<br />
<br />. 88- .l
<br />.now au :fItn fJp I:btse ~rtsents. Tirol, WI><,.,... In an ad..n in /he Dulrid eo..., of /he
<br />
<br />~;::E=~i~:~(1~~f.t.~~~?1~_~.;;A~~;J.;~~ ~~GL~~~::-.~:~J~~~.~_-=-~==~~;;;;~~~
<br />
<br />DOnal~..9.-"....C::.<:l.1.1..~".~,,,r,,.".:'.:I_~J..i_c::.._~._(;=,}._~~S!."!.:_.....-..................-....-.-........._--.....--m.r.n~
<br />al /h.i!e.!!.!~arY.....!..;;!L......_..._.Tenn, A. D, 19.fl.fl.., of..id .......!!()!"~....F._e...d_E!.r.:~.1......Ei."~!":L,,._..a..:''!_LO':.':l_~.''.''.':C
<br />did o6/oin . detret finding thal u.c. u d"'from.1;l..9JJ..sJ....cL~,.._G.Q 11 i&t.~.L.....n9..J),.J"i...9~.21..!.....f:.'?lli~1O.E!.~....._._..
<br />" Horne._.f..~_E!.~_1;!~.....13.i'-.Y.i..!!9..~-2.I1..<!....Io'?3_11-21-.s...?.P...c..:i,."':l:-i.'?..!O...9.f.....s;r an<;1_.!.".!.~!l.<!.................._. u...wn
<br /><If ~t y.. Th...o.!!."."'.n..~.E.:::'::.".~_..Il.~.~:r.:..<1._ FOE.1CY_...~"'.":".~.~~<'l....~1.(1...~~...~_4..0.!.?~!.:~~~doI1dn,
<br />
<br />and COIU oj .nil tOZf!d al...__ om ...m......__..... _... .. m.._dollarz. and. u:htima. il tDV then and. thcr:
<br />JarIhu urrJurd in the .aid odion thaJ. in defouU 0/ the pa;rrnenJ. oj the $Um If) found due by 1M .;a~_9.!l~1.sL~ Co 11 is!.~_
<br />~nd ~li."'E!..../:I.,....C<:l.J,.I.:i,"-1:.E!~ ........_....../haL... Emu e.t...t..._c:_,....!'rn~.!:.1:_.__.....
<br />
<br />Sherij/ oJ .aid Couniy oj ... nm_._..g~_~_!.. m ..h' should awn: tM lanrh and imcnmb luninaJiD' described to be
<br />
<br />adf1t!rlued and 60'" aceording 10 law 10 pay tk same, and, U.hura8. d~Jafl/l1uwing b<<n l1lOJk therein. the mUL.'_.___________n_
<br />..........n...~_~.~.~....~.......~~.~:t::.~.._._h ..m.... .. .................._...... . Shoii! of 6aid county, undo and by flirlue oj tk mid dtrrre and
<br />the anlu of..Ie to him duIydindni, did an the... 6 th ..... ....day o/.<:l...C:!=.".I:l...r:_...._._......_...A. D. '9_~_~
<br />allhe._.:!:9.W.~.r..__!.9..lJ:I;'y. -f~'&,r nJ 1M County Cowl IIowe in i1~. ... ..~.!.!Y.. mom ..... moofom~~_and I 5 !..~_~...9__._
<br />inl.oidCounlyoj... J:t~.!J..... ........ .. hauingfU'l.lrlilJCl~and kgal noIiuo/thet~andplaQ!oJmidmle
<br />by {Jublirolion oncr in mch wt'l!k for Jour IIUC<<6l.iflf' ll't't.Ju ;'1 tI,t' _~.la.:n.Q....!E! 1 a net D a i ~~ ;;~;.E!~J'~;i~~ and in grnnu!
<br />
<br />:;~;-;~~s.a:~~~~~~i~:i~::~t~~i~~~9~.~~~~~.;!~.~t'_~:;~~~:~:;~~~~~...~~~=a
<br />
<br />_9...QiJ.9.9.........t$.,:3.:;!,-O.lJ.lJ....Q.QJ........... ............._....._..dDiIan, wJ.id. mk = ol/award aI u.d.<l.~.,.....~."-1:_Tmn of..id murl.
