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<br />rCD06011 <br />Pooo2012 <br /> <br />(e) Tho ropaymontln lull by TruMor(1l1 01 011 nmounla advanced by BenollclPry. "1110 opllon,lo or on bohalf 01 TrUDlo,lsl DD prUlecll\lo advpncolI <br />nulhorllOd nomln,ln tno lonn Bgroemont(lll, or In olher Inslrumenl!sl which may bo glvon 10 oVldonce ouch ndvoncDlI, plua Interellt on all Buch <br />odvances, payoblo 01 provldod In the nolO(II), loan ogroomonlCa) or olhor lnlltrumenllol <br /> <br />(d) Tho payment In tull of nnv and oU olher posl, prosent or luluro, dlrecl 0' contlngont. dabts Bnd hobillllns 01 Truslor(aj1o Boneflclary alany <br />naluro whatsoever. <br /> <br />This Trult Deed will bo duo January 1, 1994 or upon the pavmDnt In full 01 011 Bums mocurod hereby. <br /> <br />Tr"mlor(11 hOfOb)' wlrranllhollhoy hold foo Ilmplo Illlo 10 tho IIobovodOllcriboa propo"y. IhDI thoy Iln~o goo~ Dnd IQwlul aulhorlly to daad and encumber tho ..mll, <br />Ihllllld proper1y la lroo ond CIOIU 01 pllllonll and encumbrance., ClIlCOpl oncumbrMcns 01 rj]cord. nnd Ihntlhoy will warranland dofond laid property Igllnllall <br />clalm,nla whomsoovor Truslorlml oliO horoby walvD and rollnqulsh 1111 rlghll 01 dower. homolllDlld. dlalrlbulhlo sharD and allompllon In and 10 Iho above delCribod <br />pfopeny <br /> <br />Trultortl) Ind or them fur1hlr conn.nt .nd .gtH wllh Blnltld.ry .. tallow.: <br /> <br />(t 1 To pBy allllanll,judgmonlD or olher IlSllllBllmOnla IIgalnllll5l1ld TrUll Estalo. and 10 pay whon dlJO nil tOlloll, ronls, loell orchaf'f;les upon laid Trusl Eatate or under <br />any IMUII. permll, license or prlvllegll aSllgned 10 Bllflellclory as addlllonal socurltv 10 thlm Tfusl 0000'. 10cludlng Ihoso on publiC domain <br />(2) To Insure Ind keep Insured buildings and other improvemantll now on or horonllor plnced on said TrUll EIIllte to Ihe loUllacUon of Beneflclllry. Such <br />lnluranco ahall beepproved by and dopostled wllh Bonllllcla!'V,ll.nd endolllod \'tllh 101l1llhurllundor payllbllllo Bonoliclary. Any sumB so recallltld by Benellclary may <br />be uRed 10 Plyforreconlltructlon ollhe dOlltroyed Improvemenlll or II nol ao appllod mlly, nltM opllon 01 Bonollclary, be applied In payment of any IndebtedmJllII <br />malured or unmllUred lecured by Ihlll Trull Deed <br />(3) To keep 1111 bulldlngll. Ulltures and othor improvomonll now on or heUlllllor placed on !laid Trust Estate occupied and In good ropa.r, malnlronnnCllllnd <br />condlllon and to nellher commll nor pennilany actll 01 waIte or any Impalnnonl 01 Ihe valuo 01 tho Trust ElItalo Benellclary may enter upon the Trult Est6le 10 <br />Inspect Iho same or 10 porlonn eny 8ctsDuthorlzed heroin or In the loan IIgroementllll <br />(4111 In IhellvllntTrullor(lllnU 10 pay on)' liens, judgments. DSlIolllmenis,tll.ll:el, ronlli, 100& or chalges or mainloln Bny Insuranal on the J,lroperty, buildings, tlxtures <br />or Improvllmonts al provided holt!ln or In tho loan agr6oment(II), Beneficiary mlly. at III apllon, make such payments or pro~ldlllnlul'1llnclI, malnlenance or replllrs <br />and any amounl! paid lherelor shall becomo part ollhe prInCipal indllbtedne511 SOCU'lld tloraby. bo Immedlalaly due and payable and boar Interest from the date of <br />paymenl as provided in the nole(sl or loan agreamenl(sl. Tho advllncemenl bjl Bonehclory 01 any lIuch amounts shall in no mannor Itmlllhe right 01 Benef'':lary 10 <br />declare Trultor(s) In delault or Bxerclse any or Benellclary's olher rights and remedies <br />(5) In theevent Beneficiary is a party to any lillgallon affocting the Becurity or Iho lion 01 Ihls Tru51 Deed, Including any aclton by Bonellclary to enforce thlsTrult <br />Deed orany suit In which Beneliclary Is named a defendanl (including condemnation and bankruptcy proceedlngll) Beneficiary may incuroxpenses and advance <br />paymenls for abslracl fees, attorneys fees (ellcepllothe extenl prohlblled by law). coslS, ellpensos. appraisal fees and