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<br />Blat. of <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />IF~:~:~;;'~18D..70~ 20~h <br /> <br />88-106684 <br /> <br />Thl. Deed of Truat, (''So<:urlty In.II\I""",,'11. "",de Dn --p.c.mb.r 8 <br />Patrick L Karr .nd Br.nd. K Karr . Huaband and WIf. <br /> <br />...Jm-, The tru.'., I. <br /> <br />f'Oom>War'1, The 11\1.1.. I. Comm.rclal F.d.ral Bavlna. .. Loan Aaaaclatlon <br />("Tru.t"'1. Tha benatk:laJy I. Alnurl.a" Chart.r F.dflra' Bavlna. .. Loan Aaaoclatlon <br />which I. organized and lDcIa1Ing und... the law. of the Unlt.d Blat.a of Am.flca <br />and whD.e add.... I. 20B 50 131h 51 Uncoln. NE 11980B <br />r'Lender'1. <br /> <br />Wlln.~h: That the Borrower in conslderaUon of the debt and trust hereinaner descrlbed llnd created, and the 8um at One Dollar (SI), <br />to him In hand paid by the Tnlstse, the receipt of which Ie hereby IIcknowledged, don by these presenls grant, bargain and sell. convey Bnd <br />confirm. unto the Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, forever, all of the following described real estate, shuated lying and beb1g In the County <br />of Hall . and SIal. of Nebra.ka, 10 wit: <br />If.:b;:e.~2), M.adaw lanD Faurth Subdlvlalon, Hall County, <br /> <br />which haa the addrees of 2915 Galdunrad Dr <br /> <br />(street) <br /> <br />Grand lalund <br />Idly) <br /> <br />Nabraaka <br /> <br />88801 <br /> <br />("Property Address'1; <br /> <br />(ZIp Codo) <br /> <br />To H.". IInd Ta Hold th. prenSaea abova deecrlblld, wlIh all the ""purtenancn thoraunlo boIonglng and Includklg all <br />heating, plumbing and IIgh&g fbdures and equipment now or hMBfler attached to or used In GOOntlGUon whh Aiel .... ..tat. unto the Trustee. <br />IIf1d 10 Its successors and assigns, forever. The Ebrrower represents tD, and COVel1lOtI wtth, the TNetee, thlt the BDf1"OW8r hils good right to <br />aeII and convey aa1d premi....; the' they .... free \ram encumbranca: and Ihallhe BDlTDWer wII warrant and daland the aame against the lawful <br />claim. of all pBl'Sona whDmaoevsr, and the aaId _ar hereby rellnqul.hee all "ghla 01 homeetaad, and all marital righlll, allhar In law or In <br />aqulty, and aI olh... conUngsnt In\....... Df tha BoI1OW8' In and 10 the Bbova-deecrlbed prami..... and Intention being to convey hlftlb!r an <br />IlbaoIula title, In fee a1mpIe, including eD righla of hDmeataed. and other righla and Int....1a as aforeaald. <br /> <br />Pravlded A1wayII, and theee proaenla ani _lid and dellvored unlo th. Trust.., In II\IaI, howevar fDr the -g plJlpO....: <br /> <br />Wherell8, the BDl1flWar IlII lha 8th , day of Ducember 1 99B , bormwlld IIan the l.erIder <br />tha aum of FIftv Elaht Thausand One Hundred Seventv Nine und 001100 <br />Do_ ($ 50.179.00 ), for which awn lha Bomlwer <br />hB. IIXBCUtad and dellvared 10 the Laroder 1lom1war'. pmmlsaDry note of even dale, bllllrinD <br />In...... 01 the _ 01 Elaht .nd 85011000 par centum ( 8.650 ") on tho <br />unpeld balance "nil peId. Th. aaId principal and Inl....t .halI be payable althe omce of Am.rlcan Charter Fuderal Savlnaa <br />.. Loan _Imton <br />In Uncoln. HE 88508 . or at auch other place ..tha holder oIlhe nole <br />""'y deelgnale In wrIIIng, In monthly In.tallmenta 01 Four Hundred Slxtv and 8111 DO <br />Dollars ($ 460.81 ), conmenclng on the tlral day of Februarv <br />~. and on the tIraI day 01 aach month tharea1tar "nllth. principal and In,ereat are fully paid, -' IhaIlhe final peymenl 01 principal <br />and Intarea~ W not soonar paid, .haD be dua and payable on the flral day of Januarv 2011 <br /> <br />This form Is used in connection with mortgagee Insured under the one-to four-famIty programs of the National Housing Act (including Sections <br />203(b) and (I)) which require . On.11me Mortgage Insurance Premium payment in accordance with the regulations for those programs. <br />lonn HUD-Il2143-DT.1 (3.88 Edition) <br />2<4CFR 2D3. 17(a) <br /> <br />F-'333.CTI (10/B8l P(10JB81 u(10f.lJB8J <br /> <br />220819254 <br /> <br />Pa\lll 1 01 5 <br />