<br />A. D., '9~Jl, aamined and wnfumd and u.. .ai<L-.......12!ID.l;1.t t. C. Arnett ..........w. Sheriff, oniDal
<br />to "''''''Y u.. .aid p"",i...,inf.. .impr.to g.. .aid...!!.QJl)~.mf"-9~.H!.t...?i'-yi,l1g!?mig)g..J!.'?~.I),J\.~~~~a H~I
<br />ftobJ 1t:befdofe, 1. g.. .aid .......)';J1\l1l.~.t.j:. C. .N:Jl-,,,t.t.. ..._.. Sheriff of u.. Caunly ~
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />......._..tLI aforuoid. in coruidurtiion oj lhe prvnUu and by fJirlue oj tk potl'1US tufLd in nw by l4ID and the
<br />d..... of .aid wurl, do Ioutby Gioe, Gmnt and eo....,. to u.. ..id....!:I2!!\~....f.S'.!!~ral. Savin3.!Li'nd Loan
<br />
<br />.Assacia.tion-o.:E._.G.l:and...Island.,.its....succ.essars and aup. the pmniR. ro aI ofcrrmid mld. 1.0 mil:
<br />
<br />.M.Q.t..JU"-Yell (J,l.L.snli j:h~L.SQ.~b.';u::.:L.:~Lfi. Y~..~ng ..!lJ.~.~r:!..J!~r:!4J::.~d.t:.hs .;ee.1:.....
<br />
<br />_IS..ll.'). ...oLLo.t...Nine... I9 J in.l\.lQ.c.k.F..iy.e..Uni.y.~U;,.J:t;y._.p.J...".'" ....J"D.i\.dg.i..t.i.9!1._
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,Nebraska ___
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />:=. - ... ~.~;c,.,,\NE8~~~~~~-~
<br />. -.... t~1l.f" ~-
<br />.$- ~ a.y ~ . .-
<br />
<br />_._.__.._.... .............___......_........ . ......._wilh tlIII Gpp~.
<br />VJ:o Jlabe anb to Jlolb tbe Iltame unIo /I><..id Horn e Fed..E_":.1...~a.y~.f.l'!sm a':l<'l.. .!:.?~':l._
<br />.Aaaa.c.iati.Qn...Q.t....G.I&.\m'L.IJ?l...!lg.,..:!"t.~LJ?I.\!;;,...!:.I1.~or ind ...iII.... and to tIwn and u..ir .... and r..hooJ I........
<br />In 1I!:estimonp lVtlneol. 1 ha...,.. .nch S""iff, Ioutn"'" ,,/ my hand /hu..._........J9.1:.h .... ......._.~ qJ
<br />November 8 B ,
<br />-.-..-............. ... A. Tl.. ,9.-..._ .5? /'; 11
<br />..."&;,.:l2h:.!1.clL.C..&?t..-L4LL.._..
<br />
<br />Ezcukd arid drlivrred in 1M p~ 0/
<br />R. Williams
<br />
<br />Sl><'iilof_._......]...'!!!._._......_...._..._..GoanIy, NtWcuia.
<br />
<br />CtIaoIyol STA.~~:!.FH~~BRAS~A. ... .. }". On/hu_.......30t~....._._...dayof.__Q.~<::~.rnI:l~E:
<br />
<br />19_eJL. "'f"""', /he nndmigned...R odqe.L.!i... ...I1;1,JJ.i.."rn.>;;..
<br />in GlldJor .aid eoW1i,y. puwnal'y appeancllM laid._ ................. ......
<br />rT~"",.iIf i~-;;;~P;~;;;;;~iiirJ:'n~:~u8~~;':~;-,;;;;;,-;.i.;;;;j'ii;;j;;;;;,;;;;;~:=~~=~
<br />la"~!J ~t:'::;~:fif /he.""" /0 I>< Iou roIanlary ad and dwl,,, .neh .I><.iil.fot /h. <Uta and p",_
<br />I':."."' .'lnrllllmyhand~"':Z:~: _____._
<br />
<br />lili
<br />:'.~~~i.\~l~t~z~~~"'~~~l!~~~~~!".~'t.~,~,r:~;,~~~~;;;,,\;~~;;;"~m:~'tt~.1~;~"
<br />