olherchargessnd any amounts so advanced <br />shall become par1 of Ih~ prmclpal indebtedness securod hereby, be immediatel)' duo and paynble Bnd boar intereslslI provided In the loan agreoment(s). <br />16) Any awards mlldoto Trustor(sl or Iheir successo~ by ttle ellerclse 01 eminent domain are hereby assigned 10 Beneficiary; and Baneficlaryls hereby authorized <br />to collect and apply the soma in payment of Bny Indebledness, malured or unmatured. secured bV Ihls Trusl Deed <br />17) In the evont Trulltor(s) delaullln Ihe paymenl when due olany lIums secured hereby (prinCipal, Inlemst, advancements, or protecllve advances', or rail to <br />perform or observe any covenants and condItions contained herein. In the nolels). loon agrcement(sl, or any other Instruments, or anv proaledlng Is brought by or <br />ngslnsl Trustor(s) underany Bankruptcy Inws. Benehciary may, at IIsoption, declare ttle IInllre Indebtedness secumd hereby lobe Immediately due and payable and <br />beBr intereSI at the delaull rale as prOVided In Ihe nola(sl or loan agreemenl(S) and BenollClory may Immedialelv authorIze Trustee toellercise the Power of Sale <br />granled herein In the manner provided In Ihe Nebraska Trusl Deed5 Act. or, al the optIOn 01 Ihe Bonelicmry. may loreclose Ihe Trust Deed In the manner provided by <br />law lor Ihe foreclosure of mortgages on real property, including the oppointmenl 01 0 Recl!lver upon ex par1e application, notica being horeby expreslIly waived, <br />wilhout rogllrd tothe ~alueollhe property or Ihe sufllcienc)' Ihereol to dIscharge the Indebtedness s('cured hereby or in thaloanagreoment(S). Delay by Benllllciary <br />In BlIlorcll1lng i1s rights upon default shall nol be construed liS a waiver Ihereol and Bny acl 01 Beneliclary waiving any specific dofaullllhllU not be construed as a <br />waIver of any luturedl:llault lithe proceeds under such sale orforeclasure are In$UlllClenl 10 pay Itle tolal IRoeblednosssecured hereby. Trustor(s) do hereby agree <br />10 be pfl!':ianally bound to pay the unpaid baiance. and Benoficlary sholl be enUUed to a defiCiency ludgment <br />lB) Should Beneliclory eleclto allercls8 the Power of Salegranted herein, Benallclery shall nOllly Truslee who sholl record, publish and deliver to Trustorls} such <br />NOlice 01 Dolaultand Notice 01 Sale as then required by law and shall in the manner proVIded by law selllheTrust Estele at thetimoand place 01 sale fixed in the <br />N"lice 01 Sele, either all a whole or in separate loIs, parcels or items and in such order as Truslee shall deem ellpedienl, Anv person may bid otthesale including <br />Trustor(s). Truslee or Beneficiary <br />(9i Trustor(lI) hareby requestacopy of any Nollce 01 Delault or Nollc.e 01 Sale hereunder 10 be mailed 10 them attheaddress(es) setlorth herern by certified mail <br />(10) Upon delault. Beneficiary. BIther 10 perlion or by agent. wilh or withoul bnngmg Any acllon or procoeding and with or without regard 10 the value 01 the <br />propeny or IhesulliC18ncylhereolto discharge Ihe indebtedneslIsecured herebf. IS authorized snd entitlod loenler upon and lake possession 01 the Trust Estale in <br />Its own name or In Ihe name ollhe Trustee and do any acts orexpend any sums II deems necessary or deSIrable to prolect or preserve thevaluo oUhe Trust Estate or <br />any inlertlllt Ihllrein, or increase Ihe Income therelrom; and with orwithoul taking possession ollhe Trusl Estate IS aulharizedto suetarOI othemisecollect the rents, <br />Issues, crops, profits and income Ihereol. including those past due end unpeld. and apply the lIame upon any indebledneslI secured hereby or in the loan <br />agreemenl!s) <br />No remedy herein conlerred upon or reserved 10 Trulllee or BenefiCiary IS mtended 10 be ellcluSIVO 01 any other remedy hereto or bV law provided orperrnilled, <br />butllach shall becumulstive, shall be in addition 10 every olher remedy given horeunder or now or hllrBaller elllsllng allsw or in equity or by slatute, and may be <br />exercised concurrently. 