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<br />th~~:"~~~ :~~~u~~~~~II~~I~I:tg~~~~~~~~~~:r:r~::~~~fl~~~: :h'~n :'b:p1~r:Ji~'t~~ ~r~::~~::e~o~~:::~oOtl~:~~~::n~'~~reClolure .nd .lle If <br />(1) COl' o'.n .wld.nee o. lUle procurld In connecUon wllh luch Ille and of Iny revenue requIred to be Plld; <br />(2) Attornl)l' 'HI; <br />:~~~ln,~:,:~t:t';~~.~:~n:~~b:I~~~o'i~~:lli;~~~~:r~r~~JIIYOVerthle one; 88- 10663 S <br />(5) Thll1Imllndlr, II any, to the perlon or perlona leallly entitled thereto, <br /> <br />(d) 11th. Benellcllry 0' 'his Deed 01 Trust Ie I bank 1111 dellned by Nebr.,ka I.w, any 1I11lllmllnl contained In any olher IIcllon Dr this deed <br />ruoJ:~:~:~~::; :r:t~~~:~~~a~~ree~~ J~Jg':e~~~I~:~~ :r;~tl~~~~ \~k:p~~~rdf~~t~rb~~:~w:~t,:: J:JI~=llIg~~:e'cr;nC: ::~II~r:~~:~r~~I:~~nu~: <br /> <br />coat. or collection or 1hll.uomeVI' feel, unle.1 luch acle of coUeetlon would not otherwlle be prohibited by Nlbrllkallw, provided, hOWeyer, <br />thlt thl. lecllon doee not epply tolhe Trustee fee relerred to In paragraph B (bl, provided further, thll thlll plr.grlph ehlll not IpplV to thle Deed <br />0' Trult, If the eenallclary I, not a bank, <br /> <br />(12J AdcI"lonlllecurllJ Inllrum.Rla. Truslor, at Its expense, wlllexecule and deliver to the Beneficiary, promptly upon demlnd,lIuch IlIcurlty <br />lnllrumlntl II mlY be rec;:.!Irad by Banellclary, In form and eubstancI/I ..lIlr.clory to ge"1I1101Iry, covllllng anv 01 Ihe ProPIlr1y conveyed by Ihlll <br />Deed 0' Trust, which securltv Instrumenll shall be sddltlonall!lecurlty for TruBtor'l!I fllthful perform.nclI of III of the lerma, convenlnls and con. <br />dltlon, 01 'hi. Deed of Tru't, Ihe promlllllory nollllecured hereby, and any other lecurlly Inetrumentlexeeuted In connecUon with lhll transae. <br />110n, Such !nllrumlntllhllll be recorded or tiled a' TrultOr'1I expanse, <br /> <br />('3) AppoIntment af Succtllor Trultll. Beneflcll!ilJY may, from time to time, bV a wrlUan Inll'rum~nt execuled and acknOWledged by <br />elnellclll')', milled to TrUII'or and recorded In the county or counlles In which the Property Ie localed and by olherwlse complying wllh the <br />provlllona ollhe applicable lewe oflhe Slate of Nebraske subslllule 8 succellsor or lucceseore 10 the Truete. named herein or Bctlng hereun. <br />der. <br /> <br />(14) Inlpectlonl. Beneficiary, or lis agents, representallves or workmen, are authorized to enter al any re.sonlbleUme upon or In any PI" of <br />thl Property lor Ihe purpose 01 In!lpecllng the same and tor the purpose of performing any of the Bcte It Is authorlz.ed to perform under tha lerms <br />at the Deed 01 Trust. <br /> <br />(1&) Opllon to FOl1lclolUl1l. Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder, Benetlclary shall have the option to foreclose this Deed ot Trust In <br />the mlnner provided by law lor the foreclosure of mortgages on real property, <br /> <br />(18) ForeIMlrlnc. by Bln.flcll" OT Trultll Not a Waiver. Any lorebearance by Beneficiary or Trustee In exercllllna any right or remedy <br />hereunder, or olherwlse afforded by applicable law, shall not be B waiver 0' or preclude the exercise of anv euch right or remedy. Likewise, lhe <br />wllver by Ben.t1clary or Truetee of any default of Trustor under thll!l Deed at Trust shall not be deemed to be a waiver of eny olher or IlmUar <br />detaUltlSublaquenlly oecurlng. <br /> <br />(17) Truelor Not Rel...Id. extension 01 Ihellme for payment or modification or amortlzallon of the lums IIcured by this Deed at Trust gran. <br />ted by Benellelary to any successor In Interest 01 Trustor shall not operate to relellls, In any mInner, the lIabllltv of the orlglna' Trustor and <br />Trultor'e successor In Interest. Beneficiary shall not bs requIred to commence Droceedlngeagalnet lIuch luccellor or refuelJ to extend time for <br />payment or olherwlae modlly amortlzallon of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by lhe crlglnal Truslor and <br />Trualor'el!luccesscr In Interest. <br /> <br />(18) elntflcllrfl Powlra. Without affecting the liability of the Trustor or any olher person liable for the payme"t 01 any obligation hereIn men- <br />lIoned, and wllhout affecting the lien or charge of this Deed ot Trust upon IIny portion of Ihe property nol thin or 'hlnttofore relalled aa Ilcurny <br />forth fuU.mounl o' aU unpaid obllaatlons. benetlclary may, from lime 10 lime and wlthoul notice, (I) releaellny plrson 10 IIl1ble, (II) IIJttend the <br />mlturlty or aller eny of the terms of any euch obllgatlone, (III) granl oHisr Indulgencee, (Iv) relelsB