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<br />DEED OF TRUIT <br /> <br />88- 106638 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />THIS DEEDOFTRUST, mldllhll...1.QJill.. dlY 01 No vember , 1..J!L. by Ind Imon. <br />whol. mailing add,... I, ISI,..,)~~)t J IClty) <br />(SIIII Ind Zle) NE 6$$32 (hlrlln "Trustor": Ind dank 01' Doni phan <br />mlllln. Idd..el II (SI..III Box i3 (City) Doniphan tSIII..ndZle) NE: 68$32 <br /> <br />)-D Investment, Inc. <br />Doni ph an <br /> <br />whose <br /> <br />(Har.rn "Trull..uli and 1=1 ::m lr nf" <br />(City) Doni than <br /> <br />nnn; ph::an <br />NE 68832 <br />ISIIII Ind Zle) <br /> <br />. wholle mailing address Is (Slr..I) <br /> <br />Rnv Po <br /> <br />(hl..ln "Blnlflcllry"), <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,lncludln. Ihl Indlblednlllld.nllfled hl..11i .nd tho tr..t .....10 cr..led,l" '1Cllel 01 which Is hl'lby <br />~~~O:~~~~i~~:~:.~~:\~~~:'~':':Odco::Jl~:: :r.t~f~~i:i:~=p:::.,"=~~ :~I:~~. benefnand secur. <br /> <br />Th. 1Ia.~ On. Third (S 1/)) of Lo~ Six (6), in Block SiX (6), of ~h. Orisinal <br />Vill_le Dr Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska, (Havin3 a Pront.age of 25 Feet on <br />Plum Street. in said V111.age, and a deptb or 142 Feet) <br /> <br />~fL~~C~~~ ~rxa (gli~~ ~~~~y N~~ v~J 2{~) F~~t t~:S~ii~:e t~~ g~~ih h:~t "~rner <br /> <br />County, Nebraska, Running Thence North One Hundred Forty Two (~42) Feet, <br />Thence West Twenty Five (25) Feet along the alleYJ Thence Sout.h One Hundred <br /> <br />t~~~~~ i~:2~~:e~~~:e~~: :~~~~~:y T:J~ ~~5 Lo~e=~. t;~~h( 6;~ace of: <br /> <br /> <br />The Bou~h Sl.xty F.e~ (60') of'Lots Five (5) and Six (6) in Block One (1) <br />in Original Villag. of Donl.phan, N.bra.lta. <br /> <br />TOGETHER WITH. all ..IS, proll1.. royaltl..,lncom. and oth... benefit. d...lved from the real property; aU Ie... Of 8ubleasn covering the real <br />property or any portton thereof, now or toereafter existing or entered Inlo, and all righi, tllle Bnd Interest of Trustor thereunder. aU Interests. estate or <br />other Claims, botn In law and In equity, which Trustor now hlllll or may hereafler ecqulre In the real property; all easements, rights-of-way, tene- <br />mllita, hereclltamentaand appurtenancBa Ihereol and Ihereto; aU 011 and gas rlgnls and proJlls. water flghls and .ater stock; all right, tlUe and <br />Inleresl of Trustor, now owned or hsrsaftar acquired, In and to any land lying within the right-of-way of any street or highway adjoining the real <br />property, any and all buildings, fixtures, Improvements, and appurtenances now or hereBfler erected thereoli or belonging therelo, (herein <br />referred 10 alJ "Improvemenl" or Improvements''); and Bny and all aw.rdlJ made for the laking by eminent domain, or by any proceedIng or pur- <br />chaNin lieu th.reof, of the whol. or any plrt of the real property. <br /> <br />All of Ih. foregoing Htsle, property and Inlerest hereby conveyed to Trustee herein collectively referred to as the "Property". <br /> <br />THISDEEDOFTRUSTSHALLSECURE: Three Hundred Fifty <br /> <br />(I) The payment of Indebtedness evidenced by Trustor'! note of even date herewith In the principle sum of 'T'hnll c::: ::Ionn <br /> <br />Dollars (S 350 ,000.00 " togsther wllh Interest at the rate or retes provided therein, (herein, together wllh any Bnd all <br />renewals, modification.. and extenalons thereof, referred to as the "Note") both prlnclpalaRlI Interest on the Note being payable In accordance <br /> <br />::~~:a:':nr::If~~t~~~~~~:::;I:~eS~:':n~d='~~~ ~~;~~::b~~~e, t'ri~~tIJ~~~' of prlnclp&) and Interest, II not looner paId and II no <br /> <br />(b) Th. p...formance of each agraemenl and covenanl of Trustor herein contained; and <br /> <br />(c) The paym.nt of any sum Dr lums of money wllh Inlereltlhereon whIch may be herealler paid or advanCed under the terms of this Deed of <br />Trust. <br /> <br />(II) Th. paym.nt of any fulure advances necessary to proteel the security or any future advance made althe option ollhe pal1les; and <br /> <br />(e) The performanco or an obligation of any oth... person named In thIs Trust Deed 10 a beneficiary. <br /> <br />TO