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<br />3231248 <br /> <br />1520029958 <br />2U0112 <br /> <br />88_ 106554 <br /> <br />ASSIGNHENT OF NORTGAGE - CQrporation <br /> <br />KNOW ALL HEN "V THESE PRESENTS, That Colonial Centrnl SnvlngA Bank, <br />FSn, II United States of America Corporation, the pnrty of the rfrAt pnTt, in <br />cnnsidenltion of the ~.pJ'"'\1~ftlMl:';:;rf6'N-uable com:;ider:1tion, to <br />J t in hnnd poid by ....X..NEQ fotu{ Ctltw6R1tT'ttJN~Ull.n, the pnrty of <br />the Accont! pnrt, at or before the enfl(!i1tin~ and deltvery of these preRt!l1tfl, <br />receipt whereof if!: hereby .,cknm"ledged, hnfl grnnted, hnrgnlllC'd, sold, <br />nARtgned. transferred, and set over, and, by these preAents. dnes ~rnnt, <br />hnT~nin.J aell, assign, tntnsfer, transferred, and set [lVPT. unto the Raid <br />pnrty ,of the REcond part, its successors and assigns, a certnin ltUJl~N'IURE UF <br />HORTGAGE, Dated DECEHBER 5, 1986. Recorded "" 86-107011 <br />of the Hortgage RecordA of HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />and made by HlCHAEL L. ENGLISH AND BARBARA L. ENGLISH, HUSBAND AND <br />WIFE, <br />t" Go10n1n1 Centra) Savings Bnnk. Fsn :lOfl 0111 itR right, title :lIId interef>t <br />to the premises ther.ein descr.lbed, as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />10 T1I^"T'0~' "Mill I:II11l'l:1~;!t"; 10 1',,111 or '1"11 1I11llTliHE:a Uli'\1ITEll (lHI!/'.!1' SEGTlllN .J, <br />lOIIH.",,,1' ~ 1I111nll 11M":!: III wn;1 or IIII'; h)1I I'.H. 11101.1: !;(lllIlI'V 1l1:.II:I,SI;^ HEINl: <br />1'10 lllt:UI,A tp IJI':~;"1t !t1l'.II AS I'OI.I.!JI''': ItElanrIlHl.: loT 'IIII'. SOUTlIIm~T !;(llmpl (!jEST I <br />ot. S^Ul Nit \'III/,:\II:E IHlNllllIG XII loll ^S~lJflElI IIE/IItIU\' OF Illl~ 1I1:Gmms Uh 0/ 011 TII <br />H1lli W;ES~ulrr[lJt rlWltu~ ~m m;1. W;R'~~B~IUOll~H Yli1'x'\,[hUY- B~"JNiliSll~~TO~I'i~R lD <br />111~:I,tW~~CijFSnHgIJ~Y~li~S uu'ou "I UN flm WEST LlNE OF SAW rill I Flllt 66U.UU FE <br /> <br />Tngether with the note ther('ln descrihed, and the money t1uC' I'r In bf'("ome due <br />thereunder, IncLuding interest thereon. TO lIAVF.'MJI) TO 11111.11 th~ S:1m(' unto <br />the said party of the second pnrt, its Rllrrf'!'>snt's :lHd :l~;r.I~ns f(H"ever. <br />Rl1hJect only to the prnvlf>lons of Rnid INUENTtIRF: OF' ~lllR1'<:^GF. therein <br />contained. <br /> <br />And the party pf the rfrR't p:nt dne!'> her"I1\' nmlce. ("{1Tlc;tftnte :md :1I'pC'lnl the <br />"nid party of the Rccond pllrt. itR trl1"" and lawful altorne)'. IrrC'vocnhlc. ln <br />itR nnme, or otherwise, but .,t thefr 0\,1'11 proper C'oRl!=l :md c111Ilr.eR. tn h:wr. <br />t1f>C, nnd take n t 1. lawful wnYflI Rnd me:lIlR for the recovery nf rhC" r::n Id money <br />nnd interest, Rlld, in CRRe of ~li1yment. to clfqchl'1r~(I the Anmc :lR the p.ut of <br />the first pnrt might, or couLd do, if theRe preRentR were not mnde. <br /> <br />IN \UTNESS HIIF.ItEOFr Colonlnl Cenlrnl Snvfn~R nnnk. Fsn n cnrpc\r:nfnn of th(' <br />lInlted Stnten (,f ~mer~c:1Vi hnR enURed thlFl ^RRI~nment of lhlrtJ:::1JtE' to he <br />(!}:ecuted by ItR ptcJM:dr:nt cCnnd ItR Coqmrnte Sent to he hurennto ilfflxed <br />the 15th dny of AUGUST In the yenr 19RR. <br /> <br />) . <br />(;lJLUNIAI. CENTRAL S^VIlI<:S IWIK-/rSIl <br /> <br />Ity: KA~PH<!~~~E <br /> <br />PRESIDENT <br /> <br />State of Hich!gnn) <br />) <br />County of Hocomb ) <br /> <br />~- <br />.' ,., V <br />AtteRt: " ~ <br />. ,TARY <br /> <br />On the Dnte Above stntr.tI. heforl' me, it Notnry I'nhlle. dilly C"lllTlml!intl1l1cd <br />-nnd qualified in ilnd for Raid County nnd StatE', PenlOn:lII~' (":110(" the 'lhove <br />nnmed RALPH E. WATKIK5AND FRANK A. BERNABEI or Cnlonl"l Cent,,1 Rovlnr." <br />nnnk, FSB who are personn] I~' kno,,,," to me to he the ldent lea L rer!<onR whose <br />UllmeR are affixed to the above ilRst.gnment of 11ortg01gc nn the EXECUTIVE VICE <br />PRESIDENT l1nd SECARETARY of An f d (:llrpnr:l t I nil, nnd they <br />"('knowledged the instrument to he their vohll1t.'Iry net nut! deed. m~d the <br />voluntary act and deed of the sald Corporation. <br /> <br />WITNESS my hnnd and oUielal Renl. In IUchf~nnl in snid Cnunty. the date <br />nforeBaid. <br /> <br />IIlENE H IACOBELLI <br />~PuCMk:. Mocomb County, MI <br />air C_ EIlpIIM Juty 22. 1 <MJ <br /> <br />J } <br />.... ~" <br />, t~kiFUNDlt::t~;=: <br /> <br /> <br />DOCUMENT CONTROL DEPARTMENT <br />AFTER RECORDING PLEASE SEND TO: 155 N LAKE ^VENUF <br /> <br />P^SADENA. CA 9 1109 <br /> <br />ny commle.lon CX(lt reA: <br />