARer Ihe Ume requIred by applicable I.". Trustee .hall gl.e Dubllc notice oC
<br />oaf. to the penon. and In Ihe manner prescribed by applicable law, Trustee, witboul demand on Borrower, sball selllhe
<br />Properly at public aucllon to the hlpest bidder et the lime and place and under the terms deslgnal'" In tbe notice oC .ale In
<br />one or more parcels and fn any order Trustee determines. Truslee may postpone sale of all or any parcel orthe Property by
<br />public announcoment allhe time lad place DC any pr..lously sch"'uled sole. Lender or Its designee may pur.hase the
<br />Property al any ..Ie.
<br />Upon receipt of paymenl DC the price bid, Trustee ahall deliver to the purchaser Truotee'. deed conveying tbe
<br />Property. TIle recllal. In the Trustee's deed sball he prima Cacle e.ldence DC Ihe trulh DC tbe slatements made therein.
<br />Trustee .hall apply the proceeds of the We In the Collowing .rder: la) to all expenses DC the sole. Including, hut not limited
<br />10, Trustee's fees 85 permitted by applicable law and reasonable attorneys' feesj (b) to all sums secured by this Security
<br />Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it.
<br />20. Lender in P.ossession. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in
<br />person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the
<br />Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not
<br />limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fecs, and then to the sums secured by
<br />this Security Instrument.
<br />21. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Truslee to
<br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons
<br />legally entitled to iL Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br />22. Substitute Trustee, Lender, at its optionl may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee
<br />10 any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.
<br />Without conveyance of the Properly, the successor lrustee shall succeed to ell the lille, power and dUlies conferr'" upon
<br />Trustee he",in and by applicable law,
<br />23. Request Cor Nollces. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent 10 Borrowcr's
<br />address which is the Property Address.
<br />24. Riden to this Security Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br />this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br />Instrument [Check epplicable box(es))
<br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />o Graduated Payment Rider
<br />
<br />o Planned Unil Development Rider
<br />
<br />Qg Other(s) [specify) Acknowledganent
<br />
<br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the tcnos and covenants contained in this Security
<br />Instrument and in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br />
<br />
<br />.,.."",.,...,..,...,..,...,........................................................... i2~~~S::{~~~.
<br />
<br />
<br />........................................................................................ ~'\~...\".f.~~...............(scal)
<br />Esther L. Shepherd -BomlW"
<br />
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County 55:
<br />
<br />j
<br />
<br />On this 1st day of December ,19 88, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commi.sioned and qualified for sBid county. personally came Dennis A. Shepherd and Esther L.
<br />Shepherd, Husband and Wi Fe . to me known to be Ihe
<br />identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the e.eculion
<br />thereoC 10 be their voluntary act and deed.
<br />Wllness my hand and nOlariol seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county. Ihc
<br />dale aforesaid,
<br />
<br />My Commission expires:
<br />
<br />J
<br />
<br />................................................
<br />Nolary Public.:
<br />
<br />To TRUSTEE:
<br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or nores secured by Ihis Deed or Trust. Said nole or noles, Ingl"lhl"r
<br />with all other Indebtedness secured by Ihis Deed of Trust, ha\'c been paid in rulJ. YOll arc hercb~' dircL'lo:d !tlC.lfIL'{,I..aid
<br />nole or ootc! and Ihis Deed or Trust. which are deliyered hereby. and to recom'C'~', wilhoul wanuJIl)'. ~lIlhc L'~lalC'
<br />now held by you under Ihis Deed of TrUSI (0 rhe person or persons legally enlilled therelo. ~. '
<br />
<br />Dale:
<br />