or reconYey, or cause to be releaaad or reeon. <br />vlyed Illnv time It Benellclary's options eny percel, portion or all of lhe Property, (v) leke or release any other or addlllonal securl1y for any <br />obllgltlon hflreln mentioned, or (v~ make compoaltlons or other arrengements with debtora In relelleln lhereto. <br /> <br />(19) Alcomly.nee by Trullll. Upon written requelt of Beneficiary stilting thet IUeums secured hereby have been peld, and upon surrender 01 <br />Ihls Deed of Truet and the Note to Trustee for cancellation end retention and upon paymenl by Trustor of Trustee'l tees, Trustee shan reconvey <br />to Trustor, or the person or persona legally entitled thereto, wl1hout warranly, any portion of the Property then held hereunder. The recitals In <br />euch reconveyance of any matlers or facta ehall be conclusive proof of the trulhlulness thereot. Th& granlee In any reconveyance may be <br />described as "Ihe pereon or persons legally entitled Ihereto". <br /> <br />(20) Notlcel, Except for an)' notlcas, demands, requesls, or other communlcaUons required under applicable law to be given In ano~her man- <br />ner, whenever Beneficiary, Trustor, or Trustee gIves or seIYes any notice (Including, without IImn_tlon, notice of defBull and notice of sale), <br />demands, reques1a or other communication wllh respect 10 this Deed of Truat. each auch notice, demand, requeet or olher communlcallon shall <br />be In writing and shall be effective only IIlhe same Is delivered by personal service or mailed by certllled maU, postage prepaid, retum receIpt <br />requested, addressed to the address as eet forth at lhe beginning 01 tnls Deed of Truet. Truator hereby requests Ihat . copy of any notice ot <br />default, any notice of sale, required or permitted to be given the Truetor hereunder, be maned to n at the address set forth al the beginning or thIs <br />Deed 01 Trust. Any party maya' any time change lis address for such notices by delivering or malllng 10 the other parties hereto, allaloreslld, a <br />nollee oleuch ch.nge. Any notice hereunder shell be deemed to haye been given to Trustor or Beneficiary, when given In the mlnnerdeslgnated <br />herein. <br /> <br />(21) Gonmlng Law. Thla Deed of Trual shall be governed by Ihe laws of the State of Nebraska. <br /> <br />(22) succn,on and A'llgnl. This DeuG of Trust end all terms, condlllona and obligations herein apply 10 end Inure to lhs benefit of and bInd <br />aU partlea herelo, their heirs, legat88s, devls88s, personal representallves, successors and aulgns. The term "BeneficIary" Ihlll meln the <br />owner and holder of Ihe Nota, whelher or not named as Banellclal)' herein. <br /> <br />(23) ",oint and 8ennl Ulblllty. All covenants and egreements DI Truator IIhaU be Joint and several. <br /> <br />(24) SenrablUtr.1n the event anyone or more of the provisions conlalned In lhls Deed at Trusl, or the Nole or any other securlly Instrument <br />glvan In connecUon wllh thlstr.nsacUon shall for any rellon be held to be Invalid, Illegal or unenlorceable In any respect. such Invalidity, <br />maglllly, or unlnlofceablllly Ihall, Illhe opllon 01 Benellclary, not affect Inv othlr provlllon ot thll Deed 01 Trust, but thle 01t8d of Trust shall <br />be conetrued III' such Invalid, Illegal, Of unenlorceable provision had never been contllned herein or Ihereln. If the lien ollhle Deed ot Trust Is <br />Invalid or unenforceable IS 10 any part of the debt, or If the lien Is Invalid or unenlorceeble as 10 any part ollhe Property, the uneecured or par. <br />tlllly secured portion or the debt shan be complelely paid prior 10 the payment 01 the remaining Ind secured or partially secured portion of the <br />debt. and III paymentl!l made on the debl, whether VOluntary or under rorsclosure or other enforcemenlacllon or procedure, shall be conllderad <br />to have been flrat plld on end applied to the full paymenl of that portion of the debt which la notl!lecured or not fully aacured by lhe lien of thIs <br />Dead ot Trult. <br /> <br />125) Number and Gender. Clptlon.. Whenever used herein, the singular m:mber shall Include the plural, lhe plurll, Ih8s1ngular, and the use of <br />any gender Shall be applicable 10 III genders, The capUons and headings 01 the paragraphS 01 this Deed of Trust ar. for convenience only and <br />are not to be used to Interpret or define Ihe provisions hereof. <br /> <br />(261 AccapIance by Truet... Trustee accepts this Trust when Ihls Deed 01 Trust. duly executed end acknowledged, Is mads a pUblic record as <br />provided by law. <br />