10dependently or lIucceaaively <br />(111 Trustor(al Bclmawledge Ihallho dul,ell and obliglllions 01 Truslee shall be dolermlnod solely by Ihe eltprass proviSions of1his Trust [reed or the Nebraska <br />TrUll Doedll Act snd Trustee shllll not be liable elllcept for Ihe perlonnance 01 such dul1es and obllgBtlOns 85 Bre speCifically set ronh lt1ereln, Ilnd no implied <br />covenonu; Qr obliglltons stlall be imposed upon TruBtee. Trustee shall nol be liable lOt nny nCllon IDllen by It rn QOoo II1Ith and ","sonably believed by il to ba <br />authorl:ted or within the diacretion or righls 01 powers conferred upon il by thIS Trust DIlll'd or Slale In.... <br />112) Tha integrity and responslbilily 01 Truslorls) conslitules II. part ollhe conll,deratlon lor lhe obhgllhonD lIecured hereby Should Truslorls) sail. traosler or <br />convey Ihe property described herem, withoul prior wntten consenl 01 Beneficlsry. Beneflclery may, st lis option, declare the entire indeblednessimmediately due <br />end plIVllblo and mllY proceed In the enlorcemenl 01 Us tlghls as on an)' olher delault <br />(13) Asslgnmant of Renls mcluding Proceeds 01 Mineral Lease. Trustorlll) hereby \ransler. sat o~ar Bnd conl/oy 10 Beneficiary all renls, rovaltles, bonuses and <br />delay moneya lhat may lrom time to time become due IInd payable under IIny r01l1 eslate lease or under any oil. gall or olher mineral lease of an)' kind now existing or <br />that may hereafter come InIO ollistenca, covermg tne abol/e TrUSl Estllte or any part thereol An such sumB so received by Beneliclary shall be applied to the <br />indablllClnessaecured hereby; orsoid BenefiCiary may, al its option, turn ovet and dehverto Trustor(s) or their succellllO~ in interest. any or all 01 such sums wilhout <br />prejudice to any 01 Benellclary's rights 10 take and retain lulure sums, and without prejudIce to IIny 01 Ita olher flghtll undor Ihis Trust Deed_ The trensfer IInd <br />conveyance hereunder to Beneliclary 01 laid renls, royalties, bonuaes and delay moneys shall be conlltrued 10 bea proviSIon 10f the payment or reductIOn ollhe <br />debt, subject to the Bene1ICll1f)"S option BS hereinbelore provided, Independant 01 Ihe hen on said Trusl Estate Upon paymenl in tull ollhe debt and the <br />r8ConveYllnce 01 this Trust Deed 01 record. IhlS conveYllnco shllll become Inoperallve and 01 no lu"her force and ellecl. <br />(14) The covonants conlalned 1M thll Trust DeliO' shall be deemed to be sevarable; In the event that any portion 01 this Trusl Deed IS determined to be VOid or <br />unenforc Ihat determination s allectlha validl1v ollhe remaimng portions of lhe TruSl Deed <br /> <br />(')c(tiCt~ a J -/'-'<-"" '---'" <br /> <br />patricia A. Thorn <br /> <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF Ha 11 <br />On this -2.nd. day of <br /> <br />1 <br />I" <br />1 <br /> <br />nprpmhpr <br /> <br />. A.D., 19 -B8--, belore me, a Notary Public, personally appeared <br /> <br />Robert L. Thorn and Patricia A. Thorn, husband and wife <br />10 me known to be the person{s) named in ~d ,who e;lliecuted the tore90m9 Ack owled ment and Trust Deed, and acknowledged <br />lhal~=-A' eu volunta", act and dee? C <br /> <br />(SEAL) .. -:,,-<<r Melvin ~ vpUr,f.,", "Am, u"d" ,,"",tu,", <br />My commiSSion expires Notary PubliC in and lor said County Bnd Stale <br /> <br /> <br />OJ <br />I~I <br />C") VJ "' --' <br />O-t 00:3 <br />~~ ~C;:~ ~ <br />--:'" j '; ~ It <br />i if~h~ r <br />",rUtl1~ <br />~ W:t <br />" l\.l t <br /> <br />;;; <br />* <br />" <br />~ <br />~ <br />w <br />" <br />'5 <br />~ <br /> <br />l <br />"- <br />];~ <br />E~ .\ <br />~;~: ~ <br />~ ~'\ ..: {: <br />~ ~ <br /> <br />r <br />~~ <br />~ <br /> <br />Y\ "'" <br />= <br />= <br />" i!t"-i ..., <br />" l c-> <br />.? \ '" <br />:> it <br />.., t~ <br /> -C <br />.., "" <br />.., ~~ <br />-, -r:: <br />fl <br /> t <=> <br /> ~ <br />