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<br />NON.UNIFORM COYEN"NTS. Borro....r and Lend.r furth.r coyen.nland aSree ss follows: 88-1 06 6 81 <br />19. AcctlmtlOD; R....u., iAadtr aWl III.. notice tn prtor tn acceleratloa folio......'. <br />InMIt 01111)' ...,.....t or .., II tbll Seearlty laltnuaelt (but not prtor to acceleration under .........pba 13 ..d 17 <br />u1_ 1fIlUcabI. II" "",,,del otIIenriMI. n. aotIee 1IbI1l1JlOCifJ: (II tb. delault; (hI tb. actIOI requited to cure tho <br />dafuJt; (.) a dale, DOt'" t1w130 IIsJl from tho date tho notice" 81,en tn Borm...r, by ..bleb the delault mlllt be cured; <br />lid (d) tIlIt fill... to CUll the default on or belore the date lpedftod In th. notice may ...ullln _Ioratlon 01 the ..... <br />IICIlI'Id by tbII SecarII)' II.tnnnent and aI. 01 lIIe Proper!)'. no notlce !ball furtber Inlorm 01 tbe rtallt to <br />re........ IflIr ~on and th. rtallt 'a bring a court action to ....rt the 01 . deraull or any other <br /> oIBoRO..... to .ceeleratlon aud we. lUbe default II not.ured on or before the dat. .peclfted II lIIe aollte, Lender <br />at Ita optloa III&)' require immediate PlJtllout In run nl all awaa aecured by thll Sec:urtty lnairument without rurther <br />demand..d may InWlk. III. pcnr.r nlw. and auy n!ber remediea permitted by .pplleahl. law. Leader.ball be .ntltled to <br />...lIed all _ Incurred In pnnalas tile remedl.. pro,lded la tbla pII'III'Ilpb 19, Including, but not limited to, <br />raanaable attomeJl' ftel and l:OIII 01 title .,ldeDce, <br />If !be po...r 01 lI1e II la,nked, Trust.. .ball record . notice of default In ...b ...unty In ..bleb ..y part 01 the <br />Pmperty II located aud .ball malleoptea nl neb nollce Ia the lIWlIIer preacrtbed by .ppUcableIa"to Borm...r and to tbe <br />oth.r peraoaa p....rIbed by .pplleabl. I..., After the tlm. required by .ppllcable Ia... Trust...ball8l" public uotlte of <br />w. to lb. persona aud Ia lb. lIWlIIer preacrlbed by .ppUcablelaw. Trust.., wlthuut demand on. Borm...r. sball ..U tbe <br />Pmperty .t pnbUc .uclioa to lb. blalleat bldder.t th. tlm. and place and under tb.terma d..I....ted In tbe notice 01 ale In <br />nn. nr mnre parcell and In any nrder Trustee d.termla... Trust.. IDlY postpone aale of all or..y pon:e! of lIIe Pmper!)' by <br />public 1DD0uncement .t the lime ..d pl.ce of..y pr."ously aebeduled sale. Lender or III d..lp.. IDlY purchue tbe <br />Pmperty .t IOY w., <br />Upoa receipt of payment of th. prtce bid, Trullee .ball delIY.r to tbe purcbaser Trust.... deed con,eylns tbe <br />Pmper!)'. n. recltaIIIln th. Trust.... deed sball be prtlDl faci. ..Idenee nf tbe truth of the slat.moull IDIde th.rein, <br />Trustee .ball.pply the proeeeda 01 the sale In the following order: (.1 to all expe.... of tbe we. lacludlall. but not limited <br />to, Trustee's f... as permitted by applleable law and ......,,,,,ble attomeys' f...; (hI to all suma lOCured by lI!Ja Security <br />Instrument; and (c) any ex.... to the person or persona legally entitled to It. <br />20. LeDder in RosseaIoD. Upon acceleration under paragraph ]9 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in <br />person, by asent or by judicially appointed receiver) shaJ1 be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the <br />Property and to collccl the rents of the Property inclnding those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiyer <br />shall be applied first to paymenl of the costs of management of the Property and coUection or rents. including, but not <br />limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable altomeys' fees, and then to the sums secured by <br />tbis Security Instrument. <br />11. Recun'.)'IDte. Upon paymenl of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Truslee to <br />reconvey the Properly and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencins debt secured by this Security <br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee .hall reconvey the Properly without wammty and without charse to the person or person. <br />lesally enlitled to it. Sucb person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br />11. S.botltute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remoye Trustee and appoint a .uccessor trustee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instn;ment recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conveyancc of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br />:13. Request for Noticel. Borrower requests that copies of tbe notices of default and sale he sent 10 Borrower's <br />address wbicb i. the Property Address. <br />14. RIden to liIIa Seearlty lullnunenl. If one or more riders are executed by and recorded together with <br />thi. Security 1I1SIrumenl, tbe covenants and agreements of eacb oucb rider shall be incorporated inlo and shall amend and <br />.upplement tbe covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if tbe rider(.) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument. [Cbeck applicable box(..)] <br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />o Greduated Payment Rider <br /> <br />o Planned Unit Development Rider <br /> <br />[XJ Otber(s) [specify] Acknowledgement <br /> <br />By SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the tennJ and covenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br /> <br />'''fea~eii~ii'''''~~''''~ <br />...t~t;i~~1~~~""'''''''''''''''''''~ <br /> <br />ST" TE OF NEBRASK", <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County 55: <br /> <br />On .this 8th day of Oecember , 19 88 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified forsaid county, personally Neal M. Trentman and Mary 8. <br />Trentman, Husband and Wife ,to me known to be Ihe <br />identical per.on(.) whose name(s) are subscribed to tbe foregoing inslrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county lhe <br />d.le aforesaid. ' <br /> <br />My Commission.x ires: /1- ,;JJ- 71 <br /> <br />.J:UIIL 1fJ1MY..... ..... <br />IlE80IlAK L.1lMIl& <br />.,__.....11, <br />To TRUSTEE: <br /> <br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of Trust. Said nOlen"noles, together <br />with all olher indebledness secured by this Deed ofTrusl, have been paid in full. You are hereby direded'lo cancel said <br />"lote or nOles and Ihis Deed of Trust, which are delivered hen'by. and to recon....ey. without warranly. all {he l"...tatc <br />now held by you under lhis Dew of Trust 10 the person or persom legally entitled IhNC'IO. <br /> <br />.~~tld:t:~I............. <br />Notary Public <br />EST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />DIIC: <br />