PROTECTTHESECURITYOFTHIS DEED OF TRUST, TRUSTOR HEREBY COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />1. P.,mltllt of Prtnclpaland In....L Trustor shall promptly pay when due the principal of and Interest on lhe Indebtedness evidenced by the <br />Note. and aU oltwcharges IInd f_1II provided In the Nole, and Ihe principal 01 and Internt on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust <br /> <br />2. Warranty oITItIL Truslor 'a 'awfully seized snd pollessed of good and Indefe.slble Iltl. and estate to the Property hereby conveyed and has <br />the right 10 gr.nt .nd convey th. Property; th. Property Is fr.. and cl..r of anllllns and encumbrances eXC3pt lIenl now of record; and Trustor <br />will warrant.Ad defend the tllle to the Property against all clalmB and d.mandlJ. <br /> <br />3. ..1ntInance and Compliance wllh La... Trustor shall keep the Prop.rtv In !)ood condlllon and repair and Bhall nol commit waste or permit <br />Impalrm.nt or d.lerIorallon of the Property and shall comply with the provision! of any lealle If this D&ed of Trust Is on a '.asehold. No Improve- <br />ment. now or herafter .rected upon lh. Property shall ba, removed or demollahed without the p~or wrlUen cons.nt of Beneficiary. Truslor <br />ehaUcomply w1lh all laws, ordlnaneel, regulations, covensnls, conditions end restrlcllons .,rectlng the Property and not commit. suffer, or per- <br />mlt.ny act to be done In or upon th. Property In vlo1allon of any II., ordlnanc., regulation, covenant. condlllon or restriction. Trustor shIll com- <br />plet. or restore promptly and In good workmanlike manner any Improvem.nt on the Property which may be damaged or destroyed and pay. whan <br />due, ~II c.a1ml for labor performed and mat...lals 'urnlshed therelore and for any aUerallons thereat. <br /> <br />4.luUl'8ftC8, TrultDr, at lis expense, will maintain wIth Insuran approved by Beneficiary, Insuranee with respecllo Ihelmprovementa and per. <br />sonal property. conlJtllullng the Propalty, Igalnlllon by rlre, lightning, tornado, and other perils and hazards covered by slandard exlended <br />COYerage endorsement. In an amount equal 10 at least onl hundred percent of the full replacement value lhereof and Insurance agllnsl such <br />ot_ hazards and In such amDuntlul1 cUllomarU)' carried by ownenl and OP"l'1I10nJ of similar properties or as BeneficIary mly require for Its <br />protllClton. lfUltor will comply wllh auch other requlrementl al B.n.flclary may !rom time 10 time request for the protection by Insur.neeor Ihe <br />Int....1I of lhe rnpectlve partl... All Insurance pollc1.. maintained pur.uant 10 thl. Deed of Trull shall name Truslor and Ben.flclary as In- <br />sureds, as theIr rnp8Ctlvelnterelts may appear, and provide that there .hall bEl no cancell.Uon or modlflcaUon wlthoul any less than 15 days <br />prior-wrltlllf1 notification 10 Trustee and Beneficiary. In th. event any pallcr he'e'Jnder Is not renewed on or before 15 dlYS prior to Us e.plration <br />date. Truat.. or Benellclary may procure such Insurance In accordancl wllh ':'1e prowlllons of paragraph 7 hereof. Truslor shall d.n...... to <br />BeMnclary lhe original pollel.. 01 Insurance and ren.wals th.reof or memo f'opl.. of such policies and renewals thereof. Fallur. to fUrnish <br />auch Inluranceby Trustor, or renewals as required h.reund.r Shill, al thl opllon 01 Benellclary, consmut. a default. <br /> <br />S. ,.................... and ChargN.. Trustor shan pay an taxea, aSselJSmBnts and other chargel, Including. without IImltallon, flnel and 1m- <br />poaIlkmSaltrlbuteielolhe Property, and leasehold payments Dr ground renls, If any. before the become dellquent. Truslorshan promptly <br />......1111 to Banel1clary aU notlcn of amounts due under this paragraph, and In the evenl Trustor shall make payment dlrecUy. Trustor shall prompt- <br />ly furnish to Benetlclary recelpls evidencing such payments. Trustor .hall pay all tues end aSSBssmen's which may be levied upon <br />8eneftclary'slnlernt herein or upon this Deed of Trust without regard to anv law tht may be enacted Imposing payment of the whole or any <br />part thereof upon tM Beneficl.,.,. <br /> <br />L <br />