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<br />MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br /> <br />8S-i06681! <br /> <br />The foIowIng are addenda to Ihe Mortgage. f'teI,lI check appRcable addendum. The acldendum checked shall be <br />Incorpol'Wted Into, and recorded with. the MOC1g1ge. The term -Mortgage- shall be deemed to Include -Deed of <br />Trult', " opplcoble. <br /> <br />_X_ FHA ADDENDUM <br /> <br />/UJ kHlg a. the Mortgage Is outstanding, the lender may dedare aU Bums secured by the Mortgage to be <br />__11lIy duo and pe-Jlblo It. <br /> <br />eel d or part of the property Is sold or otherwtse transferred (other than by devise. descent or <br />operation of law) by Borrower to . purchallBl' or other lranllferse: <br />(I) who ,cannot reasonably be expected to occupy the property lIa II principal residence wlth1r. II <br />l'lIBSonabl& tmB after the sale or transfer, III as provided In SectIon 143(c) and 143(1)(2) of the <br />Internal Revenue Code 011986. liS amended: or <br />(H) who h.. hod a pntSent own...hlp Inl....t In 0 principal residence during any part of Iho <br />lhree-year period erulng on the date of the sale or transfer. all as provided In SectIon 143(d) and <br />143[1)(2) of tho IntemaJ Rovenue Code (except thot tho Ionguogo '100 percent' shoD be subs1hu1ed lor <br />-95 percent or more- where the latter appeBnl In SectIon 143(d)(111: or <br />(IB) aI an acquJsftIon cost which Is greater than 90% of the aVenlg8 area purchase price (greater than <br />110'll0 'or targeted 0l8II residences), oD .s provided In SocIIon 143(0) and 143[1)(2) of lhe Intemal <br />Revenue Code; or <br />(Iv) who has an income in excess of that established by the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority under <br />Its appDcable regulations or progrBm guidelines in effect on the date of the sale or transfer. Dr <br /> <br />(b) Borrower tales to occupy the property described In the Mortgage wlthoullender's prior wrtlten <br />consent; or <br />(c) Borrower omfts or m1arepreaenta a material fact '" an appbtfon for the Mortgage. <br /> <br />References are tD the Intemal RevS1ue Code In eflect on the date of execution of the mortgage end are deemed <br />to Include tho inplementlng regulollons. <br /> <br />VA MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br />n, so long .. the Mortgage II Oulstanclng, d or any part of tho propariy Is sold Dr lranslemtd by BOllOWer <br />wlthoul Lender's prior wrIt1en consen~ othll'lhan . lranofll' by _0, dascent or by operation of law, the <br />Lender IMY, at Lender'a option, dodara .. the Dums seeured by the Mor1gege to be tmmedla1e1y due and payable. <br /> <br />Oate: December 8, 1988 <br /> <br />)?g;/ ';/ ~ff/r. <br />t>~k L Karr <br />'(' J'i d,,,, k'. JltJ.J2il <br />Brende K Karr <br /> <br />SIIIe 0' N_ ) <br />Counly olilflllol'l l", C+"- l'\ I _ <br />ThB frWaOlng Insbument WI' Icknowledged before me this --L-... day Df 1-,) Q c ~ ......... ~r <br />19ft: by Patrick L Karr and !!tendo K Karr. ~ <br />WItn..s my hand and notorial sool 01'-- In said county, dote fO~d <br />C...LXsl"l<Cl __~ <br /> <br />My Cornnnslon EJcpIres: 7-24-82 R n neider <br />NIFA 1988 ISSUE B R3OO.REF <BIM) <br /> <br />J:-~-MII"'" <br />_ SCHNEIDER <br />1Ir_. up. Jul, 24. 1992 <br />